Unsolicited Pictures - have you ever? would you ever?



  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    No, I wouldn't do it, but I have had it happen to me. I calmly asked him to delete the pictures, and he did, but it probably would have gotten ugly if he hadn't.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    So you're chilling at the bar. This chick at the table next to you is discreetly taking your picture. You don't know. BUT if you found out would you be creeped out, flattered, frightened for your safety?

    My girlfriend went out last night and spent the night taking pictures of a cute guy she spotted at the table next to her. I thought it was crazy creepy but she didn't find it the least bit bothersome. She's been showing the pics to her friends today.

    What do you think of this odd phenom?

    Would YOU take pictures of a stranger if they were cute enough?
    Would you want someone to secretly take your picture? (suppose it wouldn't hurt since you'd NEVER know!)
    What's the point of it all?


    I've had someone do this to me, not at a bar but in other public places. The creepiest part is the person taking pictures of me was my boyfriend's ex-wife.

    So, no, I don't take sneaky pictures of people, whether they would know about it or not. I still shudder to think why Crazy Ex wanted my picture so bad.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    When I'm on vacation, if I see interesting people hanging around, I take their picture. Mostly I ask, sometimes I don't, depends on the situation. It's hardly ever because they're cute, sometimes it's a pose I want to try drawing or painting, or I like the clothing or they just look quintessentially French (or German, or Italian, or some other denizen of a place I am visiting).