

  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I love how people keep saying she didn't practice it... do you know that for sure? Where you around her every second of the day to know this for sure?

    I wonder how many people that keep complaining has actually ever sung in public... in the shower with an SO doesn't count... I'm gonna bet only a handful.

    Yes. I know that for sure.

    The U.S. Marine Band said in a statement Tuesday that the musical accompaniment was pre-recorded, explaining that "there was no opportunity for Ms. Knowles-Carter to rehearse with the Marine Band before the Inauguration so it was determined that a live performance by the band was ill-advised for such a high-profile event."
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    Say Wha?

  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Hey... knock a self a pro, Slick! That gray matter backlot perform us DOWN, I take TCB-in', man!
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    Lamp. Chicken, ice face. Heaven calculus laser. Task crib turkey stick.

    WOW This is amazing!
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    This post was the tipping point, my head actually exploded.

    You do know that when people say to you, "How stupid can you be?" It's not meant to be a challenge, right??
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    First Did you have word vomit or something? Number 2, I just watch the video, did you see her take her ear piece out. That only happens when you are having a repeat of what is going on outside in your ear as well. Unless someone can post a different video or show me a link to a video where it looks like she is CLEARLY lip syncing.... i don't think she was.

    ^^^ This. Many performers wear those ear pieces, not because they are lip-syncing... but because they are better able to hear themselves and the music to stay on pitch and on beat.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Even with practice one can still screw it up.... something gets caught in your throat... you get nervous/excited/caught up in the emotion and you forget the words... happens ALL. THE. TIME.
    Isn't she, like, supposed to be a performer of some sort? I was under the impression she had made her career with singing. I might be thinking of someone else, though.

    And? How many performers (who have likely practiced it a bajillion times) have screwed up the National Anthem singing it live?

    Eta for clarfication.

    Look at the ****storm Christina Aguilera caught for screwing it up at the World Series!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I just...



    But what...


    What just happened here?
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member

    This is a very good take on it.

    In summary: It is regulation to pre-record all performances during large events such as this. It is up to the artist to decide whether to perform liv, or to use the back up recording. Beyonce chose to use the backup, and probably fr good reason.

    The link offers one very good, possible reason: It was FLIPPING COLD! Flipping cold + lots of sitting around waiting = poor conditions for singing. There was a lot of pressure on Beyonce to perform the anthem to a tee, and she probably felt she would have messed it up. The American national anthem is an incredibly hard song to sing, and most people can't sing it in the best of times. It's not like Briteny Spears singing one of her simple, crap songs to a small audience in a stadium. The entire counttry was watching Beyonce...

    If I were a spectator, I would have rather listened to a recording, while watching lip syncing, then listen to a very important part of a national ceremony get butchered.

    How I really feel about it? Who the eff cares. Seriously. What about that shool shooting in Texas? Is Beyonce's lip syncing really more important than that?
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I just must be too stupid to understand the OP...
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Hey, you know what they say... see a broad to get dat booty yak 'em...
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Lamp. Chicken, ice face. Heaven calculus laser. Task crib turkey stick.

    WOW This is amazing!

    I no rite!

    Staples. Coach, united sauce.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    THIS. is one of my favorite gifs!!!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Even with practice one can still screw it up.... something gets caught in your throat... you get nervous/excited/caught up in the emotion and you forget the words... happens ALL. THE. TIME.
    Isn't she, like, supposed to be a performer of some sort? I was under the impression she had made her career with singing. I might be thinking of someone else, though.

    She's a performer, not necessarily a singer. I thought this was what made her career:
