What Food Did You Eat as Child That Would Gross You Out Now?



  • inky16
    inky16 Posts: 113 Member
    Banana and Mayo sandwiches
    Fatback (if you know what this is... I'm sorry)

    I'm sure there's more that I just can't think of, but that's southern cooking for ya...
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    KFC macaroni and cheese. I only really have homemade macaroni and cheese now. Even the instant stuff I'm not wild about.
    ANY type of not-real mashed potatoes. Like, not made from scratch mashed potatoes. I can't. They taste WRONG.
    White bread. It tastes like Kleenex, honestly, gross. I didn't really seek it out as a kid, but I would eat it if it was put in front of me or part of a Smuckers Uncrustable. Not anymore.
    Motts Apple Juice. That used to be just about the only thing I would drink, and now it has the most disgusting aftertaste.
    Processed pasteurized cheese product. Just give me some real goshdarn cheese.

    Did anyone else go through weird phases as a kid? Like I saw a museum exhibition about these kids that got sick from eating cheese at their school cafeteria and I wouldn't eat cheese for a couple of years. There were also a few years when I flat-out refused to eat pizza. Would go hungry rather than eat it. Same with hot dogs, although I still don't eat those.
  • mobrien0527
    mobrien0527 Posts: 412
    I used to love ketchup i would eat it plain!!
    Now even the thought of ketchup has me gagging, I despise everything about ketchup :sick:
  • Ihatecoldsoup
    Baby food.
  • ktkdmommy
    ktkdmommy Posts: 95 Member
    I can not stand spaghetti O's, ravioli or anything chef Boyardee. BARF!
  • AussieGal73
    Lamb's brains? need I say more??.... ugghhhh
  • ktkdmommy
    ktkdmommy Posts: 95 Member
    Bacon and peanut butter sandwich :noway:
    …but now that I've written that it would gross me out I'm second-guessing myself!

    omg this sounds heavenly

    THIS..... it actually sounds amazing. You cant go wrong with bacon!!!
  • Ihatecoldsoup
  • ComradeTovarich
    ComradeTovarich Posts: 495 Member
    Ketchup sandwiches and canned spaghettios.

    Absolutley love fluffernutters YUMMY


    And I guess for me, Chef Boyardee stuff. Mad gross.
  • corbridge
    corbridge Posts: 81 Member
    Peanut butter and miracle whip sandwiches
  • lassitudes
    Potato chip sandwiches, Vienna sausages/Spam/Hot dogs/Processed meats in general, french fries dipped in ice cream

  • KxCoyote
    KxCoyote Posts: 122 Member
    Regular Pop. Spam. Greasy foods(lay's Chips, or greasy meats and such). Miracle Whip. Overly oily foods(non-natural peanut butter, most dips). Chef Boyardee.

    I'm sure there's more but I just can't think of them.
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Cup of noodles (shrimp/beef) flavored. I blame college :grumble:
  • srr728
    srr728 Posts: 549 Member
    when equal first came out , i would eat packets of it and i would sneak extra Flinstones vitamins because i liked the taste
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    rabbit... couldn't eat the poor little fluffs today

    why not? Rabbit tastes a lot like chicken.