What do you 'hate' about being fat?



  • NoExcusesAllProgress
    My biggest pet peeve about being fat or overweight is my lack of ability to keep up with people who aren't. I was always active and into sports growing up. I excelled in any sport I tried and if I wasn't the best on the field/court, I was damn close to it. Now I feel like I struggle to be just average. Unless of course we're playing football and then you better get out of the way.
  • charlenelockhart3
    For me its not getting any interest from men including my husband. Hes lovely but just once in a while it would be nice to hear him tell me im beautiful x
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    I wouldn't necessarily call myself fat (I'm not even technically overweight), but I hate not being able to fit into my old clothes. I also hate looking into the mirror with clothes on because...I don't know, clothes just make me look heavier than I really am. Not to mention childbirth made my hips wider. :frown:

    Crap, why did I come onto this thread? :indifferent:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    What? We're fat? I'm fat? Oh, *kitten*.

    Ok, no, seriously...

    I hate finding pictures of me six years ago looking simply amazing in a bikini.
    I hate the fact that my boobs have gotten SO big I have to wear 2xl tops, even tho I am a large bottom (which, technically is supposed to be a MEDIUM bottom, but whatevs).
    I hate back fat.
    I hate my knees hurting.
    Not EVER wanting to leave the lights on, if you know what I mean.

    Is that enough?
  • chette78
    chette78 Posts: 82 Member
    I hate them too..even when i was skinny I hated them...One day I will get the reduction i want and so I can have a decent golf swing!
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Back fat....Other than that I think I'm pretty darned hottt!
    this^^^^^ have a closet filled with clothes 6 sizes too small , still thinking in your head your small until you look in the mirror, try on clothes, or still pick out size 6 jeans!
  • workoutchick
    workoutchick Posts: 94 Member
    Not having alot of energy. I usually get realy tired around 2 every day. Wearing the same old clothes that I've worn for years. I don't wear jeans because I never can get a pair to fit me right. I wesr sweatpants every day.
  • 2pupsmama
    I could write a 10 page essay about what I hate about being fat! So I'll keep it short and say EVERYTHING!!!
    Yup, right there with you!
  • bailuna
    bailuna Posts: 56
    Besides 'everything'?

    I hate shopping. I hate finding clothes that I love that I can't get because it doesn't come in my size.

    I hate walking by a mirror/window and catching my reflection and seeing how bad it's gotten.

    I hate pictures being taken of me, which means many memories go undocumented.

    I hate looking at myself naked. I find it unattractive and assume everyone else does as well, including my husband. Even though I know he loves me for me.

    I hate that I can't push myself as hard as I want to when I'm exercising. I get cramps/out of breath/hurt myself. I know it will come in time but I feel lazy even when I'm trying.

    I could go on and on and on.
  • LibertyAkitas
    LibertyAkitas Posts: 14 Member
    The fact that I have let something I CAN control, have control over me...
    That being said, I hate the way being fat makes me feel...That's why I'm here! To do something about it! I'll happily welcome anyone that wants to help me along my journey and gladly help anyone I can...

    My Motto...
    I have A LOT to lose, but so much more to gain!

  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I guess the thing I hate most is the way other people see me. I'm the same person if I'm over weight or a healthy weight. I'm sure some of it is in my head but I'm here to fix that. I'm half way there. Food is not going to control my life any more.
    Other than that I hate the way that the extra weight makes me feel.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    When I weighed almost 400 lbs, what I hated the most about being fat is that most people believe that I am lazy because I was fat.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    Although I am not "fat", but just have room for improvement, I hate the fact that how my pants fit depends on what shirt I'm going to wear with them. Tight pants=Loose shirt........ Loose pants=tight shirt
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I hate that I avoid certain things...like going to the beach or wearing certain clothes...clothes shopping...:(
  • Morningstar93
    STRETCH MARKS!!! made myself thinner, but ruined my skin... :sad: I know its my fault for being a fat kid/teen. but I worked so hard to lose this much.. I wish the stretch marks would go with it.
  • bellajr21
    bellajr21 Posts: 10 Member
    shirts rising up
  • jnn0409
    jnn0409 Posts: 171 Member
    Ohhh I could go on forever, but I think the main one that effects me and my husband: I have ZERO self confidence now, and I put my life on hold when it comes to certain things because I have the frame of mind that "well when i'm skinny we can go to this place or when i'm skinny I can wear that"...I let my weight hold me back from a lot and the sad thing is I used to never be this way, I used to be so confident. Ughhhhh!
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    Being uncomfortable all the time. And sometimes i forget i am fat and then i catch myself in the mirror. :-(
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    I hate so many things, but the worst, is amusement parks....I love parks, and going on rides and rollar coasters, but there are so many I don't even attempt because I'm sure I wont fit into the seat...it's really stressful, and makes me seem lame when I just "dont feel like riding"...that's never true, I'm just scared.