"Seeing" your Personal Trainer? Help!



  • sliuba
    sliuba Posts: 28 Member
    The brilliant Jof just reminded me of something. You didn't by chance go out with a personal trainer who moonlights as a Nurse and bodyguard and who also is a member on MFP did you?

    This story does sound remarkably familiar...even including the trainer's friendship with the girl's father.

    No, though he is the one that showed me MFP he doesn't have a lot of spare time because he works so much. And he's a former Marine.. I doubt he'd take criticism very well on here. -_-
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The brilliant Jof just reminded me of something. You didn't by chance go out with a personal trainer who moonlights as a Nurse and bodyguard and who also is a member on MFP did you?

    This story does sound remarkably familiar...even including the trainer's friendship with the girl's father.

    No, though he is the one that showed me MFP he doesn't have a lot of spare time because he works so much. And he's a former Marine.. I doubt he'd take criticism very well on here. -_-

    This particular person was (supposedly) ex-Coast Guard, although his Coast Guard related photos were all public domain, so I doubt that was true either.

    There were several details between his story and yours that were similar...but the timeline doesn't work out since his post was a couple of months ago and he was asking for MFP's collective advice on whether or not he should start "seeing" a client of his. He was friends with the girl's father. She was considerably younger than him (low-20s, don't remember the exact age). I tried finding the post, but failed.
  • sliuba
    sliuba Posts: 28 Member
    The brilliant Jof just reminded me of something. You didn't by chance go out with a personal trainer who moonlights as a Nurse and bodyguard and who also is a member on MFP did you?

    This story does sound remarkably familiar...even including the trainer's friendship with the girl's father.

    No, though he is the one that showed me MFP he doesn't have a lot of spare time because he works so much. And he's a former Marine.. I doubt he'd take criticism very well on here. -_-

    This particular person was (supposedly) ex-Coast Guard, although his Coast Guard related photos were all public domain, so I doubt that was true either.

    There were several details between his story and yours that were similar...but the timeline doesn't work out since his post was a couple of months ago and he was asking for MFP's collective advice on whether or not he should start "seeing" a client of his. He was friends with the girl's father. She was considerably younger than him (low-20s, don't remember the exact age). I tried finding the post, but failed.

    That's very interesting... in my case he isn't much older than me, 27, but he is friends with my father because of their all-ages, co-ed indoor soccer team. (teammates range from ages 16-45, it's not uncommon for this.)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The brilliant Jof just reminded me of something. You didn't by chance go out with a personal trainer who moonlights as a Nurse and bodyguard and who also is a member on MFP did you?

    This story does sound remarkably familiar...even including the trainer's friendship with the girl's father.

    No, though he is the one that showed me MFP he doesn't have a lot of spare time because he works so much. And he's a former Marine.. I doubt he'd take criticism very well on here. -_-

    This particular person was (supposedly) ex-Coast Guard, although his Coast Guard related photos were all public domain, so I doubt that was true either.

    There were several details between his story and yours that were similar...but the timeline doesn't work out since his post was a couple of months ago and he was asking for MFP's collective advice on whether or not he should start "seeing" a client of his. He was friends with the girl's father. She was considerably younger than him (low-20s, don't remember the exact age). I tried finding the post, but failed.

    That's very interesting... in my case he isn't much older than me, 27, but he is friends with my father because of their all-ages, co-ed indoor soccer team. (teammates range from ages 16-45, it's not uncommon for this.)

    Hmmm...yeah, okay, different guy.

    But anyhow, sorry for the mini-thread hi-jack. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do going forward.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I don't know, of course, but it sounds like he does NOT consider you his girlfriend. Ask him. If he does, you need to get a new gym and a new trainer so that the relationship is not a conflict of interest with his job. If he doesn't, you need to get a new gym and a new trainer because you need to get over this guy.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    "F" Buddies.
    Except you are paying him.

    'Nuff said.

    And this^^^^^^^ For sure......

    Wait... Doe's that still make him her trainer? Or does he now officially fall under the title of "Manwhore"????

  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    You seem incredibly introspective and bright. I don't think the problem is that he is your trainer, or even the flack the other women are giving you. I think the problem is that you just aren't getting your emotional needs met. While some women would thrive on the "man up" attitude your man seems to be giving you, most need to feel supported and validated. This man might be terrific in many respects, and you might love him, but he's not meeting your needs and he's not going to. You should break it off or at least give it some space and consider what kind of relationship would really make you happy.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Sometimes it does feel that way. I don't feel treated like a lady because he has never taken me on a real date before in 6 months. I wasn't even allowed to buy him a Christmas present with the "Hens" bought one and he gladly accepted it. I just keep thinking it will get better once he's past his commitment issues. Maybe I'm just blinded by a one-sided love. And it's based on the fact I put my trust in him because he's my trainer and has made me succeed so much.

    Kid, this is not a healthy relationship, and I gotta think you know that on some level. Your needs should be equal with your partner's, but this relationship is seriously out of balance. You're young, and if you start recognizing and correcting these kinds of relationship patterns now, you're going to be a lot happier later.
  • nadia_in_mtl
    The guy is a douche canoe. He should have stuck up for you to the bullying biddies. You have been given lots of great advice in this thread, and I hope you follow it. I also hope that you genuinely believe you deserve so much better. DTMFA!