Master Cleanse! aka Lemonade Diet .. My 30 day story.



  • lcransaw
    lcransaw Posts: 95
    Thank you for sharing your story. I am glad that others can learn from your experience.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    thanks for sharing! yuo are so right there really is no easy way out. just have to suck it up and put in the hard work!
  • Bwolfe2
    Bwolfe2 Posts: 1
    I also appreciate your effort to warn people about what you think is wrong with the mc, but keep in mind you were doing it for the wrong reasons. The mc is used to rid yourself of toxins and can be used as a mindfulness technique, not to lose weight. If your planning on just losing weight , this is not the way to go about it, obviously.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I also appreciate your effort to warn people about what you think is wrong with the mc, but keep in mind you were doing it for the wrong reasons. The mc is used to rid yourself of toxins and can be used as a mindfulness technique, not to lose weight. If your planning on just losing weight , this is not the way to go about it, obviously.

    It has no effect on toxins, obviously.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I also appreciate your effort to warn people about what you think is wrong with the mc, but keep in mind you were doing it for the wrong reasons. The mc is used to rid yourself of toxins and can be used as a mindfulness technique, not to lose weight. If your planning on just losing weight , this is not the way to go about it, obviously.

    Uh huh........
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I also appreciate your effort to warn people about what you think is wrong with the mc, but keep in mind you were doing it for the wrong reasons. The mc is used to rid yourself of toxins and can be used as a mindfulness technique, not to lose weight. If your planning on just losing weight , this is not the way to go about it, obviously.

    Can you please give us the name of the "toxins" we are trying to get rid of?
  • danabali
    danabali Posts: 6 Member
    I think I was the first person in this thread to support the cleanse, and since it was my first post on the forum, many people either called me a troll, or accused me of making a secondary account just to post opposing information.

    I assure you, that was not the case. I have had a MFP account for over a year, but have never used the forums before making my previous post, I was simply using it to track food and exercise. When I made my post about the master cleanse, I was currently doing it, and browsing the internet for all things master cleanse when I came across this thread and just had to comment.

    I have now done the Master Cleanse twice, and both times, I gained the weight back that I lost, and a little more, too. That was fine with me, because I was expecting those results.

    I'll reiterate, this is NOT a diet. We can argue about the merits of detox and "toxins", but both me and my girlfriend (she did it with me both times) have seen positive results.

    The cleanse helped to:

    Quit smoking (we both find the thought and smell of cigarettes to be revolting now, and smoked right up until our first cleanse)

    My girlfriend who was previously only able to go number 2 about twice a week is now having daily movements ever since our first cleanse

    Improved, clearer skin - immediately noticeable while cleansing but with lasting effects

    On days where we eliminated excessive amounts of old, sticky blackish stuff - it literally felt like a huge burden had been lifted as soon as we were free of it.

    Changed our entire outlook on food and food culture and made us both more conscious of the effects of everything we put into our bodies

    We didn't have any negative side effects, except cravings for solid food on days 2 and 3.

    I understand this is mostly a weight loss forum, and I would not recommend this program for weight loss, but it is unfair to say it is without its merits for other purposes.

    MOST people who do the cleanse do not have the same experience as the OP, most people make it through the Master Cleanse with no adverse reactions. For those that do experience bad side effects or symptoms, even the most hardcore Master Cleanse supporter would tell them to nibble on something slowly and begin breaking the fast, rather than suffer through feeling so bad.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I also appreciate your effort to warn people about what you think is wrong with the mc, but keep in mind you were doing it for the wrong reasons. The mc is used to rid yourself of toxins and can be used as a mindfulness technique, not to lose weight. If your planning on just losing weight , this is not the way to go about it, obviously.

    Can you please give us the name of the "toxins" we are trying to get rid of?

    ^This x a googolplex.

    Please for the love of all that isn't pseudoscience, stop talking about the mythical TOXINZ!
  • spookiefox
    spookiefox Posts: 215 Member
    I will say that it is not unusual to get ill while doing the MC because your body is trying to eradicate the same bacteria, toxins, and parasites that cause illnesses.

