*need advice about something a bit awkward from ladies!



  • aeroback
    aeroback Posts: 66 Member
    I AM ALLERGIC TO MONISTAT!!!!!! Once was in hospital for it---- GO TO THE DR!!!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I would say go to the doctor, because if it's a yeast infection, they can give you a single pill that will take care of the yeast infection. Then you don't have to deal with creams or the burning they might cause. And if it isn't a yeast infection, they'll also know.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Never mind
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    My sister and i have found that we are a little sensitive to monistat (her more than myself-- it burns her something terrible) so we use gynelotrimin instead-- I like it better. However,that being said-- if it isnt getting better, or if you are with a new partner, or not in a monogamous relationship, it may be prudent to double check with a doctor, just to be sure.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If this is the first time you have had something like this, you should go to the doctor instead of self-treatment. I hope you get it figured out quickly because that is an awful feeling.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You have to be kidding. Get yourself to a doctor for a prescription for antibiotics.


    If you're sexually active you really need to go to a doctor because it may not be as simple as a yeast infection.....
  • 11BC11
    11BC11 Posts: 2
    Hi. I used to get those in my twenties. Mine were yeast infections due to much hidden sugar in my diet. I thought I was doing good by avoiding candy, cookies, cake, sweets but I was eating lots of hidden sugar in foods. I cut that out and my infections stopped. I discoverd the hidden sugars by reading the labels on products. Anything ending in "-ose" is a sugar. Also, I cut the alcohol and sodas. What you eat does effect those parts of your body.

    Also, I did regular vaginal clean outs back then. Massingal was a good product in the 90s-2000s. I do not know if it is now.

    Good luck. It will get better.
  • kw0205
    kw0205 Posts: 62
    Hope you're feeling better. Yeast infections SUCK!

    I have had great luck with an oral anti-fungal prescribed by the doctor - it works very fast too. The name of the drug is escaping me but it starts with a D and a lot of times you only need one (although last time I had one I took two of them a few days apart, per Dr.'s orders).
  • kw0205
    kw0205 Posts: 62
    He gave me the antifungal and I already feel a million times better today.

    I didn't see this before I posted a few minutes ago - glad you're feeling better.

    The first time I had a YI I thought I was going to go out of my mind! Fortunately for me, my mom was an OB/GYN nurse at the time so she was able to get me what I needed. Now if I even twinge I am on the phone with the Dr's office.

    FWIW, eat yogurt as much as you can. It helps a lot to keep such things at bay. Cranberry juice is good for UTI's too.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Lol, OP, here's one reason not to post in forums: you'll get advice about your privates forever, now.

    Anyway, glad it's all worked out.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    You have to be kidding. Get yourself to a doctor for a prescription for antibiotics.

    Agreed! Whenever I've been tested for a YI, the doc has suspected something else until the test results come back. Also, the doc can give you a pill and ant-itch cream. I used an OTC treatment once. It didn't work and it was nasty squirting that slimy goo you know where!!!

    It's not antibiotics. Antibiotics can actually CAUSE yeast infections because they can wipe out the healthy bacterial colonies in the vagina that prevent the yeast from taking over when you're healthy. It's an antifungal prescription medication that you need. Get thee to a Dr. You might consider eating some yogurt or supplementing with probiotics, also.

    I'm going to go kind of gross on here, but since people are talking about it. This is entirely true. I have a...lets say.... temperamental vajayjay, and if I swim or take a bath, I instantly get a bacterial infection (BV). So, when I take the antibiotics for it, it always makes the BV turn into a yeast infection because it kills off all the good bacteria too....so here we go again! Then that turns into a cervix infection, which turns back into a bacterial infection....seriously....I want to kill myself. It is just an endless cycle for months if I get BV during the summer (swimming). Be careful with how you treat it....you could just make it worse!
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    He gave me the antifungal and I already feel a million times better today.

    I didn't see this before I posted a few minutes ago - glad you're feeling better.

    The first time I had a YI I thought I was going to go out of my mind! Fortunately for me, my mom was an OB/GYN nurse at the time so she was able to get me what I needed. Now if I even twinge I am on the phone with the Dr's office.

    FWIW, eat yogurt as much as you can. It helps a lot to keep such things at bay. Cranberry juice is good for UTI's too.

    Nope. Me either. I read the first 3 pages then gave up. lol
  • raynavee
    He gave me the antifungal and I already feel a million times better today.

    I didn't see this before I posted a few minutes ago - glad you're feeling better.

    The first time I had a YI I thought I was going to go out of my mind! Fortunately for me, my mom was an OB/GYN nurse at the time so she was able to get me what I needed. Now if I even twinge I am on the phone with the Dr's office.

    FWIW, eat yogurt as much as you can. It helps a lot to keep such things at bay. Cranberry juice is good for UTI's too.

    Nope. Me either. I read the first 3 pages then gave up. lol

    Lol. Me too. Kept reading "go to the doctor and get on antibiotics" and then finally decided to skip to the end and try to explain that antibiotics don't cure FUNGI! I can't stand when people think this. That's why we have so many bacterial infections in the world that are resistant to antibiotics.
  • skinnybysummer24
    just to save anyone from future trouble, I went to the doc, and it was a yeast infection. I'M ALLERGIC TO MONISTAT. I knew I felt 10x worse when using it.
    But, everything's all good & it's gone thank god.
    Thank you everyone for all your help :)