200+ (Week 21) Fling Into Spring



  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    seems like we are a mixed bag of nuts today. some lost, some stayed the same.....but If i remember all our prior posts...we've had a rough week as a group. I'm proud of all of us for sticking with it!! I am going to do my official weigh in tomorrow, as I had a love affair with a milkshake last night after a particularly stressful day.....and a shot of bushmills, and my old pal bud light.......talk about falling off the wagon :blushing:

    Anyhow, woke up at five this morning, to take my sister to work. Ate a yummy breakfast (egg white, cheese and salsa burrito), then ran my booty off on the treadmill. Did 2 miles and stopped. Figured that was good enough for me today.
    Here's a question.....
    when you ladies are doing your thing, treadmill, elliptical or whatever....do you go full board the whole time, or do you step to the sides now and then to take a break? I tend to take about a 30 second stop three times throughout my workout, but i am trying to just slow down the speed now, instead of stopping completely. What do you do?

    Mish....sorry the evil 2 came back...but it sounds like it didn't come back with too much of a vengence. I know that might not help, but I'd be happy to see 200. anything at this point. Don't worry, you'll be back in 1derland next week. I know it!!

    Erin..I completely agree with everything Deb said. diet pills are tempting, but in the long run seem to prove to be dangerous. There was no shortcut to gaining weight (although it tasted good), and there are no shortcuts to losing it. And, like you said about gaining it all back....everyone I know that has used pills gains it back.

    love, good thoughts and hugs to all!!!

    PS--i may not be on much today as I may have to take my mother to get x-rays. She fell off the curb in Mcdonalds yesterday (of course, do you think anyone came to help her?)...and I think she may have broken her foot. Can i just say how bad it sucks watching your parents get older? And it certainly doesn't help my guilt about moving away in a few weeks.......EGAD!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Ohhh....and I felt this deserved it's own post.....

    BLOMBIE YOUR GORGEOUS!!! whoo hoo !!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Ohhh....and I felt this deserved it's own post.....

    BLOMBIE YOUR GORGEOUS!!! whoo hoo !!
    Kendal...I had to look twice, your new profile picture is awesome, you look great...
    Kendal- you look great in your new profile pic!!

    :blushing: thanks everyone
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    I''m new but I'm hoping it's okay to just join in. I weighed in last Friday at 251 and today at 249. So, not as much as I had hoped I'd lose in a week but still, considering how little I worked out, not too terrible. I only walked 3 times this week for 30 minutes each time so I really can't expect more. I find I'm struggling with the diet this time, much more so than in times past. For some reason I feel hungry all the time, even right after I've eaten. I'm keeping to my calorie range so it isn't that. I'm also making sure to include plenty of protein such as beans to make me feel fuller but what I want is something else entirely. Maybe part of its age, I'm 52 this year ,but that really shouldn't be a factor in this day and age.
    I'm in a biggest loser competition at work and final weigh in is August 1st and I plan on winning!!! Beach money plus the pleaure that comes from knowing I won.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I''m new but I'm hoping it's okay to just join in. I weighed in last Friday at 251 and today at 249. So, not as much as I had hoped I'd lose in a week but still, considering how little I worked out, not too terrible. I only walked 3 times this week for 30 minutes each time so I really can't expect more. I find I'm struggling with the diet this time, much more so than in times past. For some reason I feel hungry all the time, even right after I've eaten. I'm keeping to my calorie range so it isn't that. I'm also making sure to include plenty of protein such as beans to make me feel fuller but what I want is something else entirely. Maybe part of its age, I'm 52 this year ,but that really shouldn't be a factor in this day and age.
    I'm in a biggest loser competition at work and final weigh in is August 1st and I plan on winning!!! Beach money plus the pleaure that comes from knowing I won.

    2 pounds in a week is a great loss!!! Don't discourage yourself because you think its not enough. I would be super excited to get that kind of result!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome llyndon!
    when you ladies are doing your thing, treadmill, elliptical or whatever....do you go full board the whole time, or do you step to the sides now and then to take a break? I tend to take about a 30 second stop three times throughout my workout, but i am trying to just slow down the speed now, instead of stopping completely. What do you do?
    when I'm on the ellipitcal, no... I stay on. When I'm on the treadmill, I usually will step off to the sides briefly (~15-20 sec).... it's a little due to needing a break, but more than anything, I just need to get some gulps of water in and I'm while I'm coordinated enough to drink and elliptical/bike, I would trip and fly backwards off the treadmill if I try. I think my speed is pretty consistent on it.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    when you ladies are doing your thing, treadmill, elliptical or whatever....do you go full board the whole time, or do you step to the sides now and then to take a break? I tend to take about a 30 second stop three times throughout my workout, but i am trying to just slow down the speed now, instead of stopping completely. What do you do?
    when I'm on the ellipitcal, no... I stay on. When I'm on the treadmill, I usually will step off to the sides briefly (~15-20 sec).... it's a little due to needing a break, but more than anything, I just need to get some gulps of water in and I'm while I'm coordinated enough to drink and elliptical/bike, I would trip and fly backwards off the treadmill if I try. I think my speed is pretty consistent on it.

    I spend more time on the elliptical but I vary my speed to my music. I watch my heart rate to make sure I'm working hard but then I know when to step it up if I'm keeping it too low for too long. And yeah, I slow down to drink. The few times I've been on the treadmill I stepped off to drink. I vary my speed on it a lot instead of stepping off to rest though.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendall - WOW!!!!! I love your picture. You are beautiful inside and out!!!!

    Welcome llydon:flowerforyou: I have you in our weight loss chart. We look forward to getting to know you. I am 41 so age doesn't mean anything. You can lose weight at any age. 2 pounds is great.

    cds - I don't normally take breaks when on the treadmill. When running outside, if I have been going to fast, I will walk for short spurts of time.

