200+ (Week 21) Fling Into Spring



  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    i like the six week challenges (although i am going to set my goal smaller next time i think.) as for the name how about something to do with summer since alot of people start swimming and going to the beach in may? something like shrinking into summer?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I like that...Shrinking Into Summer.

    Well I went to work for 3 hours today, then to Trader Joes to get groceries...won't be doing that again for a while. I love to shop there but I always end up buying more than I need and spending too much. At WalMart I can't stand the store so I go as fast as possible and buy only what I need...so yeah. Back to WalMart.

    Anyways, hit up the gym at 1:35 and see that they close at 2!!! WTH?!?! It is a locally owned small gym, so that is what I get I guess. Damn though. Didn't get to work out and haven't eaten super well. I am hoping tomorrow that it won't be so windy and we can take the dogs to the school down the road and I can walk around the track four or five times just to do some moving.

    I'm going to try for a 1.5 lbs loss calorie deficit next week. I think I will be able to manage that. I'd like to see if it helps or not at any rate. One week won't hurt.

    And despite the fact that I barely worked out this past week and didn't do so hot with the food either, I still feel like I am shrinking shrinking. Maybe my body needed that. I know my right knee is still popping a bit so hopefully by Monday it will be back to normal.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing so well with their weight loss and having such a rockin' weekend!

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    "Lacey.....awesome about the jeans!!! I have noticed some of my jeans are looser also. I just can't wait till these 16's are too loose and i can get 14's. wouldn't that be lovely?"

    Isn't it interesting how body type plays such a HUGE factor in the sizes we could wear? I won't be able to fit into 14's until I hit 175 or so I don't think. I remember being at 185 about 6 years ago and barely fitting into a 16. So interesting...
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    So as I said in my weigh-in post, I was thinking I might, just might break 200 this weekend. It doesn't count towards my official one- won't even enter it in, as I need to hit it during a early morning weigh-in time for me to count it as official. If it happens Monday, SO taking it. But, I just have to say *clears throat* *toots horn* this morning even taking the highest of my three weights (i'm ocd like that), the scale said: 199.2 :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Well, my official weigh in was utterly disappointing this morning.....

    208. :sad: :sad: :sad: That is up 1.5 pounds from last week if I am calculating right. Not sure if I'm ever going to make it into the 1's like the rest of you.

    But, another day....another day to eat better.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    cds- you SO are going to make it. Hang in there!!!

    Lacey- you are so right on body type making people's sizes so different. I've still got at least 10-15 pounds to go before I could fit comfortably in a 16. 18's are just right on me at the moment. I think 16's were just starting to get loose when I hit around 170, so I've got a way to go before I'm a 14! Will get there eventually though.

    So, how did I celebrate my trip into the 100s- by eating pizza... lots of it. *facepalm* :mad: I'm pissed at myself. Needless to say, this morning I was back in the 200s. As I didn't exercise yesterday, I was over my calories like whoa. I guess the silver lining in the matter was that the pizza, which I haven't ordered in ages was sort of meh and too greasy for me (granted i still ate it), but I won't be ordering it again for a very long time. It wasn't worth it. I think my tastes are changing. Slimwich pizzas are my happy substitute.

    Tried to make for the disaster of yesterday by working out today. Did my second to last day of c25k (ee!). Still nowhere near the 3.1miles. I think the running part was around 2.3miles, and with my walking before and after, totaling 2.8ish. Seems like hitting that 3.1miles is a long ways away. I know I'll get there eventually though. Did 35 minutes on the bike as well, so burned a decent amount of calories. Keeping my eating in check (mostly) today is hopes to negate some of yesterday's damage.

    Hope everyone's Sunday is going well!

    ETA: btw, lovin' "Shrink(ing) into Summer" as our next challenge name
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I love "Shrinking Into Summer"!!!!

    I am still sweating after doing 24 min of Zumba - I'm so glad I bought the DVDs. I keep looking at the P90X DVDs and trying to figure out how I can business expense it - I really do spend all day teaching people to exercise and can always use more pointers on technique. A 90 year old guy said to me Friday - "I bet you weigh 165 and could stand to lose 20 pounds" - I almost started rolling on the floor laughing - at least he thought I looked 165 not 195. If I live to be 90 - I too will take the freedom to speak my mind. (And yes he does have Alzheimer's disease:wink:)

    I just signed up to take a refresher course on neck/upper back mobilization in Nashville. I am so excited - I have an aunt 30 miles away so mom will go with me. My secret vice is country music.

    cd - do you want me to look at your food/exercise log and offer some tips? ((((((super big hug))))))) The stress of moving and leaving your family could be having a big impact on weight loss.

