200+ (Week 21) Fling Into Spring



  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    ok heres the deal. it is now 2:15am and i cant sleep. what is going on here!!! so i figured if i worked out it would make me tired. ha! yeah right i still have lots of energy left and nothing to use it on. but on the bright side i did burn 255 cals. maybe it will help with my weigh in on sunday. i figure i wont remember tomorrow but i somehow manage to remember on sundays.

    victoria and kendal- you both look amazing keep up all the hard work.

    to everyone else- (i cant remember all the posts i read tonight) keep going. you are all superheroes to me.

    oh in other thoughts has anyone tried the Atkins diet? if so is it a good thing or not? i am thinking about trying it. a coworker has the book and is going to let me borrow it to see if i like it. i dont know if i could cut out the carbs though. we'll see. well maybe the workout did work after all i am getting very tired now. good night super heroes. talk to ya tomorrow night.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    oh in other thoughts has anyone tried the Atkins diet? if so is it a good thing or not? i am thinking about trying it. a coworker has the book and is going to let me borrow it to see if i like it. i dont know if i could cut out the carbs though.

    I have started this reply 5 different times. Many people loose weight on "special diets" but when they return to normal eating, they gain the weight back plus some. I call any diet that severely restricts something a special diet. To me Adkins, South Beach Diet, Fit for Life are special diets. The people that I know that have done the Adkins diet have lost weight but could not maintain eating that way for the rest of their lives and gained the weight back. I am looking at this as a lifestyle change and trying to eat in a way that I can maintain for the rest of my life. When I get to my goal weight, there should not be a huge change in the way I am eating. Eating well balanced meals, aiming for 6 to 8 servings a day of fruit/veges, and eating everything but with portion control is key to me.

    I would encourage you to read the book. If you can incorporate it into your life forever great. Maybe you will find that you can change a few meals a week. Good luck and let us know what you decide.

    ps great job on working out in the middle of the night!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    So what happens on the 26th? Do you start a new goal/forum? Im not sure im gonna make my goal i think it will be close originaly wanted to be down to 200 by the 26th.. but if im close to 210 that would be just fine.. then i can start my 10lbs a month from that.. going from 222-200 in just a few weeks is hard... but i hope everyone is getting close to their goals!!

    We start a new challenge. Most of us don't make our goal but we are all heading in a downward direction with our weight loss. We are just having fun together and supporting each other in our weight loss journey:drinker:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    MrsBojangles - you are rocking this weight loss - GREAT JOB!!! You have passed your goal and we still have 2 weeks to go. Do you realize that you have lost 12 pounds in the last 4 weeks? Keep it up and you will be our superstar:flowerforyou:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Houston, we may have a problem. I don't know if anyone in this group knows, but at the end of December I had a miscarriage. After all that I had to go onto meds to induce TOM. Well, I got TOM Feb. 2-3 and now it is March 13th! I do feel like TOM is on her way, but I am not sure. Plus, my doc said as soon as I miss TOM I should make an appointment. Ugh, it would explain why I was bloated yesterday and even worse today.

    I was keeping track of everything on my iTouch, but it is doing something strange and I need hubby to reset it. GGgrrr. I guess I need to make a doc appt.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Do you realize that we only have 2 weeks left to go in this challenge? Anyone have an idea for the next challenge name? Do we want to do 4, 5 or 6 weeks? I will keep thinking of names but what I've come up with for now is Flower Power Challenge or May Day Challenge or Cinco De Mayo for May 7th. Should our "biggest loser" get to pick the name?

    I like a six week challenge...for me personally it works because that is right around the time I head to Canada and can use all the motivation I can get. But again, at the end of the day I will do as much as I can even if it is only 4 weeks.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Houston, we may have a problem. I don't know if anyone in this group knows, but at the end of December I had a miscarriage. After all that I had to go onto meds to induce TOM. Well, I got TOM Feb. 2-3 and now it is March 13th! I do feel like TOM is on her way, but I am not sure. Plus, my doc said as soon as I miss TOM I should make an appointment. Ugh, it would explain why I was bloated yesterday and even worse today.

    I was keeping track of everything on my iTouch, but it is doing something strange and I need hubby to reset it. GGgrrr. I guess I need to make a doc appt.