    Congrats to all who lost or maintained.

    I am running late today by 20 min so I think I am just going to get on the treadmill and do some speed intervals. I want to see if I can run at 7.0 mph for a min:noway: I only have about 40 min until I have to get off and get ready for my 4:30 client. Catch you later.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I am running late today by 20 min so I think I am just going to get on the treadmill and do some speed intervals. I want to see if I can run at 7.0 mph for a min:noway:
    Okay... now you're just showing off :wink: :heart:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    SOB I had a reply all typed out, hit some random key on my keyboard and I was on a completely different internet site. WTH? LOL

    I've never stepped off to the side on treadmill or stopped on elliptical. When I run/walk on the tread I just slow it down. On elliptical I've got really good at drinking water, wiping sweat, etc. off while going at the same pace.

    Well damn I was going to leave but I am so busy I can't. Dern.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I am running late today by 20 min so I think I am just going to get on the treadmill and do some speed intervals. I want to see if I can run at 7.0 mph for a min:noway:
    Okay... now you're just showing off :wink: :heart:

    I KNOW!!!! LOL
    Seriously, that is fantastic!! I can only do 6.0 for a minute.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Don't worry gang - I was all talk and no go. I could do 6.0 but 7.0 (even 6.5) was too quick for my feet :sad: :sad: I had visions of flying of the back end of the treadmill and turned it down after 10 sec. ***sighs*** Maybe next week. I tried but the "umph" wasn't there to triumph:laugh:

    I have been listening to the 4-hour work week. Has any one read it? It makes you look at life differently.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Nope haven't heard of that book. Sorry you couldn't do the 7.0, but at least you tried.

    Myself, am feeling like a major schlub for going to the sides on my treadmill for a couple of 30 second breaks. You all truly inspire me. I run on the tready thinking, "pinot can do it......aka, blombie, deb, lacey, (insert your own name here ) can do it.

    next workout...no breaks. I'm committed to just slowing down if i need to take some time off. Still, I think that doing two miles in 25 minutes w/ breaks is pretty good.

    And no flying off treadmills!! That's my job remember. I have the cool landing in my neighbors living room scenario.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Cds - slowing down helps when you need to catch your breath. I think either way you do it is okay! I couldn't run for that long like you do!!

    I fell off a treadmill once. Was walking, not very fast,, got too close to the back edge and next thing I know I'm on teh ground cracking up because it was so funny.

    Last week I dropped my ipod and had to do a superman leap on the treadmill because my foot was coming down on top of it. Might be part of my my inner calf muscles hurt maybe? IDK.

    I've head of that book but never picked it up. I work with a lot of people in Europe and It kills me how much time they have off, etc. I'm afraid if I listened to that book I'd be a goner. Last pay period I worked 92 hours. Not sure what this one will look like on Monday. Probably the same.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    And yeah....2 miles in 25 minutes is awesome!!! I could NOT do that!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    And yeah....2 miles in 25 minutes is awesome!!! I could NOT do that!

    Yes this is pretty awesome. I average 13 min 20 sec miles when I do 3... So that would be 26 min 40 sec for 2 miles. If I tried to go faster, I bet I would have to take breaks.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Today's weigh in: 200.4 (-2.2 from last week) :love: :love:

    SOOO close to under 200- I might be jinxing myself here, but if I'm this low on a weekday morning (where I weigh in early) and I tend to drop my weight mostly over the weekend... i might *gasp* be under 200 when I step on the scale tomorrow. It won't be an official weigh in, but eep??

    I think the bigger loss is partially due to dropping some of the weight I put on during my New Orleans trip. I didn't exercise like whoa this week, and was actually feeling pretty crappy about it all overall this week, but yay. Great way to start a Friday. Also, I've tried to view my weight loss in 30 pound chunks to keep it more realistic then hey, i want to lose like 90 pounds. 1/3 of the way down! *twirls*

    cds- boo to the hubby- what a weenie!

    hope everyone has a great weigh in!

    I don't know how I missed this earlier - WTG Kristina!!!!:flowerforyou: Next week you will be our star!!!! I know you can do it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Do you realize that we only have 2 weeks left to go in this challenge? Anyone have an idea for the next challenge name? Do we want to do 4, 5 or 6 weeks? I will keep thinking of names but what I've come up with for now is Flower Power Challenge or May Day Challenge or Cinco De Mayo for May 7th. Should our "biggest loser" get to pick the name?
  • mrsbojangles
    Thanks, pinbot, for letting me know of the new post. I am one of those clueless ones who would keep posting on the old one! :laugh:

    Work has been sooo stressful - I am grinding my teeth at night so hard that I bit through my tongue last night. I am reading that some of you are also going through tough times. We can do this! Persevere! Onward, weight loss soldiers! :drinker:

    LW: 329
    CW: 327.5
    I'll take it, considering I'm stressed out! Next week the stress will end on Thursday (my students' big show is Thurs.). I can't wait!
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    hello all
    hope everyone has had a wonderful week.. its getting easier to measure my foods out (good habits) im trying realy hard to make my 7k cal out a week.. only up to to 5k ( well of what i imput atleast) it feels soo good to actually start seeing results!!!

    Pinbot~~ im down to 216lb so far!!!! and WOW you are looking great !!! i cant wait to post after pix....

    So what happens on the 26th? Do you start a new goal/forum? Im not sure im gonna make my goal i think it will be close originaly wanted to be down to 200 by the 26th.. but if im close to 210 that would be just fine.. then i can start my 10lbs a month from that.. going from 222-200 in just a few weeks is hard... but i hope everyone is getting close to their goals!!
    have a good night