What have you lost since Jan01/01/13



  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I only lost about 2.5 lbs and went from size 34 to size 32 pants... (was close before).. I have lost 119 since 1/1/12 but my loss has slowed by design. I actually hit my goal this week and have just readjusted to bring body fat percentage to closer to where I want it to be.
  • lifeviabrittney
    lifeviabrittney Posts: 28 Member
  • Angel0787
    Angel0787 Posts: 190 Member
    I am down 4.6 lbs, and 14.5 inches since January 1st.
  • lovinglifemore
    lovinglifemore Posts: 49 Member
    8 pounds and a pant size! lost a few aches and pains and gained some flexibility!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    5.9 lbs.
  • Kswiss83
    Kswiss83 Posts: 41 Member
    Since Jan 1-I have lost 11.5lbs. I'm hoping for a successful month of February as well.
  • Down 14 pounds since 1/1/13 and hoping for another pound or so when I weigh in on Tuesday. :)
  • KristinD1977
    KristinD1977 Posts: 100 Member
    my mind

    This and 3lbs... which may very well have been what my mind weighed...

    Unless there was a lot on it, it could have weighed much more.
  • sweetkarin
    sweetkarin Posts: 13 Member
    since January 7th i have lost 8.4 pounds and 61.125 inches
  • pootle69
    pootle69 Posts: 35 Member
    15 pounds down since the 1st of Jan. Hoping to lose another 10 in the next 6 weeks as I have a wedding to go to and think I will feel better if I have lost the additional 10 pounds. Still a lot to go after that, but will be happy if I can hit the wedding goal first :-)

    Feel free to add me for support
  • 20lbs down since...well 3 weeks ago. Lost 10 the first...3 the second...7 the third week. Feeling stronger, better, faster...YOUNGER...hahaha...I'm not that old...just 42...but still I had been feeling 76. My 18 year old daughter joined me last week...she is down 4 lbs already...so proud of her!
  • Hey...don't let a little setback get you off course. Just stay true to keeping track...watch the calories...stay under the daily amount...the weight will come off. And, in the course of all that, you will slowly learn how to live like this all the time. THAT is the key to staying healthy. And you are so young and beautiful...imagine what you will look like at size 12...then 10....then 6!! The power is within you sweetie! You can...and will...do it!!!!!!
  • Well so far 5 pounds! Super happy!
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    10lbs, 30 inches :)
  • I lost 12 lbs as of today. I had lost @ 30 lbs last year and gained 20 lbs back so I am just yo-yo-ing. I'm getting the message that I need to stay on a plan more so than not and not just to lose but to maintain when I get there... Thanks for the topic!
  • I have lost 16.3 as of this morning. I started January 1st also. I'd still like to lose about 80 more. My husband has lost (roughly) 25 lbs. LOVE myfitnesspal!
  • rachelmcooper
    rachelmcooper Posts: 1 Member
    I feel the same way too because I lost track about. I have been under depression and stress the same way.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I started on January 2 and lost 17 pounds so far. I'd like to lose at least 90 pounds more.