    Kristina - I added 3 min a week for 3 weeks after finishing C25K before I could run(jog slowly) 3.1 miles.

    It's beautiful outside and I don't want to go out. I really need to do some paperwork for work and keep finding ways to procrastinate. I guess it's time to bite the bullet and just do it:grumble: Catch you later.

    Lacey and tamar need to post weights and then I'll put the chart up.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Pinot, you are more than welcome to look at my food diary. I think i have it set for friends to see, but I'll check just in case. You'll notice that there are some days missing....I know, duh! that could be the reason, but I have come to another realization....

    Yet again, after looking over last week, I was under 1000 calories many days. What the hell is wrong with me?!! I see the "total calories" on my food list, and think "hey, it's near 1300 ....I did good". Duh, I don't figure in that I also burned 400 working out. I'm such a moron, yet again! Those of you that are new to this group....this is, I think, the third time I have realized Im not eating enough!!! I broke it down, and figuring I burn between 400-500 cal's a day, I need to eat about 500 calories per meal, and two 200 calorie snacks each day. That would put me at about 1900 calories a day, then when you subtract the 400 from exercise I should be hanging around 1500.
    Veteran Superheroes.....sorry you have to put up with this dumbness of mine yet again. I'm off to the supermarket to get some more food!!
    My hubby is so good though. He keeps telling me that I'm not dumb, but that i have over 30 years of everything telling me to lose weight i need to eat less. He does make me feel better.

    I second, or third....."shrinking into summer". such a cool name!!

    I'm off to Safeway and toys r us and the AT&T store. We need new phones before we leave. hopefully they have some cool free ones.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439

    cd - do you want me to look at your food/exercise log and offer some tips? ((((((super big hug))))))) The stress of moving and leaving your family could be having a big impact on weight loss.

    I agree with the stress. It could be wreaking havoc with my bod!

  • mrsbojangles
    Two people at my singing job today said I look like I am losing weight! :blushing: I am sooo excited!

    I like the Shrinking Into Summer title, too. Not sure if I get a vote - I am really new. :tongue:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sorry I haven't weighed as I didn't get to the gym. Call it 208 again.

    I'm going to attempt a seared tuna poke style dinner tonight. Excited. YUM.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hey all i did my official weigh in today and i am down to 231 yay!!!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Here is the latest chart. We are still missing 1 person but I will add her in when she reports and you can see hers next week. Everyone really is doing a great job.

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    mrsbonjangles- yay for people noticing! it took me close to the 30 pounds i've now lost for people to notice- uber frustrating.

    cds- eat more of your exercise calories! those days that i know I'm working out, I add in sometimes an extra more higher calorie snack- like some nuts, which are healthy, but can easily add up the caloric intake.

    making a bean soup tonight that my parents had sent me a few months ago- it was a dry mix with lots of yummy beans, but it has to simmer for like 3 hours, so it's certainly not a weeknight meal. should last me for lunchs and some dinners through the week. Also going to cook up some sweet potatoes as well maybe tomorrow night for a couple dinners. Have some frozen veggies if I need something else which I'll toss with some couscous and maybe some beans if I need something else. Would like my eating to be on point this week, as it was sort of meh this past week. Pub trivia may or may not be happening tomorrow night. In some ways, I'd totally be down with not going, as it's one last nasty meal for the week. Either way, at least it's early in the week.

    victoria- thanks for the recommendation on upping my running distance. i'll probably continue a lot of the treadmill until I hit the 3.1miles, but as it is now starting to get warmer, add some shorter jogs/walks outside. They'll be good to do on my off-gym days. I'd like to transition to running outside for the majority of my runs soon. I know I just get more tired outside, because I can't regulate my speed like I can on the treadmill, and those flat streets are deceptively not flat.I'll get there. I feel great for going this far. I never thought I could do it. You and the other runners in this group (Deb, cds... i'm looking at you!) have been such a great inspiration!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Two people at my singing job today said I look like I am losing weight! :blushing: I am sooo excited!

    I like the Shrinking Into Summer title, too. Not sure if I get a vote - I am really new. :tongue:

    I think everyone that participates should get a vote. I think Shrinking Into Summer is going to win - it has the most votes so far.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Can you guys believe I still have so much crap food in my house two weeks after I went shopping?! geez I'm ready to be done with it! Still have mac and cheese, 4 cans of tomato soup (and a box full of crackers) and 2 cans of spaghetti rings and meatballs.

    I will keep my weigh in as 234 from Friday morning....weight fluxs are so frustrating. Yesterday afternoon around 3:45 I was 231.8 but this morning I was back up to 234.2. Good freaking grief!!! I can't wait till its all gone so I can buy my good healthy food that lasts a week or so...I miss the quesadilla and chili mac and mexican chili....yum.

