I want to give up.



  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    I started at 245 pounds and am now at 209 I have lost 5 inches on chest, 5 inches on hips and 5.25 on waist. Once you see the scale moving, it becomes addictive!!! I do cardio every day! Any form. Stop dieting, and just try to eat better and be more active. This works!!!! I'm living proof. I hate dieting, hated working out but now I feel lost if I don't do some kind of cardio everyday. You can do this!! Just give it some time. Today is day 170 for me. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • PaulFromEssex
    Read the posts on this site, if that doesn't motivate you, nothing will!

    Don't think DIET, think HEALTHY!

    All the best, I truly hope you don't give up ... for your sake.
  • kristyash60
    I totally know how you feel! I am new to this too but I am determined to get this weight off once and for all! You can do it and all the advice and support you get from this site is such an encouragement. It just makes you push harder and think you know what I'm not in this alone! We can do this! Add me as a friend and we can do this together! Don't give up!
  • DonnaMarieAnn39
    I was a stick when I was young. I've steadily gained over the years. I realize more and more it's not about dieting. I've been on every diet around. Now I'm going-one day at a time- thinking positive thoughts, not beating myself up if I slip, and trying my best to eat healthy, get exercise in, and pray! I have good days and bad days. That's alright. Give yourself a hug every day! Sending happy thoughts your way! Donna:flowerforyou:
  • MsAmulet
    Then stop. Give yourself two weeks (or whatever) to not think about weight loss. It's not always the right time to tackle this project and starting/failing daily is not helping matters. Maybe take off til Valentine's Day and then resume?
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    It's easier to give up on a diet. As everyone else said, it needs to be a new lifestyle.
    I don't know if anyone recommended this yet, but measure yourself. Your body will change faster than the scale. Find healthy foods you love, and exercises you love.
    Change won't happen overnight, but it will happen.

    View the Success Stories board for encouragement! When you see before and afters, it'll motivate you!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Two things that have helped me is 1.) finding an exercise that I like to do. I go to the pool twice a week and that wasn't easy because I didn't want to be seen in a bathing suit. But I LOVE being in the water (always have loved it) and water exercise is perfect for me to build strength. I also do a mild weight lifting routine and sometimes, calisthenics--I will be gradually increasing the amount of weight that I lift. I have dropped my body fat percentage a lot (when I started, my body fat was 50% of my weight and that is "morbidly obese"--not a good place to be). I have lost almost 8 inches off my waist. 2.) Forgetting the scale for a while and getting a body fat caliper (about $20 online). This allows one to track progress as muscle is gained and fat lost. I have lost about 50 pounds so far (likely another 50 to go) but that is not what is important--that my health has improved significantly is. My blood pressure has dropped into the normal range without medication (and I was previously on two blood pressure meds), my high blood sugar readings are in the normal range and my osteoarthritis has improved significantly. My jeans size has dropped from a woman's 22 to a 16 (and even those are beginning to be loose around the waist). Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can do it. You will do it when you make up your mind to commit yourself to permanent change. (By the way, I cut out sugar completely. Some people feel that you can eat anything as long as it fits your calorie goals. I felt that I had to stop it cold turkey because, for me, it was an addiction.)
  • holdingon2faith793
    This is sad.

    you are young!

    If I could wake up one day last year at 40 and do this, you can.

    What do you want to accomplish?

    how many calories do you eat?

    what kind of exercise are you doing?

    me 2010 christmas


    me Halloween 2012...and still working on it...it is so worth it...YOU are worth it...now believe it.


