What do you 'hate' about being fat?



  • CiciCanD
    Oh gawwd a lot of things spring to mind, don't they?

    - I hate that special occasions are spent avoiding people because I feel like I want the ground to swallow me.

    - When I'm a passenger in some ones car, I hate that their hand hits my leg every time they change gear.

    - I hate that I can't strut around my apartment naked even when I'm on my own haha.

    - I hate being mortified every time my chair squeaks when I move on it during a lecture.

    - Having to review every picture I'm tagged in on my FB page before allowing it up, because I don't want others to see how fat I've gotten. (less than 5% make the cut!)

    - I hate that I'm left standing there, being ignored, when guys come over to hit on my friends. (Even if they are obnoxious jack *kitten* I would probably hate)

    - I feel ashamed when I buy a candy bar, even if I know it's not for me.

    - Most recently, I hate the fact that I can barely fit down a row of tables in an exam hall, and I'm PETRIFIED of bumping into a desk by accident.

    - I hate being too worried about people looking at me to even go to the bathroom during a movie. The hobbit was not fun.

    - I actually feel bad for my BF when I see photos of us and imagine what people must think

    -I don't look at photos and think 'Aw, that was fun' I only look at them and think how awful/fat etc. I look.

    - I can't get back into the only sport I ever loved, horse riding,until I lose weight.

    Woow that list is longer than I intended!!!! It's good to get these things off my mind though, and hope that's where they stay!!
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    I know exactly what u mean before i got fat i got hit on all the time because im not ugly i just got fat!!!! Im married also but it does feel good to know ur still hot!
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    How I look in the mirror....I see all the rolls and I hate myself for letting myself get this way. i wonder how I have managed to keep my husband for the past 16 years (today).

    Not having the energy to keep up with my kids....I played hide and seek with them tonight and I was so tired after.
  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    - Clothes (Lack of stylish clothes and cost)

    - Wondering if I'll fit in that chair at events (sports games, concerts, theater, etc)

    - Sex (positions, endurance, flexibility, etc)
  • horseyhudson
    Clothes not fitting
    Getting tired really easily
    Having big boobs. DD's suck :(
  • AlyiEli2017
    AlyiEli2017 Posts: 81 Member
    I hate the way I look in my clothes and the way I feel. My self esteem needs a boost also.
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    Feeling limited in movement, back fat and being afraid of what you look like in photos.
  • RissyK1
    RissyK1 Posts: 15 Member
    Being the fattest person at work.
  • belizsera
    belizsera Posts: 82 Member
    I look good standing up but sitting down my fat spreads making me look bigger.
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    Not being able to wear certain clothes. I am really starting to like the store Body Central but they are tight fighting clothes that I am not comfortable wearing but I want to wear them. And getting a pain nerve in my leg because I got fat. :|
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    Not having people look twice or sneaking a glance when I walk by. Working hard to change that.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    I hated myself avoiding pictures. There are many family pics over the past few years I offered to take so I didn't have to be in them.
  • sarahjeangirl
    sarahjeangirl Posts: 8 Member
    I hate:
    * Being limited in terms of clothing; not being able to wear a lot of designers, and having to choose things based on whether or not they will flatter me, or how they might hide my "flaws". Also, a lot of plus-size clothes are UGLY.
    * Thighs chafing on hot days when wearing a skirt.
    * Being uncomfortable in bathing suits.
    * Feeling squished into airplane seats, and constantly being aware of not encroaching onto the space of the person next to me.
    * The awareness of being so out of shape while working out/doing something active.
  • fitnessgal1985
    fitnessgal1985 Posts: 110 Member
    Where should I start? Lol.
  • slane09
    I hate a lot about being fat. It is extremely hard for me to deal with, because in high school I was a size 0. Then I went to college and got off my seizure medicine (Topamax) at the same time. Within 3 months I had gained over 70 pounds. With that rapid weight gain, I also got a lot and I mean A LOT of ugly stretch marks. I lost all my self confidence and hate to dress up and look nice like I used to because I feel awful about myself. I would love to be skinny again and find a way to get rid of my stretch marks so I can get back the self-confidence I once had. I hope by joining here that I will be able to control my weight and get support from you all as well. Best of luck everyone!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Hmm...well I am not fat anymore. And even in my "before" pic I had lost weight from when I was bigger. But I remember this guy opening the door at Starbucks for this pretty little thing who walked in before me and then let go of the door as I was about to enter.

    Now men open doors for me. Give up their seats.

    Doesn't impress me though,because I remember when they didn't.
  • DropOfSweat
    I hate two things. Rubbing thighs and batwings... if you know what I mean.
  • acrynne
    acrynne Posts: 74 Member
    The thing I hate the most is how much my weight has affected my self esteem. For years, I have forced myself through this torture: Every time I walk into a room, I do a quick scan and then I force myself to acknowledge that I am the fattest girl in the room. Of course, from there it's difficult to enjoy myself and the company of others. Because I think that everyone else has gone through this same assessment and that they are all acknowledging in their heads "yep, she's the fattest."

    As the weight comes off, I thought that I might magically get the self esteem that I am lacking.... not so. I am finding that just like I need to work at eating healthy and exercising, I also need to work on gaining confidence.
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    Clothing options. I hate how many designers think that because we're plus sized we have to look like animals in bright colors. We don't want to draw attention to our size!! At least I don't.
  • bcriminger
    bcriminger Posts: 11 Member
    I would say I dislike not being able to fit into what I used to wear. This summer I mostly wore skirts because my shorts didn't fit. When school started I had to get some "fat pants" so I could stay warm. I'm anxious to be out of those and back into my old pants!