    It was sunny enough that I walked Lexi at the park yesterday and today. Still trying to get a new hrm. It really helps motivate me. Sometimes I hate ebay though. It can be so frustrating.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    great job everyone with your losses, and even if you didn't lose...great job at doing what's best for "YOU", we are getting stronger everyday Pals....that's priceless!!

    I love this and have just added it to my signature. You always know the right thing to say!!!! Thanks Deb - you truly inspire me:flowerforyou:

    :heart: :heart: awe, shucks...your such a sweet heart Pinbot...I'd have to say...same back at ya!!!!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    well i have had kind of a bad day. i found out last night that my dads doctor in Birmingham told him that he was not a canadite for a heart transplant as it would cause more problems than it would solve. so again i was stressed today
    :flowerforyou: so sorry to hear this, I hope your family can find another solution soon...hugs and hang in there...try to know taking care of yourself would be what your Dad would want...more than anything:flowerforyou:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    well i have had kind of a bad day. i found out last night that my dads doctor in Birmingham told him that he was not a canadite for a heart transplant as it would cause more problems than it would solve.

    My dad had a heart transplant in 1997. It should have been a wake call to me at that point that I needed to change my life but it wasn't. The transplant was hard on him and the family - during the surgery he ended up having a stroke (mild) that caused left sided weakness and memory loss. Taking the rejection medication twice a day was tough. Living with someone that has memory loss was very hard on mom. The loss of income from not being able to work was hard on them. It was shortly after this that my parents moved to be close to me. I had a wonderful 9 extra years with him. He passed away 3 1/2 years ago and I still miss him every day. Spend as much time as you can with your dad and use this time to realize that you are high risk for trouble in the future. My dad was 51 when he had the transplant. Now that I am 41 it really scares me. I wish I had MFP and had been motivated to do something when I was younger. Hopefully your dad will make some life style changes now that will help him to live longer. My heart goes out to you. ((((((super big hug)))))))

    Pinbot, I am sorry for your loss....I'm glad you had a few extra years with your Dad before he passed. Hugs...
    I have never met my real father, but I lost my Grandfather to cancer around the same time as your Dad passed. He found out he had it December of 03 and he passed in March of 04...it was a painful death and hard to watch. He was a huge role model in my life,the only other person besides my husband to stand by me. I fell into depression for a few years after that..took me a while to snap out of it and the pounds piled on.. I have my starting weight as 274....but if I am going to be totally honest, that next year in 05...I jumped on the scale one time and it topped 28?...I jumped off and cried and didn't get back on for several months..and then I didn't weigh in again until after I exercised for 2 months I didn't think I could take the truth..it is very easy to get lost in your pain...not sure what one thing snapped me out of it...I guess just tired of being sick and tired....but I am so thankful for all the support here.... and I get really excited when I think about how permantant it is now...I'm never going back! I'll come here and ask for help...before I left food take over:happy: Thanks Pals
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    MY MY MY... I miss you guys...the weekends here are so crazy and I feel I miss out on so much...

    cds...hugs to you, and you are not dense!!! and to your hubby.... he is so right....we are told..cut, cut, cut the calories and then when your told eat more...it's hard...I have trouble with it too...STILL and Sweet Pinbot explained it to me way back In November (and probably at least a couple more times since then:laugh: !)...I'd do good for a few weeks, then oops, here come a couple days when I'm under by 600 or more...I've been trying to get a bigger meal in the morning in, helps a little , but I still fall back on my shakes a lot.

    I love the "shrinking into summer" sound too...count my vote!!

    Have to share, ran across a really good article in this months prevention mag. It is called WOW, walk off weight. It is an interval training walking routine. My husband and I were just going to try a 30 minute walk....we ended up doing it for 90 minutes and it went so fast...it was fun and time flew...they had you warm up for 5 minutes walking at a slow pace, then for one minute you walk at a moderate pace and then for 30 seconds a speed walk, and then repeat...I'm pretty sure you can read about it at prevention.com....by the time we got home my HRM said I burned 1110 calories??? I know that can't be totally accurate, I have a cheapy HRM...but I just really enjoyed the interval part of it...I did end up running those 30 seconds intervals...(I'm just not a very good power walker:laugh: :laugh: ) it just seemed like I had lots of energy when I was finished...not wiped out...just thought I'd share.....I really need to finish my food journal and see how it worked out today...
    Just wanted to catch up some....hugs to everyone.....:flowerforyou:
    Kristina...hugs girl...but get that tiny butt back over to the onederville side...that's where I'm coming to visit ya!!:wink: