40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I018485... Do they use wheat pasta or normal white pasta?

    I'd love it if I were able to live some where that I was able to walk every where. It takes me a half hour just to drive to the nearest grocery store.
  • I018485
    I018485 Posts: 12 Member
    @ tron3002, we use normal white pasta, about 70 grams per portion. It’s small…
    The problem in Rome is that the commuting to work takes at least 2 hours (1 each way) and, then, we have to walk so much b/c there is not parking and we end up parking so far away. Public transportation is even worse, running from the bus to the metro, etc. The good part is that we burn so many calories every day! I would say a minimum of 1 hour per day.
    California is “slightly” different :-D
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    paulkj....I just have to mention that your picture is soooo cute. Are they your dogs?

    I did 45 minutes of Zumba tonight and then went to my weight lose workshop, which I really do not think that I am getting anything our of. No one seems to understand that I am stuck and will not lose any more weight.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hi everybody! :flowerforyou:

    singfree, I hope things calm down for you soon at work. At least you have your trip to Europe to look forward to right now, so that must feel nice. I continue to see improvements with cutting down on the carbs. I'm still eating quite a few carbs, but I'm trying to make sure they are very healthy ones. I think one of my problems since our move is that finding whole grains over here is tougher than I would have thought. I mean, they don't sell whole wheat hamburger buns or anything like that in the commissary. So, despite the fact I make my own bread, for those odd items that I eat every few weeks (like a hamburger bun or an English muffin), I'm eating more processed carbs each day than I was before. So I'm being very aware of that now, and cutting out those refined carbs seems to be making all of the difference in the world. I chalk it up as another lesson learned, that's for sure. And next time I want a turkey burger, I'll be firing up the bread machine and making my own whole wheat buns!

    duffy, congratulations on getting through CLX! It feels so good to know you've stuck with a program like that when it's completed, doesn't it? I'm so sorry to hear about your foot, though. Keep us posted, because a stress fracture doesn't sound good. :frown:

    zebras, I hear you about the husbands. Mine has finally got back to working out...for three days. And I could see the difference on him. :noway: It takes me months to change my body, but he can do it in three days. :grumble: Not fair.

    paulkj, I agree with Swissmiss that, sometimes, we just need a break. As long as you are aware of what you are eating, you will be good.

    Swissmiss, I'm sorry your weight loss workshop isn't working for you. Do they not believe in plateaus? Are they not helping you work your way through it? Let us know if there is anything we can help you with. :flowerforyou:

    Enjoyed another tough workout today. My eating is clean and, as I said yesterday, the cutting back in my carbs has really cut down on my cravings. It is so nice not to feel like each day is a struggle to stay away from the chocolate. We're still in late winter here as it has been raining all day. But we're getting some green buds on the trees, so I know spring is on its way. Warmer weather always makes me more inclined to try to slim down, so I'm looking forward to that.

    Hope this finds everybody doing well.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Stiring, a great report on carbs that we all need to take to heart. During the week I seem to have a lot better control over what goes into my body. Like you, if I limit "bad" carbs, the weight seems to take care of itself. This will not happen as easily if I did not exercise hard. Too many people choose either diet or exercise, not both. For me, It just does't work that way. I need to go at it full bore until I get the job done. Unfortunately, the job is never finished....

    Thanks, everyone for thinking of me. Month end is crazy around here, especially during the first day or two of closing. Since we are not working on Good Friday, we need to have everything in order by tomorrow.

    Our Grandson is coming for an overnight visit today. I will get to see him for a little while after work and before I have to leave for our Church choir rehearsal. This is also a busy week for the choir at Church (I'm the choir director). We have a service Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil on Saturday, and of course Easter Sunday. After Easter we give the choir a bit of a break by giving them easier anthems to learn.