    No it isn't.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I will say that it is not unusual to get ill while doing the MC because your body is trying to eradicate the same bacteria, toxins, and parasites that cause illnesses.

    No it isn't.

  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I tried to do a 'detox' once. It was a relaxed one as far as they go, letting me eat some meat & veges, I'd never try a liquids one. But I had to take these tablets that were meant to flush your system. After less than a week of it I found myself sobbing over the ironing board because I was so upset about having to go to work that day..... and I realised that **** ain't right. It messed with my brain chemicals =/
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    My experience with the Master Cleanse -

    I did this in 1996 for a few days, I did not get sick, but I only did it for a weekend, I got too hungry and went back to food. I may have lost 5 pounds, but then i gues I regained it because I sure am fatter today than I was in 1996.

    It was that weekend that my boyfriend's family was making the best grilled steak and I could not have any because I was doing the master cleanse grrrr...

    it does make a pretty good lemonade drink if you want to make a nice drink. I think that may be the only good thing about it. Mix lemons with distilled water and molasses, voila! delicious lemonade! but thats it.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I have found it to be very successful so far. In the first week I've dropped 8-10 pounds. And while I really desire some delicious food, I find that it is easy not to cheat simply because there is no actual "eating". Those senses are simply disengaged.

    Call me crazy, but i think those "senses" that are "simply disengaged" are part of your body's natural survival???!!! Eating is pretty essential to life, no? I mean, of course you CAN live off of liquid diets (people in comas...etc. do it), but why on earth would you want to train your body NOT to function properly if you don't need to? How about listening to your body's signals and following them?
  • shanmt
    Hello all,

    I did the MC last October as I was feeling ill and getting frequent headaches and wanted to see if it was diet related and to have a body reset. It was my first cleanse ever. I was 31 and weighed about 150lbs. I did the cleanse for 2 weeks without cheating and felt fantastic during and after. I thought the first 2/3 days were the hardest. I wanted to eat solid food but wasn't hungry but noticed after the first 2/3 days my cravings went from salty food to craving raw food. I didn't do the SW flush but took a laxative tea before bed nightly and found the results in the end were the same. I lost 12lbs, had high energy, my headaches were gone after day 3 and my skin was glowing by the end. I did have the coated tongue during the cleanse and stopped the cleanse after 2 weeks when it went back to normal. After the cleanse was done I kept a healthy diet and only went up 2 lbs (water weight - not all my water weight came back as I was inflamed and retaining water I realized after) in the week that followed so stayed down a total of 10lbs and was down a pant size. My health issues ended up being due to an auto-immune disorder and I am on methotrexate right now and considering doing the cleanse again this year to see if my symptoms improve as they did last year. Right now I am vegetarian and only eat whole wheat but if the MC makes a difference in the way I feel I will switch to a vegan and gluten-free diet. I see my Rheumatologist next Friday and if he says it is okay I will start a 2 week cleanse and see if it helps me again this year. I actually don't think it is a healthy thing to do. An elimination diet is much safer but I felt great doing it (and after) so willing to try it again for the quick relief in inflammation and feeling of well being. It is not for everyone and not healthy, but it did give me immediate relief and made a diet change much easier. Thought I'd share my experience. But I did it to feel better quickly and the weight I lost was mostly water weight. It stayed off because I avoided salty foods and ate mainly a vegetarian and anti-inflammatory diet after so my body didn't retain as much water. I still have inflammation and pain from my disorder but it isn't as bad as it was before the cleanse and diet improvements.
  • angelchannelsmith
    The Master Cleanse is not meant to be a quick weight loss aid. It is a fast that detox the body. Losing some weight is a byproduct for some... and you do lose a lot of water weight and crap lodged up in the body... and yeah... the water weight comes back quickly. WHY? because it is not a weight loss aid OR a diet plan. I wish people would stop using THE CLEANSE for a weight loss aid and then complain about the weight gain... it gives Stanley Burroughs book, The Master Cleanse a bad taste/bad name.

    I just want to add that I do the Stanley Burroughs, Master Cleanse... Every season change... or when I am going through in any type of physical or mental strain, when I have eaten too much junk and my energy is very low over a period of time.

    I have been doing Stanley Burroughs, Master Cleanse for over 4 years now. I enjoy the feeling, my mood be up, and I am more loving, caring and understanding. I notice that my skin is softer, my teeth is brighter white and all my joint pain and back pain is relieved. I had stomach issues for years and Stanley Burroughs, Master Cleanse cured my illnesses. When my tests results all came back good. My doctor's ask me what I did I do and I just smile and said nothing. I know if I told them it was Stanley Burroughs, Master Cleanse, they would think I was the Anyway... I would talk about the weight loss part... but thats not the point of the post.

    I just want to add, the way i lose my weight is by doing 30 -40 mins of aerobic exercise. 15-20 mins in the morning on an empty stomach and 15-20 in the evening. I strength train with my Total Gym 3-4 times week until my routine is done (no checking time here). my dietary needs: I cut back 1/2 the carbs 5 days out the week, on Wednesdays I eat my normal portion of carbs and Sundays i eat whatever I want in moderation( I try to eat low glycemic index carbs at all times). I TRY to eat healthy and clean as much as possible (but hey I grew up in the early 80's... enough said lol) However, I am human we all fall off the horse...I just claim back on and ride it likes is a mechanical bull lol lol.

    So my point is this: Stanley Burroughs, Master Cleanse is not a FADE DIET it's much much more VALUABLE THAN THAT (not shouting, just excited and an ya know) !!!


    Matthew 16:26
    What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    Astrology, detoxing and bible quotes.

    I'm convinced.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The Master Cleanse is not meant to be a quick weight loss aid. It is a fast that detox the body. Losing some weight is a byproduct for some... and you do lose a lot of water weight and crap lodged up in the body... and yeah... the water weight comes back quickly. WHY? because it is not a weight loss aid OR a diet plan. I wish people would stop using THE CLEANSE for a weight loss aid and then complain about the weight gain... it gives Stanley Burroughs book, The Master Cleanse a bad taste/bad name.

    I just want to add that I do the Stanley Burroughs, Master Cleanse... Every season change... or when I am going through in any type of physical or mental strain, when I have eaten too much junk and my energy is very low over a period of time.

    I have been doing Stanley Burroughs, Master Cleanse for over 4 years now. I enjoy the feeling, my mood be up, and I am more loving, caring and understanding. I notice that my skin is softer, my teeth is brighter white and all my joint pain and back pain is relieved. I had stomach issues for years and Stanley Burroughs, Master Cleanse cured my illnesses. When my tests results all came back good. My doctor's ask me what I did I do and I just smile and said nothing. I know if I told them it was Stanley Burroughs, Master Cleanse, they would think I was the Anyway... I would talk about the weight loss part... but thats not the point of the post.

    I just want to add, the way i lose my weight is by doing 30 -40 mins of aerobic exercise. 15-20 mins in the morning on an empty stomach and 15-20 in the evening. I strength train with my Total Gym 3-4 times week until my routine is done (no checking time here). my dietary needs: I cut back 1/2 the carbs 5 days out the week, on Wednesdays I eat my normal portion of carbs and Sundays i eat whatever I want in moderation( I try to eat low glycemic index carbs at all times). I TRY to eat healthy and clean as much as possible (but hey I grew up in the early 80's... enough said lol) However, I am human we all fall off the horse...I just claim back on and ride it likes is a mechanical bull lol lol.

    So my point is this: Stanley Burroughs, Master Cleanse is not a FADE DIET it's much much more VALUABLE THAN THAT (not shouting, just excited and an ya know) !!!


    Matthew 16:26
    What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

    Did you even read the OP?
  • angelchannelsmith
    Why not...I am a free spirit enough said.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Why not...I am a free spirit enough said.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Why not...I am a free spirit enough said.

    Huh?? So basically, you (angelchannelsmith) and shanmt decided to not read the original post and hijack a thread....which then you decided to resurrect/answer previous comments to you a month later.

    Oh. Okay.