Paleo Eating Program



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The primary basis of the Paleo diet is that you only eat foods that were available to man in the paleolithic period. That way all of the foods that came about after the advent of agriculture (grains, dairy, legumes, and processed foods) are out.

    Seems strange...didn't agriculture evolve because it lead to healthier humans?

    No actually once agriicultue developed our brains got smaller and body's got weaker we developed osteoporosis and tooth cavities, cancer etc
    It developed as it was easier and allowed us to stay in one place - easier for community etc

    We started living longer, though, in agricultural societies - cancer and osteoporosis are diseases of old age. And it's hard to deny that quite a lot of the things we take for granted today have been developed after the dawn of agriculture-how could this have happened if it had such a detrimental effect on the brain?
    Our primate ancestors ate a diet that was 95% herbivore and 5% insects/meat - I've been reading some material that shows that increasing the meat consumption, especially fish consumption with Omega-3s- probably helped with human evolutionary brain development.
    But our brains are still fueled by glucose - it is "the only fuel normally used by brain cells". So complex carbohydrates are brain-healthy, not the opposite.

    Low carb diets are linked with decreased exercise capacity and increased fatigue:

    NO we did NOT live longer because of eating grain. Don't confuse correlation with causation. Please. Heart disease started skyrocketing in the mid 1900s and perfectly correlated with reduction of overall fat, esp saturated fats, and the increase of grain and seed oils. However, the ability of the health industry to deal with heart disease through heroic interventions has also increased along with the heart disease. Longevity does NOT necessarily equal a high quality of life.

    Our brain is fuelled by glucose which our bodies easily make from fat and protein. Carbohydrates are the ONLY macronutient that is NOT essential to our body. Saturated, unprocessed fat is "brain healthy".

    Which is it, our brain is fueled by glucose or cho is not essential?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I used to argue that Paleo was dumb. I had reasons for that. But, I'm the type that will try it so I understand why it's dumb and I can argue from an insider point of view. I started a couple weeks ago, and wow. My energy is amazing. I am never hungry. I struggle to get up to my calories. I only need 1700 or 1800. I find it easy, cheap, and super intuitive and I love the food. I love having a pork chop and 3 eggs for breakfast. It definitely holds me until lunch. I love nuts to death.

    My body fat is coming off already. I've been stuck for a long time. I feel great and love this diet. I feel healthy and awesome. I never eat out anymore and I have no urges to snack.

    All I can say is to try it. It's really easy. I do not eat dairy, grains, or any processed food. Yesterday, I cheated by eating some home made cookies. Meh? I'm not completely hard core. But, 99% of the time I am. I love it so far. Processed carbs suck the life out of you.

    THIS^ My utmost RESPECT to someone who actually understands that it's important to have first hand experience in order to have a valid opinion on something.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I don't eat processed foods but I eat legumes and drink milk in my tea. I am the healthiest I have ever been, exercise a lot and feel fantastic because I base my diet mostly on fruits and veggies. I don't need guidelines of a diet like this to dictate what I should or shouldn't eat. I decide that for myself because I listen to my body. If you just listen. it is amazing what it will tell you. I sprout my own beans and seeds now and it makes them a million times more digestible and I feel so much energy. If you take processed food out of anyone's diet, then they will lose weight. I eat that way but I don't put a name to it. I do what works for me. Why not cut and paste what works for you instead of cutting out so many good foods that may or may not be harmful to you specifically.

    If we're saying it works for us, why does that offend you? I don't agree with vegetarians but I don't go around harassing them. If you don't want to do something, then don't. You're saying you do what works for you -- so do I. End of story.

    and I have every right to express to the OP that this diet is completely stupid. They need to hear it from all sides since they asked for opinions. I say following something like this is being a sheep instead of a leader in your own health journey. But I guess not all people can be leaders.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    The primary basis of the Paleo diet is that you only eat foods that were available to man in the paleolithic period. That way all of the foods that came about after the advent of agriculture (grains, dairy, legumes, and processed foods) are out.

    Seems strange...didn't agriculture evolve because it lead to healthier humans?

