Why do people care about their local sports teams?



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Because I'm from Philadelphia.

    It's something you grow up with. I went to Phillies and Eagles games as a kid with my dad. He let me drink soda at the games. We had an eagles superbox and it was the best thing ever. My 93 year old grandmother still knows all the Phillies' players' stats off hand- even if she thinks I'm 18 when I see her. It's just the way it is.
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    I grew up playing sports, was in military & law enforcement units. The camaraderie, the pride in that something. Something to brag about, to enjoy. That's why I care.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    OK, NEW QUESTION: How can I start caring?

    I've never played a sport and I have only watched a handful of games in which I really didn't know what was going on.

    How do I get myself to care? Seriously, I feel left out!

    To be fair, I might be beyond hope. I don't really understand religion or patriotism either. Like, why should I go around thinking my country is so great? I mean, it's pretty good, but there are probably other good ones too! And how could I believe in a religion when there are so many?

    Go to a game. The atmosphere is a huge part of it. For example hockey can be hard for people to follow on tv if they've never played or learned the rules. It is a fast game and so much goes on behind the puck/play that you can't see on tv.

    Play the game (if you can/want).

    Ask questions. Most sports fans are willing to teach others about the game. I'd rather have you ask me a question than say something dumb to try and show you know the sport. Our seat neighbor learned everything he knows about hockey from a video game. Don't do this.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    What are you, a stinkin commie?

    Well, kinda... but I don't really believe in political parties either. I mean, I like some communist ideas, but I like some libertarian ideas too.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    The better question is why don't you care?
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    OK, NEW QUESTION: How can I start caring?

    I've never played a sport and I have only watched a handful of games in which I really didn't know what was going on.

    How do I get myself to care? Seriously, I feel left out!

    To be fair, I might be beyond hope. I don't really understand religion or patriotism either. Like, why should I go around thinking my country is so great? I mean, it's pretty good, but there are probably other good ones too! And how could I believe in a religion when there are so many?
    Meh. You could try going to a game, but if you really don't like the sport to begin with, I really doubt that you'll like it. Continue with a hobby that you enjoy.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    The better question is why don't you care?

    I think the better question is: Why do you care?
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    You, like me probably lack what are called "mirror neurons". These are real parts of your brain that make you care about what other people in a room are responding to.

    I have learned to relax and actually enjoy what is going on around me. Try it.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I grew up in Oklahoma where at the time there were NO professional sports - so we cheered for the colleges and that is a blast

    Then 15 years ago I moved to Minnesota and went to my first NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB games over time and I can tell you the atmosphere is contagious and just FUN - also the economic impact is HUGE creates jobs, brings in revenue - the owner of a bar in St Paul sent a letter to the NHL commissioner in regards to how much the lockout was hurting his business and the overall income of downtown st paul - It means a LOT to people not only for the fun but for other reasons also!

    I didnt live in MN in 89 or 91 BUT people still have so much pride in those Twins teams its cool to hear stories and it gets you excited!

    Im a die hard Vikes fan - :sad: BUT I care because in addition to fun its also fun to see some "local" Adrian Peterson (OU grad) have great success...

    Have you been back to Oklahoma, by far the best basketball environment in the country is at a Thunder game. I have been to a half dozen other arenas and I have had friends come in from different cities that go to a game and we all agree there is nothing like it.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    I like boxing. It's about the man.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I am a fair weather pro sports fan. I don't have a lot of emotion invested in the Cowboys (lol) or the Mavs unless they are having a winning season.

    My Aggies, on the other hand. Die hard. And yes, I was just as die hard before this season, but it's nice to win once in a while. :happy:

    My student fees actually helped pay for my college team, so as an alumnus I feel more ownership. I guess that's why...? Point being, I get what you're saying about local pro teams. They're paid a crap load of money to play...so I feel like they should be good all the time!

    What baffles me more is people who go hardcore for college teams...when they never went to college themselves. "T-shirt fans" as we call them. *cough* longhorn fans *cough*
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    I have never understood why people get so into rooting for their local professional sports team. It would be one thing if all the players were from your home town or something, but they are just people from all over hired to play for a team that happens to be based in your metropolitan area. If you like a player on your team one year, he could be playing on another team the following season. It's not like the team even belongs to your community - the owner can move it to another city!

    I actually enjoy watching a really good baseball or basketball game, but I just don't understand why anybody cares which team wins.

    Anyway, I would like to get it. People really seem to enjoy it!
    For many, having an identity with a team brings bonding and common interest. You see people in bars, at stadiums, etc high fiving one another even though they've never met when their team is up or winning. It's a GREAT FEELING.

    One thing I have correlated is that people who don't get cheering for a sports team are usually people who are introverts and like to be left alone. Anyone agree?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I have never understood why people get so into rooting for their local professional sports team. It would be one thing if all the players were from your home town or something, but they are just people from all over hired to play for a team that happens to be based in your metropolitan area. If you like a player on your team one year, he could be playing on another team the following season. It's not like the team even belongs to your community - the owner can move it to another city!

    I actually enjoy watching a really good baseball or basketball game, but I just don't understand why anybody cares which team wins.

    Anyway, I would like to get it. People really seem to enjoy it!

  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    GO NINERSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm from San Francisco. Born & raised. Grew up watching football on Sundays, yelling at the TV from when I was a little kid.

    And San Francisco is awesome. :)
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I have never understood why people get so into rooting for their local professional sports team. It would be one thing if all the players were from your home town or something, but they are just people from all over hired to play for a team that happens to be based in your metropolitan area. If you like a player on your team one year, he could be playing on another team the following season. It's not like the team even belongs to your community - the owner can move it to another city!

    I actually enjoy watching a really good baseball or basketball game, but I just don't understand why anybody cares which team wins.

    Anyway, I would like to get it. People really seem to enjoy it!
    For many, having an identity with a team brings bonding and common interest. You see people in bars, at stadiums, etc high fiving one another even though they've never met when their team is up or winning. It's a GREAT FEELING.

    One thing I have correlated is that people who don't get cheering for a sports team are usually people who are introverts and like to be left alone. Anyone agree?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    I don't agree.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    pretty sure the larger question is
    TOPIC: Why do people care about their sports teams?
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Because they're the Packers. 'Nuff said.
  • ekkand
    ekkand Posts: 592 Member
    Because they are the SF Giants and they are awesome. World Champions.. end of story.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I used to do that... now im just BLAH about all damn sports, its just a waste of time and energy ...
    if they dont win, if they win, whats the big deal at the end?, I just think its boring.. I rather do some other stuff when the rest of the people are in lalaland watching a game.
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    Sell the Vikings and move them. Please?!