8 foot wide hips?!?



  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    And here come the hall monitors b1tching and complaining about everything as usual. Don't any of you have anything better to do?

    lol We could say the same about you. Don't you have anything better to do than make fun of some lady's video you saw online because you clearly don't feel good about yourself? I'd much rather waste my day away defending women from a POS like you than BEING the POS that feels the need to make fun of someone because of the way they look.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I agree with the "why post this?" comments. Does it matter that much to you? Or is it just to make you feel better by posting this? I just figure if and when she decides to lose, she will. If not, then let it be. Not hurting you or me is it?

    Actually, yes it is. Ever heard of insurance rates and why they are so high?

    Are you under the impression that some jerk post on a site like this is going to solve that problem? I reached 361 pounds before deciding enough was enough. One thing that didn't help me make the decision were comments like the ones here. What is the motivation to lose weight when you'd already been degraded and reduced to just some fat person, ready and waiting to be verbally abused?

    So, unless you find someway to turn this thread into a solution for our insurance woes, I don't see how this helps.

    People who want to be big and purposely try to gain weight are stupid and need mental help. I saw something online where some woman was trying to get the record for the heaviest woman in the world. She deserves to be made fun of because that is ignorant.

    So people that need mental help deserve to get made fun of?


    So I guess you are the one who picks on the mentally challenged people SMH really? rather disgusting you think this is ok
  • S1NN3R
    S1NN3R Posts: 452 Member

  • Amellej
    Amellej Posts: 197 Member
    And she loves her curves! I'm sorry, but curves and lumps/rolls are a lot different. If you watch the video... just no words!

    I so agree!
    saw her story on the Daily Mail:noway:
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I agree with the "why post this?" comments. Does it matter that much to you? Or is it just to make you feel better by posting this? I just figure if and when she decides to lose, she will. If not, then let it be. Not hurting you or me is it?

    Actually, yes it is. Ever heard of insurance rates and why they are so high?

    Are you under the impression that some jerk post on a site like this is going to solve that problem? I reached 361 pounds before deciding enough was enough. One thing that didn't help me make the decision were comments like the ones here. What is the motivation to lose weight when you'd already been degraded and reduced to just some fat person, ready and waiting to be verbally abused?

    So, unless you find someway to turn this thread into a solution for our insurance woes, I don't see how this helps.

    People who want to be big and purposely try to gain weight are stupid and need mental help. I saw something online where some woman was trying to get the record for the heaviest woman in the world. She deserves to be made fun of because that is ignorant.

    So people that need mental help deserve to get made fun of?


    congratulations...you just made MFP bully of the year...

    chemical imbalances are real things....they are medically documented issues where people are wired the way they are wired....because of their genetic make up...

    they can't help being mentally imbalanced...

    so what's next...making fun of blind people? deaf people?

    please let me know where the line is....

    and which side I stand on.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I agree with the "why post this?" comments. Does it matter that much to you? Or is it just to make you feel better by posting this? I just figure if and when she decides to lose, she will. If not, then let it be. Not hurting you or me is it?

    Actually, yes it is. Ever heard of insurance rates and why they are so high?

    Are you under the impression that some jerk post on a site like this is going to solve that problem? I reached 361 pounds before deciding enough was enough. One thing that didn't help me make the decision were comments like the ones here. What is the motivation to lose weight when you'd already been degraded and reduced to just some fat person, ready and waiting to be verbally abused?

    So, unless you find someway to turn this thread into a solution for our insurance woes, I don't see how this helps.

    People who want to be big and purposely try to gain weight are stupid and need mental help. I saw something online where some woman was trying to get the record for the heaviest woman in the world. She deserves to be made fun of because that is ignorant.
    Just so you know, "stupid" and "needs mental help" are not the same thing. Implying so is quite ignorant. Do i have the right to make fun of you now?

    You can try, but I'm not 420 pounds and trying to gain more weight and have an IQ of 130+ so I am not sure how far you will get with that.
  • DrBroPHD
    DrBroPHD Posts: 245 Member
    she should seek professional mental help

    Lots of enablers in this thread
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    and have an IQ of 130+

    Oh that made me laugh! Thanks!
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member

    People who want to be big and purposely try to gain weight are stupid and need mental help. I saw something online where some woman was trying to get the record for the heaviest woman in the world. She deserves to be made fun of because that is ignorant.

    in your user pic you're carrying a polystyrene container - there are studies now that show eating food that has been housed in polystyrene (even for a short time) can have ill effects on your thyroid.

    so that means that i can make fun of you, right? b/c by your own logic, this shows ignorance and the proportional response is to make fun of that person.

    edited for engirsh fail. you may now make fun of me

    ROFL, you think that family full of mullet mutants is me?
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    She has a 40" waist, which is smaller than mine. She obviously carries all of her weight in her hips and is beyond the normal pear shape, but hey... people are different. She's happy, her husband loves her... I don't see the problem? If she doesn't want to lose weight, that doesn't affect me one bit. She seems like a really nice lady.
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    I could start a thread about the stupidity of using your real full name as your username, then posting the company you work for, the city you work in, your child's name, and so on... but I choose not to.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    You can try, but I'm not 420 pounds and trying to gain more weight and have an IQ of 130+ so I am not sure how far you will get with that.

    Glad you think cuz you aren't morbidly obese and not changing it that you get the right to judge others.

    I bet you are great to be around at parties.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member

    People who want to be big and purposely try to gain weight are stupid and need mental help. I saw something online where some woman was trying to get the record for the heaviest woman in the world. She deserves to be made fun of because that is ignorant.

    in your user pic you're carrying a polystyrene container - there are studies now that show eating food that has been housed in polystyrene (even for a short time) can have ill effects on your thyroid.

    so that means that i can make fun of you, right? b/c by your own logic, this shows ignorance and the proportional response is to make fun of that person.

    edited for engirsh fail. you may now make fun of me

    ROFL, you think that family full of mullet mutants is me?

    well, it's your pic and you are showing sterotypical smallminded biogtry and hatred, so you can see why i made that assumption.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I agree with the "why post this?" comments. Does it matter that much to you? Or is it just to make you feel better by posting this? I just figure if and when she decides to lose, she will. If not, then let it be. Not hurting you or me is it?

    Actually, yes it is. Ever heard of insurance rates and why they are so high?

    Are you under the impression that some jerk post on a site like this is going to solve that problem? I reached 361 pounds before deciding enough was enough. One thing that didn't help me make the decision were comments like the ones here. What is the motivation to lose weight when you'd already been degraded and reduced to just some fat person, ready and waiting to be verbally abused?

    So, unless you find someway to turn this thread into a solution for our insurance woes, I don't see how this helps.

    People who want to be big and purposely try to gain weight are stupid and need mental help. I saw something online where some woman was trying to get the record for the heaviest woman in the world. She deserves to be made fun of because that is ignorant.

    People in NO way shape or form deserve to be made fun of.... EVER!!!

    you must be a democrat
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Unless you are pregnant or a duck.... you should NOT waddle!

    *kitten* YOU. I waddled a bit when I first started losing weight because my thighs were big and my feet were in so much pain from being heavy. I just started walking normally about two months ago.

    You need to learn to be more sensitive. I sincerely doubt you are perfect.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    she should seek professional mental help

    Lots of enablers in this thread

    Not at all.

    I would never enable someone harming themselves, what I have an issue with that person being held up for mockery.

    Edit to clarify the "not at all" - I am saying that I am not an enabler, not that she should not seek help.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
This discussion has been closed.