Is this true, and if so, what do you think?!



  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    IDK about your lender, but mine does not like forbearance, and is very reluctant to give it unless you are unemployed.

    As a result of Obamacare, you and me and everyone else.....we all have the same lender now. The federal government has taken ALL of the existing student loans away from the lenders who were previously holding them. I used to be a customer of Wachovia. Against my will, my business was transferred to Uncle Sam.

    So the rules regarding forbearance and extensions and payment plans are uniform for all borrowers.

    All I know is that, about a year ago, when I tried to get forbearance, they were not very helpful and I backed down. Maybe I should try again.

    You totally should!

    I'm sorry for hijacking the thread.....on the topic of Whole Foods, I never shop there because the prices are too high. I'm lucky to live in California where the produce is nice no matter which store I choose. My budget is tight and even when it isn't, I still shop frugally. I can't justify overspending on groceries if I don't have to.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Nobody's arm is being twisted to work there, get another job if you are unhappy with the pay or benefits

    This. If you want more pay and benefits - bring more skills.

    Not every job is a career.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    support local small grocers!

    There are soooo many of them in my town, it's hard to see why anyone would ever go one of the big chains!

    There are none of those around me.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    Because $76,000 a year isn't even going to scratch the surface.

    It wouldn't. But I'm amazed at how people just....don't seem to mind. The inequality is off the scales - and if they're not actively DEFENDING the inequality, they are very much "meh."

    It baffles me.

    I have to agree here. People are either defending the guy who makes mind-blowing amounts of money and doesn't care for the well-being of his workers, without whom he would have NOTHING, or they're saying, "Not my problem."

    This guy built the company from the ground up. It's nice how everyone can say he shouldn't be making a decent profit off HIS OWN business. People don't have to work for him if they don't like what they're being paid.

    For inequality, if you go build a business you can do the same thing. The guy at the bottom stocking produce shouldn't be making as much as the owner who poured everything he had into it.

    Edited to be less rant-y. I'm tired.