Do you have any strange fears?



  • TattooedPinUpGal
    I used to have a fear of COTTON CANDY.

    I got over it last year.....but up UNTIL then.....I was terrified of being around it.

    It mainly was because it resembled cotton balls.....and I was afraid of those too. The stupid little squeaky sound they can make when you hold them...

    It hurt my ears so bad. And then I just kind of avoided them all...

    and then it became a fear.

    But now it is all good. :)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I am mildly claustrophobic. I say mildly because it kicks in at weird times.

    I can be in spaces as small as my bedroom or my bathroom or even my closet without a twitch of fear... but stick me in a car, at night, with poor visibility and I start to freak out.

    OR stick me in a theater... a WIDE OPEN theater with other people, and close the door and I'm freaking out.
  • JulieBGoood
    JulieBGoood Posts: 120 Member
    Birds, especially chickens and turkeys! I won't even eat either one of them at all.
  • SoontirFel
    SoontirFel Posts: 45 Member
    I don't like going in lakes or the ocean. I hate the idea of not knowing what's underneath me... Scares the crap out of me.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Afraid of heights in general and blood (and often wounds). They scare me, give me heart palipitations.

    Though my oddest and is becoming an increasingly more stressful problem is I now imagine in any situation I could get hurt the worst that could happen... I don't know why I do it but I notice it happening in my head all the time and I just try not to think about other things when it does... I have no idea what that would be classified as.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I don't like people (other than my massage therapist) touching my bones (wrist bone, ankle bone, toes, shin bone is the worst!) it just gives me the willies!!!
  • CrystalMarie253
    I am TERRIFIED of crane flies... and yes, I know they are totally harmless. They are just gross and gangly and they have no depth perception! They'll fly right into your face! EEK! And if you hit them their legs fall off!! GROSS!!! It's the dumbest thing. I will climb 100 feet up an antenna radio tower. I'll pick up a snake or a mouse. Spiders are ok with me as long as they don't surprise me... but crane flies, YUCK!!! One of those things gets in my house and someone else needs to remove it! LOL!
  • CrystalMarie253
    I don't like going in lakes or the ocean. I hate the idea of not knowing what's underneath me... Scares the crap out of me.

    ME TOO!!!!! I don't like the unknown AT ALL!! LOL!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 552 Member

    Someone gets there feet near me I tense up, If they don't have socks on I go into panic mode... The feel touch me I FREAK. I am talking scream, cry and move the farthest I can away from them. Family thinks it is funny to put their feet on me while in the car... I am trying to wedge myself against the dashboard and crawl in the area between the windsheild and dashboard. .

    I HATE feet too!!!! I don't like other people's feet and I don't want anyone to touch mine. Getting a foot massage is a nightmare for me and I absolutely cannot touch anyone else's feet. Strangely, my kid's feet don't bother me as much as any other person's. I can manage to help them get their socks on without shuddering.

    Also, I have a strange fear of worms. Running outside in the summer after or while it's rainy is seriously traumatic for me because the worms are all over the sidewalks and it totally freaks me out.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Swallowing. (Yes, yes, feel free to begin the dirty jokes.) But seriously, I get this irrational anxiety about swallowing pills, food, even water sometimes. I feel like I don't remember how to swallow and I'll end up choking to death. It's not bad all the time, but gets worse when I'm particularly stressed out.
  • hisgirl86
    hisgirl86 Posts: 142 Member
    I have a phobia of cotton!! It freaks me out!!

    This is my husband! He freaks out whenever he opens a medicine bottle that has cotton in the top. He makes me take it out while he turns around so he can't see it and puts his fingers in his ears so he can't hear it "squeaking".
  • IndyMario
    IndyMario Posts: 236
    I fear calling people who do not like bacon "friends".

    It just doesn't feel right, ya know?!
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    This and the same as Georgia girl like her i had near drowings too.
    I'm scared of water. Not water like in a glass of water, but pools, ponds, rivers, ocean, etc. Mostly water where I can't see my feet. I'm not afraid of fish or seaweeds, it's just that I get this terrified feeling when I can't see the bottom of the water!!

    I used to live next to water where some people had drowned and I think dat made it worse.. I was always afarid that 'things' under the water would grab my ankles! I'm still terrified to go swim in the ocean.. :huh:

    in addition to these Cats because my cousin's cat attacked me leaving numberous scratches all over my body and the only thing I was doing was sleeping. it even scratched me in the eye.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,812 Member
    im afraid to take a shower if my husbands not home, also if hes gone I sleep on the couch because I want to be between the door and the kids, im afraid someone will break in and killing me or taking my kids, only when my husbands not home though. I also fear when someones at the door, i dont like to open it. i hate people coming over when i dont know about it first.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    ww! I thought I was the only one scared of Chickens.
    Birds, especially chickens and turkeys! I won't even eat either one of them at all.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I don't have have any that I consider 'strange', but I do have a list of phobias.

    I suppose answering the phone is a little odd as fear.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I have a phobia of drowning, I almost drowned when I was 6. My other phobia is mushrooms :\

    Same here with drowning. I almost drowned when I was 2.

    My other fear is not being able to freely move my arms and legs. I can't be tied or pinned or even tangled in a blanket without freaking out. Sometimes I have issues just removing an outer shirt that gets hung up on my under shirt. haha
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    Retractable tape measures. Don't get them near me.
  • BadAzzBea
    BadAzzBea Posts: 461
    Planes.. i hate them. Small children scare me too sometimes.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,812 Member

    Someone gets there feet near me I tense up, If they don't have socks on I go into panic mode... The feel touch me I FREAK. I am talking scream, cry and move the farthest I can away from them. Family thinks it is funny to put their feet on me while in the car... I am trying to wedge myself against the dashboard and crawl in the area between the windsheild and dashboard. .
    ahhh me too, even my own feet, i have to constently "ped egg" my feet because if they get ruff, i cant touch my own feet to even my leg or it freaks me out