    Starting tomorrow the weather is going to turn beautiful. It's been raining for days now, but today it is finally clearing. The next four days are to be sunny and bright. On Friday and Saturday we might be in the low 80s, an unusual occurance in PA this early in the Spring. We're planning to take a drive to Valley Forge (remember George Wahington?) for a nice walk through the park. It's a wonderful and peaceful setting around 20 miles west of Philadelphia.

    Sorry for the rambling, but I have Spring Fever!

    Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Hump Day on a short week :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Thanks for all the well wishes on my foot - I really don't know what is going on with it. Crazy thing is it is fine when I run just sore after especially if I am barefoot. That is why I don't think it is a stress fracture - I'm sure it would hurt while running - the good news is that this week is a low mileage week on my training schedule so I may just take it really easy on my long run.

    My food this week has been terrible TOM cravings for salt so it looks like I really need to up my water and try and flush some of these baked lays out of my system.

    We leave for FL on friday so I probably will miss the next couple of check in days. :glasses: Enjoy your Easter weekend.
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    Hi All-I don't feel that I am doing so well this week either....this New England weather has taken a toll on me-down in the dumps.
    I had to push myself to get on the tread mill yesterday-when I did it-I felt great! I skipped supper as I had a large salad with tuna on it around 2, and I was just not hungry even after running to the store, so I had a cup of water.
    Well, to the gym I go today, so will see how it goes the rest of the week-I am not too hopeful-this weather has been sooooo depressing!!! I could never live in OR (but according to Twilight-its good for vampires) :)

    P.S. Congrats to those that have Good Friday off...my company does not include this as a holiday :(
  • sherdou
    sherdou Posts: 4
    Good morning!

    I also live near Sea World. Small World!!:smile: (sherdou@sbcglobal.net) Email me if you want to meet up sometime.

    I've been MIA since I first posted. Went out of town for the weekend and got totally out of control. Trying to get back on track.
    My goal was to track every day, post every day, and get some activity. :sad:
    Signed my 16 yr old son up for the gym and took him last night so we got about an hour workout - HR monitor said I burned 271 calories. Also pedometer logged almost 14K steps.

    Hoping to get out for a run or to the gym later today.

    Have a great day everyone!!:happy:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning All:

    Duffyz, I hear your about TOM, its killing my scale this week. I haven't been too bad with cravings or overeating, but after last week's success, I hate seeing the temporary weight gain caused by it.

    I thought the sun would be out today, but its still gloomy. I dont' know if my lunch bunch will want to try for a walk at lunch. Most of them are a lot taller than me, so it helps to push me to walk a little faster than I would on my own. At least now they don't have to slow down for me to keep up with them.
  • JuliaSoCal
    Please give details about what "eating clean" means.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Please give details about what "eating clean" means.

    For me, it means eating less processed foods and more "real" food, as in foods in their original form. Such as, instead of potato chips, eat a potato. Instead of banana pudding, eat a banana. Whole grains, whole foods, not foods that have been artificially created to be "low-fat" "sugar-free" or "fat-free" because usually additives and chemicals are added to make up for what was taken out.

    Many people will not eat things that have more than five ingredients in their labels.

    Others can chime in with their definitions but for me this is how I define eating clean. Instead of fake food (see CoolWhip) , eat real food.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all!

    Crazy weeks here. Have to work late every day, including Friday.

    I keep saying I am going to go non-processed but have not made it yet. Am planning on trying to do it one day this week.
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    I will keep you all posted on my "break". Just found out that a co-worker of mine has P90X....and yes, she will be copying that as well as Insanity for me. When I get it, I will jump back on the bandwagon.

    Hope all is doing well.:flowerforyou:
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Hey, can I jump in? I'm 46 - I joined several months ago but fell off the wagon over the holidays and on vacation and, well, blah blah blah, you get the picture. I straggled back in to MFP a couple weeks ago.

    My husband and I actually started South Beach about a month ago. We're doing quite well on it. I've lost 5 pounds - not astronomical, but heck, I'll take it! I don't lose weight as fast as I used to.