  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    I totally agree! Diets do not work...you have to change your whole relationship with food. Nutrition is key and finding a happy medium that you can live with forever is the goal. You do not have to feel deprived, or starving to be successful. Wish I had realized that through all the fads and quick fixes I have tried in the past. I have never been happier or felt more content and healthy. My Fitness Pal has changed me forever!!!!
  • chrishodum
    Hey you are making a change for the better. You did not put the weight on over night it can not be taken off over night. Keep up the good work! I know it is hard take it one day at a time. If you wanted to eat an elephant it would seem an awfully big task , unless you just took it one bite at a time. (just an old weight watchers saying.) I agree with others it has to be a life change not a diet. You need a lot of friends support. Keep positive thoughts you will feel better soon I just know it. You should feel better in a way now because you are making great life choices.::flowerforyou:
  • Szkx45
    Szkx45 Posts: 12 Member
    Don't give up...you can do it! If this 52 year old body can keep working on it, you can too. It's not about dieting, it's about changing your habits and your lifestyle. I'm still working on both myself, but I finally see the light and my weight is going in the right direction!
  • pattydo
    pattydo Posts: 21 Member
    Set yourself a little goal and work towards it, then another and another. I find if I look at it as I have all this weight to lose and that is never going to happen I have set myself up for failure before I even start. If I set my mind to losing 5 pounds I can do that. Also I made me a list of rewards in five pounds increments, (no rewards are food!) it may be a new shirt, a CD, a different hairstyle, etc. Use the "notes" part of your tracking to give yourself encouraging words, don't depend on anyone else to do it and finally...every morning I tell myself "I may not be a healthy eater or non smoker for the rest of my life, but I am today!" Best of luck to you....
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    stop right there -- you will never lose weight if you keep dieting. Dieting doesn't work. What works is changing your lifestyle. Start keeping a diary and work at learning to eat healthy. Make some friends on this site. Everyone is very support. Also have patience. I aim at a half pound a week, but that doesn't always happen. Sometimes I run into a plateau. Sometimes it's frustrating, but I'm in this for the long term.

    I've been following a plan for 195 days -- about six months and I've lost 17 1/2 pounds. I've got 7 and a half pounds to go. It goes slower the closer to your goal you get, but since I've started I've stopped focusing on my weight and just concentrating on living well.

    Be patient, it will change.
  • 1szymanski
    Please refrain from judging folks. Your comment was not at all supportive. This is a supportive community (see how others are posting for examples).
  • finallyhome2019
    finallyhome2019 Posts: 12 Member
    Good Morning!

    Don't give up!!! Take every day as a new day and set small goals for yourself....It is much easier to say in one month I want to be down 5 pounds rather than I have 50 pounds to lose....For each small goal you reach, reward yourself, somehow. Increase your rewards with each newly attained goal. It is also very important to remember, each and everyone of here striving to get healthy, did not reach where we are right now in a week! It took a long time for us to get unhealthy or reach the weight we are currently working so hard to lose....and by the way...why do we say "lose weight"....Frankly, usually when I lose something I search and search until I find it again...I don't know about anyone else, but my weight is NOT something I want to find after I've worked so hard to get rid of it!

    So...continue to log in each day on MFP and log your food. The advice of not dieting is great! Don't deprive yourself, just make better choices and you can still have some of the foods you really enjoy, just in moderation.

    Add friends to your MFP account....Every day I look forward to reading the positive comments and helpful suggestions of everyone on my friend list....We are all striving for the same thing here....Let's do it together!

    I hope you don't give up, because you and your health are worth it! Stick with it and you will definitely start to feel more energized and positive! Use the scale as a "guide"...not the rule.....

    Have a wonderful day and feel free to add me to your friend list for more support!

  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    You didn't become overweight overnight and you won't lose the weight overnight. Be patient, keep at it and you'll have success. You can't diet, you have to change 25 years of bad habits and that will take time.

    ^ Wisdom
  • lambchoplewis
    Don't give up!!! I have been there - done that. If you slip up, give it a few days of really trying and you will be back on track. I know it is hard as I used to drink and binge and now, I have to stop myself EVERY DAY!!! I think about food all the time but now, I think about what is less calories and filling, how to exercise, plan my meals.

    Keep going as nothing tastes as good as feeling thin.