Perverted Messages



  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    All my friends are perves, apparently im the queen of the perves... Ive had several perve groups on fb deleted, heaps of warnings, profile banned....

    I come on here to take a break from perving and focus on getting myself a totally pervable body again :D
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    My profile pics are tame as hell and I get occasional perverted messages. One doesn't need to be showing skin to attract creepers.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    Please guys let's not let this thread devolve into body shaming. The human body is a beautiful thing and we can all celebrate that.
    Do "curvy" girls, "skinny fat" girls, or "fit" girls get the highest volume of perverted messages?
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    It's a picture of Melanie Iglesias. People can use whatever profile pic they want, but shouldn't turn around and complain if it brings them unwanted attention.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    It's a picture of Melanie Iglesias. People can use whatever profile pic they want, but shouldn't turn around and complain if it brings them unwanted attention.

    Exactly this. All I was trying to say.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member

    No offence, but with a profile picture like that, you're just asking for pervs to notice you...

    I'm just going to copy and paste what I already wrote in another thread.

    "Also, that's the disgusting mentality that some people have towards rape. "She was dressed like a slut, she was asking for it." "She drank too much, she deserved it." So on and so forth. "

    People who say things like "she was asking for it" disgust me. You have now fallen into that category.

    I didn't say that because of her profile picture she's asking to be hunted down and molested. I'm simply stating that in an online forum posting a photo of a half-naked busty woman is going to draw some unwanted attention, and those who do receive pervy messages should not be surprised. If I posted a picture of myself with my boobs or *kitten* hanging out I would expect to draw attention from some creepers....

    PS. It's one thing when you use your own body to post racy pictures, but it's another when you use someone elses...
    does this make u happy?.... there......
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member

    No offence, but with a profile picture like that, you're just asking for pervs to notice you...

    I'm just going to copy and paste what I already wrote in another thread.

    "Also, that's the disgusting mentality that some people have towards rape. "She was dressed like a slut, she was asking for it." "She drank too much, she deserved it." So on and so forth. "

    People who say things like "she was asking for it" disgust me. You have now fallen into that category.

    thank you!! because its NEVER a womans fault.. she didnt know it would happen...... there is no excuse for this behavior........... omg.... that realy made me upset..... every type of woman gets victimized not just a certain body type... males even get victimized aswell.. its NEVER there fault....... :( i had a face pic when it did happen to me.... anyways..

    I am glad you named names in your previous post, Brittany. That takes courage. It makes your assertions so much more credible, and it serves as a warning to those who might think they can get away with creeping. I hope that is not why someone attacked you for your profile picture.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    geezi didnt now it was so wrong for a person to have a pic of a motavation..... this is a fitness site.. thats my dream body...... this is REALLY me.. im 105 pounds and not 2 far from where she is at.....

    GOD girls can be soooooooo vicious... i swear.... i never said that was me......
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,044 Member
    No..... Profile picture of a woman in a bikini with huge boobs. You don't think the pervs (and some typical males) are gonna be all over that? And what does "god" have to do with it?

    A woman in a bikini who has breasts is posting her picture on a fitness site!! Unspeakable!!

    A perv is gonna be all over a person regardless of what what they are wearing or not wearing. I am showing off my legs in this pic ... I'm damn proud of the work I've done on them ... do you also think that because I'm proud of my legs, I deserve to get messages from someone I don't know that says "I would love to see those legs wrapped around me as I ... (I'm sure you can fill in the rest)..."

    I can't believe there are those out there, ESPECIALLY women, who still have the "she asked for it" mentality.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    No offence, but with a profile picture like that, you're just asking for pervs to notice you...

    I'm just going to copy and paste what I already wrote in another thread.

    "Also, that's the disgusting mentality that some people have towards rape. "She was dressed like a slut, she was asking for it." "She drank too much, she deserved it." So on and so forth. "

    People who say things like "she was asking for it" disgust me. You have now fallen into that category.
  • S1NN3R
    S1NN3R Posts: 452 Member
    Sooooo getting junk shots is NOT a requirment of MFP?!?

    THOSE B@STARDS!!!!!!! They lied!!!:laugh:
  • imfivebyfive
    Unless you just emerged after 20 years from an underground bunker and it's your first day on the internet, shouldn't this be common sense?

    Besides profile pics don't make someone trustworthy. Anyone can pull photos from google images if they were going to be dishonest anyway.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    wow......... this is the meanest site i have ever been on............. were ALL trying to better ourselves.... so y dont u guys focus on u and leave me alone... obviously if u were my friends u would know that i have several pictures of me....
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member

    No offence, but with a profile picture like that, you're just asking for pervs to notice you...
    that right fella's see my sexy shirt less pic with my man boobies hanging out! yup NOTICE ME!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    I'm a creeper. Sue me.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Is it perverted if I send nude photos WITHOUT being asked?

    Yes, but that's the *good* perverted, not the *bad* perverted, so you're clear.
  • sharibob3
    sharibob3 Posts: 180
    Pedal your my favorite creeper... ;-)
  • Countryboy_
    wow......... this is the meanest site i have ever been on............. were ALL trying to better ourselves.... so y dont u guys focus on u and leave me alone... obviously if u were my friends u would know that i have several pictures of me.... do I.....:devil:
  • moustache_flavored_lube
    No offence, but with a profile picture like that, you're just asking for pervs to notice you...

    My pic asks for pervs to notice me... I get way to few pervy messages :`(
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