Father brings his daughter into the men's locker room



  • amanda_catherine
    typically there is family rooms, and if not then he/she is not purposely ignoring the family sign... i think the gross thing about this situation is there was family rooms and he decided to take her into a MANS CHANGING ROOM... with naked men walking around... it was not an "oh my word she has to pee and there is no where else to go" type of situation..
  • swarovski75
    swarovski75 Posts: 195 Member
    Not sure if insane, but you're waaaay overreacting. Suck it up and cover yourself with a towel. Either way, 4 year old are not traumatized for life by seeing the human form. And neither are the adults that are seen by them.

  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    i agree a young girl should not be in a room full of naked men..anything could happen

    She was with her father. She wasn't alone in there.

    Bingo! So if the family rooms are full (this never happens, right?!) you send your 4 year old into the women's locker room all by herself. Oh that's so much better! Sorry, I have 2 young daughters. These issues come up like every day.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    Not sure if insane, but you're waaaay overreacting. Suck it up and cover yourself with a towel. Either way, 4 year old are not traumatized for life by seeing the human form. And neither are the adults that are seen by them.


    YES! THIS^^^^
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I assume there was a reason the child was there (a pool or something?) in which case no biggie. My dad used to take me in with him when I was a kid as I used to go to the pool with him, my mum can't swim, so I would have to go get changed with him, can't send small children away to change on their own. No different to mums bringing their sons in the womens changing rooms. We don't have family changing rooms here though so I don't know what they are all about.
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    Not sure if insane, but you're waaaay overreacting. Suck it up and cover yourself with a towel. Either way, 4 year old are not traumatized for life by seeing the human form. And neither are the adults that are seen by them.


    YES! THIS^^^^

    ^^and we have a winner!!!! THIS^^
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Your daughter will learn your discomfort with the human body. She's 4. Right now she doesn't even know what vaginas and penises are all about. If you make it a bad thing, she will think it's a bad thing. Just saying.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Not sure if insane, but you're waaaay overreacting. Suck it up and cover yourself with a towel. Either way, 4 year old are not traumatized for life by seeing the human form. And neither are the adults that are seen by them.


    YES! THIS^^^^
    Nailed it.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    typically there is family rooms, and if not then he/she is not purposely ignoring the family sign... i think the gross thing about this situation is there was family rooms and he decided to take her into a MANS CHANGING ROOM... with naked men walking around... it was not an "oh my word she has to pee and there is no where else to go" type of situation..

    There are often no family rooms...and often a long line up since its 1 family room per family. I'm not willing to wait 15minutes for a room and my 5 year old son does not make an issue out of seeing naked people because he has seen it.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Also, I'd like to point out that if it was a woman bringing her 4 year old son into a women's locker room, there wouldn't be nearly as large of an uproar.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I do not understand why some people clearly ignore the family rooms ? why purposely have your lil girl walking around with men who have there junk out... honestly people ewww

    Genitalia aren't gross. Sure they're not pretty, but they're not "icky". They're body parts.
  • cma17
    cma17 Posts: 56 Member
    I was raised by a solo father.... what was he suppose to do take me into the female room? that would have gone down a treat I'm sure .
  • White_n_Nerdy
    White_n_Nerdy Posts: 22 Member
    This whole thread seems a tad hypocritical. If a 4 year old boy was brought into the women's locker room, no one would be throwing a fit like they are now.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    I'd only feel uncomfortable being naked in front of kids just cuz they stare. My own kids do this! I don't feel uncomfortable being naked in front of kids cuz I think the sight of my nude body will forever be tattooed on their brains.
  • flarge
    flarge Posts: 47 Member
    No, no, no, no. A body isn't just a body to a 4 year old, especially a 4 year old girl seeing balls and penises swinging around. Just because YOU don't think it's a big deal doesn't mean you should put your kid in that situation not knowing if it will traumatize them or not. Maybe you should just plan ahead instead of finding yourself in a bad situation like that and acting out of desperation.
  • KaedonUmberger
    KaedonUmberger Posts: 6 Member
    I don't see the big deal. She's 4.
    I've seen women take their young boys around that age into the women's locker room and I didn't even consider it wrong.

    Maybe it's because I'm a mom and I'm use to taking my kid everyone with me as well.

    I see it almost the same as if I were taking my son to use the women's bathroom because I obviously wouldn't trust my young child to manage on his own in the men's restroom.

    while i agree about the bathroom thing (only because you can SEE anything in the bathroom unless someones stripping outside the stalls or something lol), i think its terribly wrong to take his 4 year old DAUGHTER into the MENS locker room where grown men are naked. Personally, if i had a son, i wouldnt bring them into the womans locker room if there was a family locker room open. I don't think its appropriate for children to see explicit things before they are ready. (meaning children are NEVER ready to see explicit things. O.O Kids shouldnt be watching strange men undress at ANY age.) Now that being said, you may argue that skin is skin. yes, skin is skin, but different parts of the body (different types of skin) are used for different types of things. & they very from gender to gender. Each person is different, i understand that, but i think that he did what was right.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    gross!!! It's not even about seeing the naked men for that matter...but why would you expose your 4 y/o to that type of bacteria???
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    I also have to add that I take issue with this tendency to automatically view men as dangerous, sexual deviants. Why is it so taboo for a little girl to go in a men's locker room and it's a non issue for a little boy to go in a women's locker room. And that's garbage about women being maternal. There are plenty of sick and disturbed women walking around every day. I'm really bothered by the double standard.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I am in the "no biggie" boat on this, because bodies are bodies, and it's all just skin. HOWEVER, if there are family locker rooms, he should use them, and considering the fact that he's now done this twice (that you know of), I'd say he's making the wrong choice.

    I used to go to a city rec center that didn't have family locker rooms, and everyone brought their kids in, and everyone was prepared for it and dealt with it. I can totally understand how, if there are family locker rooms available, men are not prepared and caught off guard by a child being in the locker room, so your frustration is acceptable.

    What!? You are ridiculous. My 4 year old daughter does not need to see a bunch of D**ks in a locker room. Disgusting.

    Please tell me - what is disgusting about a penis? Do you have one (I didn't check your profile)? And clearly you don't think they're that disgusting if you have a daughter and you're a woman...

    The human body is never disgusting, and it's people who are shameful and appalled by the human form that perpetuate self image issues in their children. I feel sorry for your daughter that her parent is so hateful toward the natural existence of human bodies.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I also have to add that I take issue with this tendency to automatically view men as dangerous, sexual deviants. Why is it so taboo for a little girl to go in a men's locker room and it's a non issue for a little boy to go in a women's locker room. And that's garbage about women being maternal. There are plenty of sick and disturbed women walking around every day. I'm really bothered by the double standard.