    Fridays are my weigh days anyway, so I think I'll fit right in here.

    Little Sister
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sure you are welcome LittleSister. I understand falling off the wagon. So, join in have fun.

    Please pray for my family, especially my daughter. She and her husband (and two kids) have lost their apartment. I talked to her on Monday when she was moving all their belongings to storage. She lives 3 1/2 hours away. I expected them to show up at my house yesterday but they didn't show. Their phone is now no longer working and I have no idea where they are.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I018485.... I live in California too... Northern Cal that is.

    Swiss... That is scary. I hate not being able to get a hold of my kids. Anything can happen and I just get so worried. I hope all is well with them.

    Littlesister.... Welcome to the group!

    pauljk..... I wish someone I knew was able to copy P90X. Right now its not in my budget.

    It snowed here last night. I was expecting it to stay a little higher so I didn't put down the umbrella outside. Needless to say it broke in half and broke the table too. Bummer. Well I guess it could have been worse and the tree that split this winter could have gone down. The husband hasn't cut it down yet.

    I cooked up a ton of veggies from the wedding yesterday so I will be eating those the next couple of days. Lots of broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, and bell peppers. the only bad thing is I used a little olive oil to saute up the garlic (lots of it) before I put in the veggies. I know olive oil isn't that bad but I feel if you don't use any oil it would be that much healthier.

    Today I'm gonna bring down my exercise ball and mat. I want to start doing a lot of core training because of my flabby stomach. I saw some of the pictures from the wedding. My body looks OK but why is it that my face looks SOooooooo fat?!!!!!!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Swiss - Prayers for your family -:flowerforyou:

    Just heard about this study yesterday on the Joy Behar show.

    (PhysOrg.com) -- If a middle-aged or older woman with a normal body mass index wants to maintain her weight over an extended period, she must engage in the equivalent of 60 minutes per day of physical activity at a moderate intensity, according to new findings by Harvard researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH)
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Swiss, I'm here for you!

    Cardi, brava (not bravo) to your clean eating!!! Making simple adjustments to one's diet can make a big difference in terms of weight loss as well as general well-being.

    Duffy, I agree with that study. If I don't work out on a daily basis, I get lazy...and fat!

    Tron, you can do it! Don't let the weather get you down. You will feel so much better after a few good workouts!

    Welcome to all the newbies! Please stay with us and post often.

    Thursday, last work day for the week!! We had a long choir rehearsal last night, because the choir is singing for Church services tonight, Saturday and Easter. They do a great job for mostly amateur singers. I am fortunate to have a few trained singers in the group. There are a few of us with degrees in music, which helps the non-trained singers get up to speed faster.

    Tomorrow is reporting day, but I'm not sure if I will be posting since we will be out and about for most of the day. My body is slowly but surely reshaping itself for the better. This week has been a challenge because of work and other commitments. I'm taking one day at a time, but I am really looking down the road eight weeks from today. I want to be in great shape by then and I know that I can do it!

    Have a wonderful weekend and a blessed Easter!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Checking In today as we will be on the road tomorrow. This morning the scale was right where it always is but my spirits are good because during packing I tried on a lot of clothes from last year and most if not all are fitting much better. Hopefully, I won't go too overboard on the vacation. The good thing about staying in a condo is that we eat at least 2 meals there most days.

    Sing: I'm sure the Easter performances will be great - my dad always sang in our church choir and the Easter Cantatas were always my favorite.
  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member
    Hey All - Hope everyone is having a good week. I am preparing myself for the Easter activities coming up in the next few days. Tonight we'll have another family over for dinner, tomorrow and Sat. should be okay (as far as food wise). Then EASTER! We'll be going to brunch at my Mom's after Mass. As long as I keep moving I think I'll be fine.

    I tried on some old clothes recently - it gives me great joy to fit comfortably into clothes that I thought I'd never wear again! I have some cute summer dresses that actually fit well!!!

    Be well