    Mish, I'm not quite awake just yet so a million ideas are running through my mind, but what could this mean? And I'm sorry to hear you had a miscarriage..
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I never tried the Atkins diet but my hubby and I did SouthBeach phase 1 in October. I lost back and stomach fat like crazy. Of course because I wasn't working out and not tracking cals I gained it all back plus some. Every person I've ever heard of do these diets and have good success has also gained it all back plus. Pinbot is right, balanced diet with reduced cals is the way to go.

    Now..with that being said. I've mentioned on this post a few times this past couple of weeks that I was considering doing a reduced sugar and carb diet for a while right before I go on my trip to help slim down further, knowing there is a good chance I could gain it back. I might still. I'm not sure. I am going to look at the maintenance phase of SB and see if it is something I think I could do for a while or not. I think what I might do next week is set my cals for a 1.5 lbs weight loss and see if I can just stick to it instead.

    I went over cals and ate out last night. It was delicious. I only worked out twice this week, but will go to the gym today after I work for a while at the office. My boss and I are so far behind on quotes it isn't even funny and we are starting two new projects on top of planning the trip monday. OT will be nice on my next paycheck so I won't complain.

    Good news: despite not weighing and working out this much and overeating here and there, I tried on my fav jeans that aren't stretchy last night out of curiosity and they are even fitting better than they did a few weeks ago. They aren't tight in the stomach anymore and a tad loose in the thighs!! Woo hoo!

    I'll weigh myself at the gym today when I get there.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Houston, we may have a problem. I don't know if anyone in this group knows, but at the end of December I had a miscarriage. After all that I had to go onto meds to induce TOM. Well, I got TOM Feb. 2-3 and now it is March 13th! I do feel like TOM is on her way, but I am not sure. Plus, my doc said as soon as I miss TOM I should make an appointment. Ugh, it would explain why I was bloated yesterday and even worse today.

    I was keeping track of everything on my iTouch, but it is doing something strange and I need hubby to reset it. GGgrrr. I guess I need to make a doc appt.

    It sounds like you need a hug ((((((hug))))))). Sorry to hear about your problems. Good luck getting back on schedule.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Hey super heroes! I am weighing in at 213.6 today!:smokin: I was shocked to see that number, but going down keeps me motivated.
    Victoria, you look amazing love:love: ! keep it up!
    good job on the loss's this week! I'm not sure if I'll make my goal, but i'm coo with that
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Yay for continued weight losses and clothes fitting better!!

    I never did Adkins, but did go through about 3-4 weeks of South Beach several years back. As I'm a vegetarian, a low carb diet basically allows me to eat nothing. I lost a fair bit of weight (i think around 13ish pounds) in that short period, but it was mostly water weight, and I couldn't keep it up. Anything restricted a group of foods that much cannot be good in the long run. People can't stick with it. You need to do something you can make a permanent change with. I certainly think eating less processed, refined carbs/sugars is good, but they don't need to be cut out completely. Try and substitute a lot of them with whole grains and such. Carbs aren't the enemy- they just shouldn't be your lovah either. Moderation!

    As for the challenge, I say we've got a good thing going. Keep it at 6 weeks. So it'll end May 7. I don't care how we go about naming it- I'm horrid about that. I sort of like flower power challenge that pinbot said, but whatevs- something related to early summer.

    So as I said in my weigh-in post, I was thinking I might, just might break 200 this weekend. It doesn't count towards my official one- won't even enter it in, as I need to hit it during a early morning weigh-in time for me to count it as official. If it happens Monday, SO taking it. But, I just have to say *clears throat* *toots horn* this morning even taking the highest of my three weights (i'm ocd like that), the scale said: 199.2 :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm SOOOOO HAPPY for you KRISTINA!!!!! WTG!!!! You are the super hero of the week.... :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: To steal from Debra on the charm bracelet theme - You are close to getting a sneaker (C25K grad or being able to run 2 miles), already have earned the superhero one, and now can get the 1 for the hundred club. I think MFP should make a charm too - I need a 4th.

    So mish - you inspired me today!!! At 3 I decided I really should get out of bed and quit reading. Then I realized - that mish reads on the treadmill. I took my book in and walk for an hour reading - I am not very coordinated at multi tasking so my speed was only 2.0 but hey I got 2 miles in and it was better than sitting in bed for another hour. Thanks mish:flowerforyou:

    Well I want to get back to my book - only a hundred pages to go. I just love sappy romances. A former client gave a bag of good sappy books yesterday (****sigh****)... Books are part of my problem in life - I read too much. Is there a book-a-holics anonymous group?
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello Super Hero Rockin Babes.....I just have a minute, everyone hasseling me for dinner and it is even time to feed the animals// It's been a long day at the wrestling meet, more concessions and running and such...Just wanted to pop in and say Hi!!!
    Hope you are all having a great weekend!

    Kristina...WOO-HOO, Fantastic...onehunderdville....oh how I long to visit you and Pinbot there....someday soon!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: High Fives Cyber Pal....and I'm sending a charm the deepest color of Purple...so regal, just for you!! I'm happy for ya...Great Job!!

    I have to run...I'll try to check in later...when the house has calmed down. Hugs everyone!

    great job everyone with your losses, and even if you didn't lose...great job at doing what's best for "YOU", we are getting stronger everyday Pals....that's priceless!!

    Go Lacey...Rock those jeans, girlfriend!!!

    Mish...hugs to you...hope your fine!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    great job everyone with your losses, and even if you didn't lose...great job at doing what's best for "YOU", we are getting stronger everyday Pals....that's priceless!!

    I love this and have just added it to my signature. You always know the right thing to say!!!! Thanks Deb - you truly inspire me:flowerforyou:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    wowww Kristina!! yayyy:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    You are all so awesome!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey super heros!!!!

    kristina way to go!!

    well i have had kind of a bad day. i found out last night that my dads doctor in Birmingham told him that he was not a canadite for a heart transplant as it would cause more problems than it would solve. so again i was stressed today and made really bad food choices. burger king for lunch and mcdonalds for dinner. but at least for dinner i only had a kids meal. i weigh in tomorrow but i took some measurements today and i am down another 1.5 inches in my waist and 1 inch in my thighs and 0.5 inches in my upper arm. this at least was positive note to my day and hopefully i will have lost some weight tomorrow. if not it is ok cause i know i am still shrinking. see ya later suer heroes and keep up the hard work
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    well i have had kind of a bad day. i found out last night that my dads doctor in Birmingham told him that he was not a canadite for a heart transplant as it would cause more problems than it would solve.

    My dad had a heart transplant in 1997. It should have been a wake call to me at that point that I needed to change my life but it wasn't. The transplant was hard on him and the family - during the surgery he ended up having a stroke (mild) that caused left sided weakness and memory loss. Taking the rejection medication twice a day was tough. Living with someone that has memory loss was very hard on mom. The loss of income from not being able to work was hard on them. It was shortly after this that my parents moved to be close to me. I had a wonderful 9 extra years with him. He passed away 3 1/2 years ago and I still miss him every day. Spend as much time as you can with your dad and use this time to realize that you are high risk for trouble in the future. My dad was 51 when he had the transplant. Now that I am 41 it really scares me. I wish I had MFP and had been motivated to do something when I was younger. Hopefully your dad will make some life style changes now that will help him to live longer. My heart goes out to you. ((((((super big hug)))))))
  • mrsbojangles
    MrsBojangles - you are rocking this weight loss - GREAT JOB!!! You have passed your goal and we still have 2 weeks to go. Do you realize that you have lost 12 pounds in the last 4 weeks? Keep it up and you will be our superstar:flowerforyou:
    Well, I never thought about it that way! I've been stressed about this past week's smaller amount and I failed to look at the big picture. Thank you for calling it to my attention! :noway:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Well, after 2 pregnancy tests one standard and the other digital I was diagnosed as not pregnant. On the other hand, WHAT THE HECK??? Whatever. Moving right along. Going to make an appointment with the doc on Monday to see what's going on.

    Pinbo - Yeah, I walk a bit slow, but am slowly pushing myself to walk faster. It really makes the time fly and I get so engrossed in my book that I don't realize I am walking which is not a bad thing.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    wow! i missed so many posts today. spent the day with my parents which was nice. Going to do my official weigh in tomorrow, but as of this morning there was no change from last week....so pooh!!
    Really happy for all of you that have lost, and to Kristina for breaking 200. Way to go girl!!
    Mish, hang in there. i can only imagine how frustrating all of that must be. Your definitely one strong woman!!
    Lacey.....awesome about the jeans!!! I have noticed some of my jeans are looser also. I just can't wait till these 16's are too loose and i can get 14's. wouldn't that be lovely?

    Our next goals.....I also vote for keeping with 6 weeks. I like that time frame. Whatever name is fine with me. I can't think of anything particularly smart sounding, but if I do....I'll let you all know. but 6 weeks is my vote!!
    it's been a long day, but i wanted to check in real fast. i'm off to take a bath.