Lost any or all respect for Lance Atrmstrong?



  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm such a sap! But I remember back in the day seeing him bike and just being awestruck at his ability. I'm not athletic and I've always admired this ability in others, be it swimming or gymnastics or tennis or running, whatever. It is amazing to see others push the human body, you know? Then to find out he was cheating all along, and he was a big bully that wrecked others' lives...I almost feel hurt by it, for my gullibility in admiring such a person.

    Really honest and really sweet :)
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    he may be morally bankrupt, but I certainly can't bike like that- blood doping or no! I have to respect the accomplishment if not the method of achieving it.

    It's kind of the same way I feel about the guys who go for the home run record while on steroids, I don't respect them necessarily as people, but I probably couldn't even get ONE home run!
  • geral4479WECHANGED
    I agree. I have lost respect for him...all respect.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Who cares?
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    Screw 'im.

    I have more respect for the single mom on MFP who's lost 50 pounds while working two jobs - all with no other drugs than perhaps caffeine and Ibuprofen...

    It just goes to show how we inappropriately label people as "celebrities" and then let them become more significant than the rest of us.

    Personally I love seeing people like him come crashing back to reality in a big giant ball of blazing failure...
  • dtreg35
    dtreg35 Posts: 93
    Who cares?

    good question
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I hate the fact that he had the audacity to sue people who claimed he used banned substances, and that he ruined the reputations of other riders and bullied them. But, I gotta say: You cannot censure him or hate him for using illegal aids. That is how you win in cycling. Always has been; Maybe always will be. Eddie Merckx used Reactivan. Other guys before him used amphetamines. In 1886, there was a rider who died after using cocaine and caffeine. I believe all but one or two of the last 10 Tour de France winners have been caught cheating. You just don't win in cycling without cheating.
    And, we reward the winners. So . . . what do you expect?

    Sad truth. In big sports there is too much money and too little concern for the long-term health of the athletes involved. Very much like big horse racing and the top of the show circuits. Only these are people, not animals, and they can choose not to participate. But would I? If someone waved millions under my nose for doing something I was good at a little better by doing drugs?

    Hell no, I'd probably take the money. Because that's how you get what little power there is in the world. Money.

    Sad, but if you want to change it, change our species, change our societies. Do I respect the guy? Nah. But at least he's not running sweat shops in third world countries. He made his money sweating on his bike and doing drugs to peddle faster.

    The lawsuits, though, that's corporate dirty. I hope his victims have legal recourse now that he admitted what he did, but I doubt they will.
  • dtreg35
    dtreg35 Posts: 93
    imo anyone who completly dominates there athletic event for a long time is probably cheating. If they become more dominate as they get older too like bonds and clemens. I have always thought Lance was on ped's. I think usain bolt is on ped's also and maybe even phelps.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    OMG!!! An athlete was cheating?!?!?!?! HOW CAN THIS BE?!?!?! Look let's be honest, everyone is looking for an edge and it involves a lot of cheating going on everywhere. I will guarantee it and sign it in blood that many of the cyclists are cheating, the only reason why they haven't been caught or anyone cares is because they are not winning.
    Why not look inward and really evaluate yourselves. How many of you can honestly say you have never taken the easy way out, never looked for a competitive edge, never lied or cheated at something? Hell, how many of you have tried diet pills, miracle workouts, miracle weight loss drugs, miracle muscle enhancers? If you're not sticking to just eating right and exercise you are trying to cheat to get that edge, legal or not. If you say you're clean you are absolutely full of it and less of a person for lying about it.
    Now seriously, how many of you actually even watch the the tour De France?!?! How many of you can name 5 other cyclists in the race? Probably less than 1% of you without CHEATING and running to google. Stop buying into every load of crap the media feeds you and grow up. Your holier than thou routines are stupider than an entire season of Here comes Honey boo boo.
  • ModoVincere
    ModoVincere Posts: 530 Member
    and life goes on...for lance and more importantly, me....I have more to worry about than his confession.
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Not to mention if you are going to hate on someone, at least learn to spell his name A-R-M-S-T-R-O-N-G, not that hard, we're pretty much talking a compound word here
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Nike drops Armstrong, that makes news. Nike sweatshops in Indonesia? No one cares.

    Refocus that moral outrage, people.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    He's a cheater and it's lame.

    But all-in-all I find it hard to care about him in particular since apparently EVERYONE cheated.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Doesn't impact me in the least. I still like the guy and his doping has zero effect on me. He still won seven Tour de France races. You can not make me believe that he was the only one there that doped. The only reason why they singled him out is because of all his wins.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    The Armstrong threads were good fun when most of MFP was still defending him and denying his guilt.

    Now the fun's over, it seems.

    So at this stage I've lost interest in the Armstrong conversation.
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I didn't quote but I see one other poster has mentioned blood doping, and that is what I was under the belief he had been accused of. IS this the case? If so do you all know what blood doping is?? And do you realise if that was what he was doing that I would put bets on that pretty much every athlete at that time was doing it. It was the in thing and usually did not use anything outside of the athletes own blood to give them an extra pint of blood to boost the red blood cells therefore the oxygen supply to the muscles etc. I remember learning about this in physiology I was in college in those days. I'm not an expert, and may have got the detail wrong, but seriously, it was the in thing. Not saying it was right... and yes if he lied ok, some feel disgust, but this whole thing was a witch hunt from start to finish. Why suddenly after so many years did people start coming forwards about this? Why did he never fail a drug test? Another point , on the athlete that came forwards and had to pay his winnings back and said he was pressurised by Lance, heck, doesn't that go back to the old saying "If I told you to put your hand in a fire....." Guilty? Innocent? I don't care anymore, he's human and has flaws like we all do. He also beat the odds of cancer and did alot of great work for Livestrong, sorry but in my opinion those things make him a champ where it matter whether he is a "cheater" in the cycling world or not.
  • EstiloPanama
    I think everyone makes mistakes. EVERYONE. It's' just that ours aren't as publicized. It's not like he killed somebody. Besides, we don't really know the exact details of what went on. Okay, he's a cheater. He's human. At least he has made a lot of great contributions in society, unlike many self righteous people. There's worse people out there than someone who "doped up" to be elite on some two wheeled mechanism for metal trophies that mean nothing in the after life.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    Eh. I don't think it makes a bit of difference. He took ENHANCEMENT drugs, but the talent had to be there from the get go. It doesn't magically make you able to do things you couldn't before. Same with baseball players, swimmers, ect. I think if someone wants to take those things and compete, they honestly should be able to.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    The Armstrong threads were good fun when most of MFP was still defending him and denying his guilt.

    Now the fun's over, it seems.

    So at this stage I've lost interest in the Armstrong conversation.

    there are still a surprising few that still believe he is innocent and a few others who still have full respect for him.

    the Cult of Armstrong is strong.

    and he's not a horrible person because he took PEDs he's a horrible person because he crushed people's lives through threats of financial ruin and lawsuits.