    No actually once agriicultue developed our brains got smaller and body's got weaker we developed osteoporosis and tooth cavities, cancer etc
    It developed as it was easier and allowed us to stay in one place - easier for community etc

    We started living longer, though, in agricultural societies - cancer and osteoporosis are diseases of old age. And it's hard to deny that quite a lot of the things we take for granted today have been developed after the dawn of agriculture-how could this have happened if it had such a detrimental effect on the brain?
    Our primate ancestors ate a diet that was 95% herbivore and 5% insects/meat - I've been reading some material that shows that increasing the meat consumption, especially fish consumption with Omega-3s- probably helped with human evolutionary brain development.
    But our brains are still fueled by glucose - it is "the only fuel normally used by brain cells". So complex carbohydrates are brain-healthy, not the opposite.

    Low carb diets are linked with decreased exercise capacity and increased fatigue:

    NO we did NOT live longer because of eating grain. Don't confuse correlation with causation. Please. Heart disease started skyrocketing in the mid 1900s and perfectly correlated with reduction of overall fat, esp saturated fats, and the increase of grain and seed oils. However, the ability of the health industry to deal with heart disease through heroic interventions has also increased along with the heart disease. Longevity does NOT necessarily equal a high quality of life.

    Our brain is fuelled by glucose which our bodies easily make from fat and protein. Carbohydrates are the ONLY macronutient that is NOT essential to our body. Saturated, unprocessed fat is "brain healthy".

    Which is it, our brain is fueled by glucose or cho is not essential?

    Try reading my comment. Our bodies CAN MAKE GLUCOSE so it is NOT essential.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I used to argue that Paleo was dumb. I had reasons for that. But, I'm the type that will try it so I understand why it's dumb and I can argue from an insider point of view. I started a couple weeks ago, and wow. My energy is amazing. I am never hungry. I struggle to get up to my calories. I only need 1700 or 1800. I find it easy, cheap, and super intuitive and I love the food. I love having a pork chop and 3 eggs for breakfast. It definitely holds me until lunch. I love nuts to death.

    My body fat is coming off already. I've been stuck for a long time. I feel great and love this diet. I feel healthy and awesome. I never eat out anymore and I have no urges to snack.

    All I can say is to try it. It's really easy. I do not eat dairy, grains, or any processed food. Yesterday, I cheated by eating some home made cookies. Meh? I'm not completely hard core. But, 99% of the time I am. I love it so far. Processed carbs suck the life out of you.

    THIS^ My utmost RESPECT to someone who actually understands that it's important to have first hand experience in order to have a valid opinion on something.

    haha just because they agree with you, they get respect, nice. Why would I do a diet like this when legumes do not affect me in a negative way??? In fact just the opposite and I don't need a phone app while I shop to tell me what I can and cannot eat.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The primary basis of the Paleo diet is that you only eat foods that were available to man in the paleolithic period. That way all of the foods that came about after the advent of agriculture (grains, dairy, legumes, and processed foods) are out.

    Seems strange...didn't agriculture evolve because it lead to healthier humans?

    No actually once agriicultue developed our brains got smaller and body's got weaker we developed osteoporosis and tooth cavities, cancer etc
    It developed as it was easier and allowed us to stay in one place - easier for community etc

    We started living longer, though, in agricultural societies - cancer and osteoporosis are diseases of old age. And it's hard to deny that quite a lot of the things we take for granted today have been developed after the dawn of agriculture-how could this have happened if it had such a detrimental effect on the brain?
    Our primate ancestors ate a diet that was 95% herbivore and 5% insects/meat - I've been reading some material that shows that increasing the meat consumption, especially fish consumption with Omega-3s- probably helped with human evolutionary brain development.
    But our brains are still fueled by glucose - it is "the only fuel normally used by brain cells". So complex carbohydrates are brain-healthy, not the opposite.

    Low carb diets are linked with decreased exercise capacity and increased fatigue:

    NO we did NOT live longer because of eating grain. Don't confuse correlation with causation. Please. Heart disease started skyrocketing in the mid 1900s and perfectly correlated with reduction of overall fat, esp saturated fats, and the increase of grain and seed oils. However, the ability of the health industry to deal with heart disease through heroic interventions has also increased along with the heart disease. Longevity does NOT necessarily equal a high quality of life.

