Coconut Oil...who uses it & why?



  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    I don't use it for eating, I use it to make sugar scrub for my face, feet and body. It's highly moisturizing and natural. I also use it in place of lotion. I have really sensitive skin and I am allergic to EVERYTHING and it works great and is a lot cheaper than some manufactured "hypo-allergenic" products.

    Coconut and Lime Sugar Scrub

    1/2 cup Coconut Oil
    1 1/4 cup Sugar (brown or white, and you can also use half table salt)
    3 Tbsp Lime or Lemon Juice (fresh is best.)

    Warm coconut oil and mix ingredients together.

    Ooh, this sounds nice....
  • abcmomof3
    I use coconut oil where ever shortening is needed. It's natural and better for you than shortening/Crisco
  • lashan123
    I use it in my morning coffee/tea, to sauté veggies, fry eggs, i use it for anything requiring oil in the kitchen. I've noticed since I've made that change my appetite is defintely suppressed. I also use in my hair, skin, and have learned about many more uses i want to try....its a miracle oil!
  • CaLaurie
    CaLaurie Posts: 178
    I've just started using it for cooking - skillet chicken tenders - YUM!!! Will have to try the other uses - great responses....can't wait to try!
  • Lynnsie12
    What a great question. I use it in my popcorn popper, just a scosh, and it makes popcorn taste SO good. I love reading all the replies. So many good uses for coconut oil.
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Great ideas! Thanks!
  • IronGirlShae
    IronGirlShae Posts: 58 Member
    I make my own deodorant with it! Baking soda, corn starch, Coconut oil, beeswax, a touch of tea tree oil, and whatever scent I want (lavender and heather oils usually) got the recipe at she has lots of other cool recipes
  • dawnerika
    dawnerika Posts: 22 Member
    Cooking, particularly baking, in place of whatever oil the recipe calls for. I use my hand mixer and whip up a batch to put in jars I have saved, to use as a works beautifully and my skin is healthier than it's been in years. Comes out light and can add a few drops of any essential oil for scent, if desired...and Vit E oil also. Fantastic hair moisturizer - use as you would any hot oil treatment. As a lip gloss. I've even polished my wooden furniture with it lol Google "uses for coconut oil" and there are plenty of helpful lists out there. It can be used in a multitude of ways! As for fat...there is "good" fat and "bad" fat...coconut oil is the good one.
  • PrimalSiren
    Just for reference, expeller pressed coconut oil does not have a coconut taste, spectrum sells an expeller pressed oil.
  • ahallen83
    ahallen83 Posts: 25 Member
    I LOVE coconut oil! I use it for cooking, as body moisturizer, eye-makeup remover, to soften my feet, in my hair ... I could go on forever. It smells so nice and subtly sweet, not like that gross artificial coconut smell you get off of suntan lotion (which is sort of what I was expecting for some reason).

    I feel that adding it to my diet helped me break through my last weight plateau. I had been trying to get that scale to budge for weeks, probably even a couple months, and I was really frustrated but kept getting more and more committed to sticking to my meal plan hoping something would change. Then I switched to using coconut oil exclusively for my cooking as well as blending 1 tablespoon into my coffee in the mornings and at my next weigh-in I had dropped down significantly. Maybe it was just the extra calories, maybe I was eating too little fat before, not 100% sure and this is just my personal experience. I have read on some fitness sites that our diets are far too low fat when "dieting" and that the body will want to hold on to/store body fat if it doesn't feel it will get what it needs to function from our diet alone. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but I'm going to keep on using it.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    I use it on my popcorn (it is amazing on popcorn, and the perfect pair with salt). I also use it to make my own granola (it is a natural preservative, so my granola lasts longer). Pretty much anywhere that I would use butter for baking.
    You do need to be careful to get expeller pressed and not heat treated coconot oil (which isn't sold as a food grade... don't eat soap grade oil), as heating it beyond it's smoke point turns it into a transfat (like other oils).
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I make all kinds of gains on coconut oil. All kinds...
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    I use it because it smells and tastes great.
  • cocodiva31
    I've been using cocunut oil (Spectrum Organic) for about 8 months and here are my uses..

    1) facial rub- after i wash my face its usually a little dry so i just rub a little coconut oil on my face before applying makeup in the morning and I use it before bed. It evens out skin tone.
    2) clear up acne or any scars left behind from a pimple
    3) cooking- use it wherever butter is called for....however I dont recommend for deep frying but sauteeing is fine.
    4) vaginal lubricant- takes care of irritation or any other discomforts us women sometimes get :angry:
    5) body help with dry skin anywhere on your body.

    Those are all I could think of for now. I think its excellent for skin use and good for cooking. When eaten you can definitely tell a difference in your digestion, you can actually here your stomach breaking down your food.:heart:
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Stretch Mark and hair care. Cooking would be an option if I could find a big enough container.. I am frugal and will not pay $10.99 for 100ml
  • breeshabebe
  • keezles
    keezles Posts: 7 Member
    I found a peanut butter-sized jar of coconut oil at Trader Joe's for $6 in my area. Don't buy LouAna kind- it's gross. I bought a huge jar of LouAna CO for about $4 at Wal-Mart and am now stuck with it! It seems like it's made from rancid coconuts. Go for TJ's brand or Spectrum.
  • RozzyG
    RozzyG Posts: 12 Member
    I add a bit to my coffee!

    Me too, it's delish and got me off of putting milk and sugar in my coffee...

    It's great to cook with (love doing my healthy pancakes in it), it's very healthy & good for us.... is said to have all kinds of health benefits. (just google them, they are many)
    I also use it to remove my eye make-up, and it can be used in 'oil pulling' to clean and whiten our teeth.
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    I use it for cooking and have no issues in weight gain, since it does not get absorbed like other fats. It is very energizing as well.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I found a peanut butter-sized jar of coconut oil at Trader Joe's for $6 in my area. Don't buy LouAna kind- it's gross. I bought a huge jar of LouAna CO for about $4 at Wal-Mart and am now stuck with it! It seems like it's made from rancid coconuts. Go for TJ's brand or Spectrum.

    Thanks! :)