    Our brain is fuelled by glucose which our bodies easily make from fat and protein. Carbohydrates are the ONLY macronutient that is NOT essential to our body. Saturated, unprocessed fat is "brain healthy".

    Which is it, our brain is fueled by glucose or cho is not essential?

    Try reading my comment. Our bodies CAN MAKE GLUCOSE so it is NOT essential.

    Reading comprehension. So there is no need for glucose at all, correct? Since cho is not essential and all
  • lucasriggs
    don't restrict; I LOVE what i eat.

    Still wrong, if you follow the paleo 'lifestyle' you are being restrictive.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I used to argue that Paleo was dumb. I had reasons for that. But, I'm the type that will try it so I understand why it's dumb and I can argue from an insider point of view. I started a couple weeks ago, and wow. My energy is amazing. I am never hungry. I struggle to get up to my calories. I only need 1700 or 1800. I find it easy, cheap, and super intuitive and I love the food. I love having a pork chop and 3 eggs for breakfast. It definitely holds me until lunch. I love nuts to death.

    My body fat is coming off already. I've been stuck for a long time. I feel great and love this diet. I feel healthy and awesome. I never eat out anymore and I have no urges to snack.

    All I can say is to try it. It's really easy. I do not eat dairy, grains, or any processed food. Yesterday, I cheated by eating some home made cookies. Meh? I'm not completely hard core. But, 99% of the time I am. I love it so far. Processed carbs suck the life out of you.

    THIS^ My utmost RESPECT to someone who actually understands that it's important to have first hand experience in order to have a valid opinion on something.

    Phew tell that to historians and the like, that they do not have valid opinions since they have no first hand experience. Or any number of people who don't have first hand experience with something, clearly their opinions are not valid
  • lucasriggs
    THIS^ My utmost RESPECT to someone who actually understands that it's important to have first hand experience in order to have a valid opinion on something.

    Your respect seems to be misdirected. Qualifiers for valid opinions include researching into the topic, having some sort of evidence to back up your opinion...not just having 'first hand experience'.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Diet aside, I find the grasp of anthropology here quite saddening.

    What should the grasp be?

    I was thinking about making a lengthy post about it - but I realised that most people have access to libraries.

    Suffice to say that the dawn of an agrarian society did not 'lead to osteoperosis and cancer' and the history of human evolution is about the 'stuff that happened' way after we 'descended from the canopy' see: The great plains of Africa.

    Above my head. I have no idea what you are talking about. Bring it down a few notches for me.

    You could make your argument about anything. Why have a Fitness site? It's all available in the libraries. Why talk to anyone at all, obviously the weather is nice. STFU.

    It is a little condescending and rude to just say, "go read a book" after making the claims you're making. You're on a message board. Tell me your view and don't cop out and tell me to read a book.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member

    NO. Do some basic research into anthropology. The health of humans declines drastically as soon as they change to an agrarian society. This is widely observed by anthropologists looking not only at ancient societies, but also on more contemporary hunter/gatherer societies. The diseases (diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disorders, bone deformity, tooth decay, depression etc, etc) that most of us deal with now are referred to as "the diseases of civilization" because they did not exist in hunters/gatherers. Look into the work of Dr. Weston Price (and there are many others).

    Poppycock - as previously mentioned, they are diseases of old age, and/or would have resulted in death until fairly recently so of course they wouldn't be present in the population at large, with the possible exception of tooth decay. How you can say that paleolithic man did or did not suffer depression with any level of conviction is perplexing to say the least.

    In fact, even if you go back two genrations - my ex-bosses father was professor of medicine at Belfast University and once said that when he was practicing, less people died from cancer, but lots of people died with cancer.

    Again, nothing against the diet - seems a lot healthier than most, just have an issue with some of the "anthropology" involved.

    And I think your view is "poppycock". And please, don't ASSuME that you are the only one around knowledgable about anthropology. And just like any field, there's a wide variety of hypotheses. However, one of the most common observations in Anthropology is that the "diseases of civilization" are NOT present in hunter societies. Not many of them lived to be as old as we are (nothing to do with malnutrition!), but a few did. They did not die of disease; accidents and infections, yes. Not only that, I am directly observing what happens to human health when a culture changes from an animal-based diet to grain-based diet. (I live with the same people studied by Diamond Jenness, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, and Dr. Weston Price.) A lot can be learned from looking at the hunter gatherer societies that still exist and especially the ones that are currently reducing their natural foods and increasing grain-based and processed vegetable oil-based foods.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I don't eat processed foods but I eat legumes and drink milk in my tea. I am the healthiest I have ever been, exercise a lot and feel fantastic because I base my diet mostly on fruits and veggies. I don't need guidelines of a diet like this to dictate what I should or shouldn't eat. I decide that for myself because I listen to my body. If you just listen. it is amazing what it will tell you. I sprout my own beans and seeds now and it makes them a million times more digestible and I feel so much energy. If you take processed food out of anyone's diet, then they will lose weight. I eat that way but I don't put a name to it. I do what works for me. Why not cut and paste what works for you instead of cutting out so many good foods that may or may not be harmful to you specifically.

    If we're saying it works for us, why does that offend you? I don't agree with vegetarians but I don't go around harassing them. If you don't want to do something, then don't. You're saying you do what works for you -- so do I. End of story.

    and I have every right to express to the OP that this diet is completely stupid. They need to hear it from all sides since they asked for opinions. I say following something like this is being a sheep instead of a leader in your own health journey. But I guess not all people can be leaders.

    I fail to see how a diet that has scientifically proven health benefits ( reversal of type 2 diabeties, improved symptomes of ME, parkinsons IBS) can be deemed stupid. I was sceptical at first but I have never felt healthier/fitter. Have you tried it?
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Diet aside, I find the grasp of anthropology here quite saddening.

    What should the grasp be?

    I was thinking about making a lengthy post about it - but I realised that most people have access to libraries.

    Suffice to say that the dawn of an agrarian society did not 'lead to osteoperosis and cancer' and the history of human evolution is about the 'stuff that happened' way after we 'descended from the canopy' see: The great plains of Africa.

    Above my head. I have no idea what you are talking about. Bring it down a few notches for me.

    You could make your argument about anything. Why have a Fitness site? It's all available in the libraries. Why talk to anyone at all, obviously the weather is nice. STFU.

    It is a little condescending and rude to just say, "go read a book" after making the claims you're making. You're on a message board. Tell me your view and don't cop out and tell me to read a book.

    My 'view' would end up being a long, and possibly very dull essay.

    Like I said, nothing against the diet - seems pretty healthy, but the attempts to link it to early man are spurious to say the least.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I used to argue that Paleo was dumb. I had reasons for that. But, I'm the type that will try it so I understand why it's dumb and I can argue from an insider point of view. I started a couple weeks ago, and wow. My energy is amazing. I am never hungry. I struggle to get up to my calories. I only need 1700 or 1800. I find it easy, cheap, and super intuitive and I love the food. I love having a pork chop and 3 eggs for breakfast. It definitely holds me until lunch. I love nuts to death.

    My body fat is coming off already. I've been stuck for a long time. I feel great and love this diet. I feel healthy and awesome. I never eat out anymore and I have no urges to snack.

    All I can say is to try it. It's really easy. I do not eat dairy, grains, or any processed food. Yesterday, I cheated by eating some home made cookies. Meh? I'm not completely hard core. But, 99% of the time I am. I love it so far. Processed carbs suck the life out of you.

    THIS^ My utmost RESPECT to someone who actually understands that it's important to have first hand experience in order to have a valid opinion on something.

    haha just because they agree with you, they get respect, nice. Why would I do a diet like this when legumes do not affect me in a negative way??? In fact just the opposite and I don't need a phone app while I shop to tell me what I can and cannot eat.

    Time to go, I'm getting pissed now.


    I'm not telling you not to eat legumes. Did I? Phone app? Did I say something about that? I don't even have a cell phone. No, I have a brain and I know what food makes me feel good or not. Differentiating between a whole, unprocessed food and something mangled and packaged in a box is hard to figure out?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    don't restrict; I LOVE what i eat.

    Still wrong, if you follow the paleo 'lifestyle' you are being restrictive.

    So I say that I don't consider my lifestyle to be restrictive especially since I resolved life-threatening illnesses. And yes, I do love eating meat, fat and vegetables. But you tell me that my own experience is wrong. Brilliant.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    NO. Do some basic research into anthropology. The health of humans declines drastically as soon as they change to an agrarian society. This is widely observed by anthropologists looking not only at ancient societies, but also on more contemporary hunter/gatherer societies. The diseases (diabetes, cancer, autoimmune disorders, bone deformity, tooth decay, depression etc, etc) that most of us deal with now are referred to as "the diseases of civilization" because they did not exist in hunters/gatherers. Look into the work of Dr. Weston Price (and there are many others).

    Poppycock - as previously mentioned, they are diseases of old age, and/or would have resulted in death until fairly recently so of course they wouldn't be present in the population at large, with the possible exception of tooth decay. How you can say that paleolithic man did or did not suffer depression with any level of conviction is perplexing to say the least.

    In fact, even if you go back two genrations - my ex-bosses father was professor of medicine at Belfast University and once said that when he was practicing, less people died from cancer, but lots of people died with cancer.

    Again, nothing against the diet - seems a lot healthier than most, just have an issue with some of the "anthropology" involved.

    And I think your view is "poppycock". And please, don't ASSuME that you are the only one around knowledgable about anthropology. And just like any field, there's a wide variety of hypotheses. However, one of the most common observations in Anthropology is that the "diseases of civilization" are NOT present in hunter societies. Not many of them lived to be as old as we are (nothing to do with malnutrition!), but a few did. They did not die of disease; accidents and infections, yes. Not only that, I am directly observing what happens to human health when a culture changes from an animal-based diet to grain-based diet. (I live with the same people studied by Diamond Jenness, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, and Dr. Weston Price.) A lot can be learned from looking at the hunter gatherer societies that still exist and especially the ones that are currently reducing their natural foods and increasing grain-based and processed vegetable oil-based foods.

    So - if you admit that not many lived to an old age, and then seemed less likley to die of disease, could it be that they were resistant to prevailing diseases. This is the basis of natural selection. Again, in western society two generations ago, not many died of cancer, but many died with cancer. And as for depression.......depression was hardly heard of in western society two generations ago, not because it was not present, but because it was not talked about.

    This society that you are viewing is one alone, whose diet is highly specialised and has been ingrained into their way of life for millenia - individuals who this diet did not suit will have been taken care of by natural selection. But, it is just one society - the diet of northern Europeans would differ from those in Africa, from those in Asia etc. The point being that human beings are generalists - and can adapt to eat a wide variety of foodstuffs.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I don't eat processed foods but I eat legumes and drink milk in my tea. I am the healthiest I have ever been, exercise a lot and feel fantastic because I base my diet mostly on fruits and veggies. I don't need guidelines of a diet like this to dictate what I should or shouldn't eat. I decide that for myself because I listen to my body. If you just listen. it is amazing what it will tell you. I sprout my own beans and seeds now and it makes them a million times more digestible and I feel so much energy. If you take processed food out of anyone's diet, then they will lose weight. I eat that way but I don't put a name to it. I do what works for me. Why not cut and paste what works for you instead of cutting out so many good foods that may or may not be harmful to you specifically.

    If we're saying it works for us, why does that offend you? I don't agree with vegetarians but I don't go around harassing them. If you don't want to do something, then don't. You're saying you do what works for you -- so do I. End of story.

    and I have every right to express to the OP that this diet is completely stupid. They need to hear it from all sides since they asked for opinions. I say following something like this is being a sheep instead of a leader in your own health journey. But I guess not all people can be leaders.

    I fail to see how a diet that has scientifically proven health benefits ( reversal of type 2 diabeties, improved symptomes of ME, parkinsons IBS) can be deemed stupid. I was sceptical at first but I have never felt healthier/fitter. Have you tried it?

    I don't have to try any diet because I am very healthy and have found the foods that work for me on my own. I do not need a book to tell me what my system can and cannot handle. There are plenty of very healthy people that don't take half those things out of their diets in order to be healthy. This is extreme to put it mildly. People reverse diabetes by losing weight. Any diet will be able to claim people have reversed their diabetes. It is the weight loss, not the diet that is responsible!! People with certain ailments need to do their own experimenting to see what irritates their symptoms like gluten, dairy, etc. Again, be a leader in your own journey and don't follow.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I used to argue that Paleo was dumb. I had reasons for that. But, I'm the type that will try it so I understand why it's dumb and I can argue from an insider point of view. I started a couple weeks ago, and wow. My energy is amazing. I am never hungry. I struggle to get up to my calories. I only need 1700 or 1800. I find it easy, cheap, and super intuitive and I love the food. I love having a pork chop and 3 eggs for breakfast. It definitely holds me until lunch. I love nuts to death.

    My body fat is coming off already. I've been stuck for a long time. I feel great and love this diet. I feel healthy and awesome. I never eat out anymore and I have no urges to snack.

    All I can say is to try it. It's really easy. I do not eat dairy, grains, or any processed food. Yesterday, I cheated by eating some home made cookies. Meh? I'm not completely hard core. But, 99% of the time I am. I love it so far. Processed carbs suck the life out of you.

    THIS^ My utmost RESPECT to someone who actually understands that it's important to have first hand experience in order to have a valid opinion on something.

    haha just because they agree with you, they get respect, nice. Why would I do a diet like this when legumes do not affect me in a negative way??? In fact just the opposite and I don't need a phone app while I shop to tell me what I can and cannot eat.

    Time to go, I'm getting pissed now.


    I'm not telling you not to eat legumes. Did I? Phone app? Did I say something about that? I don't even have a cell phone. No, I have a brain and I know what food makes me feel good or not. Differentiating between a whole, unprocessed food and something mangled and packaged in a box is hard to figure out?

    I don't eat processed food, but I don't say that I follow some stupid diet either. I have found what works for ME by experimenting not by reading a book and saying I want to eat like a caveman. lol. I am telling the OP that I would advise them away from this diet, it has nothing to do with you. You are the one making this personal, not me.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I don't eat processed foods but I eat legumes and drink milk in my tea. I am the healthiest I have ever been, exercise a lot and feel fantastic because I base my diet mostly on fruits and veggies. I don't need guidelines of a diet like this to dictate what I should or shouldn't eat. I decide that for myself because I listen to my body. If you just listen. it is amazing what it will tell you. I sprout my own beans and seeds now and it makes them a million times more digestible and I feel so much energy. If you take processed food out of anyone's diet, then they will lose weight. I eat that way but I don't put a name to it. I do what works for me. Why not cut and paste what works for you instead of cutting out so many good foods that may or may not be harmful to you specifically.

    If we're saying it works for us, why does that offend you? I don't agree with vegetarians but I don't go around harassing them. If you don't want to do something, then don't. You're saying you do what works for you -- so do I. End of story.

    and I have every right to express to the OP that this diet is completely stupid. They need to hear it from all sides since they asked for opinions. I say following something like this is being a sheep instead of a leader in your own health journey. But I guess not all people can be leaders.

    I fail to see how a diet that has scientifically proven health benefits ( reversal of type 2 diabeties, improved symptomes of ME, parkinsons IBS) can be deemed stupid. I was sceptical at first but I have never felt healthier/fitter. Have you tried it?

    I don't have to try any diet because I am very healthy and have found the foods that work for me on my own. I do not need a book to tell me what my system can and cannot handle. There are plenty of very healthy people that don't take half those things out of their diets in order to be healthy. This is extreme to put it mildly. People reverse diabetes by losing weight. Any diet will be able to claim people have reversed their diabetes. It is the weight loss, not the diet that is responsible!! People with certain ailments need to do their own experimenting to see what irritates their symptoms like gluten, dairy, etc. Again, be a leader in your own journey and don't follow.

    I am 'leading' as you put it by reading and educating myself and finding what my body likes. I'm not saying other diets are wrong just that pales has been great for me and is based on fairly hard science