Anyone else having a hard time cutting out alcohol??



  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    YES!! This is not scientific by any means...but when I lost weight last year (about 30 lbs.) I didn't drink for the first 6 weeks. I lost weight FAST AND STEADILY. When I added an occasional glass of wine (even within my caloric allotment) the weight loss slowed. Once I added liquor, it seemed to stall it. Like, even if I lost...I looked puffy. Now I have to use the week to recover from two little nights of drinks. SUCKS!!
  • jazdchef
    i go 15oz a day w the smirnoff. 1000 cals. Iz the JETS fault. haha. GO JETS!(mesn my whole program up),(stil losn a few a wk tho)(lbs i mean). GO JETS!
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    Re: wine oxidizing if you don't drink it "fast enough" - - a great investment is a wine vacuum top, which sucks the air out of the bottle (still or sparkling wines) to make it last MUCH longer. Great for wines you use to cook with only too, this really gives you a longer shelf life. Less than $10 (got 2 for $4 on sale recently). Good luck
    That's why God invented box wine :laugh:
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    You can make room for it if you want, I still drink beers. Big beers, not diet beers. I want my beer to taste like beer if I'm gonna spend my calories on it. Just personal preference, but I'd rather have one Lagunitas Sucks than 4 64 calorie beers or two and a half 100 calorie beers. Quality over quantity as far as my tastebuds go.
    All this is driving me to want a drink tonight & I have nothing in the house :sad: I have lots of calories left too :grumble:
  • PJClay57
    One thing that I have changed is that I no longer "sip" my wine while I cook. I wait till I am seated to eat to enjoy my glass or two of wine!
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    My drinking habits have changed so much over the last few years. I used to head for the pub at least three days of the week after work. Once I moved to a new city, I didn't have my "Cheers", so I didn't go anywhere after work. That's when I realized that I DID have time to work out.

    Over time, I've kind of become a bit of a craft beer snob, but when I go out I only have a couple before I'm just over it. I LOVE beer, but too much of it and I just feel heavy and slobby. I do keep wine at the house, and when out for dinner I'll enjoy a glass or two. At home, it depends on the day. Usually I'll have a glass on the weekends if I'm not doing anything else. Like, if it's a gorgeous evening, I'll enjoy a glass on the patio with friends.

    Like someone said upthread, wine is pretty low calorie and nice to have around if I've had an especially trying day. It's a lot easier for me to work into my daily goals than beer. It COULD be a nightly thing, it's just not. Mostly because I'd much rather eat my calories than drink them.

    Sometimes, though... DAMN THE CALORIES: It's cold beer-thirty!

    I tend to overdo it on special occasions, though, and enjoy way more than I should from time to time. Maybe once every few months. It may sound weird, but my favorite hangover cure is a nice, long run. I feel so much better sweating it out, and it beats lying around on the couch eating crap all day because I drank too much the night before.

    I just do my best to enjoy what I want in moderation. Food AND drink. If I go over or have a ridiculous day now and then, whatever. The next day is a new day.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I know I want to build muscles and burn fat and being a woman, this is harder....But I'll be honest...I do like the feeling of being pretty drunk.... = / i don't have a has been months and months since my last drink (Actually....a couple nights before Halloween) but it's usually farther apart than that.
  • adjunct
    I feel your pain. I too love a little drink; my poison is wine. I have not had a gass all week but today is Friday and i measured out 12 oz of a nice cabernet ane I am not going to feel guilty! If I want a white wine, I will mix it with some no calorie seltzer water and make a nice spritzer out of it. That seems to help. The problem I have is if I have some wine, my resolve for not having snacks goes out the window. So, I am limiting my drinking to Friday or Saturday evenings. I hope this helps you!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Honestly, I cut alcohol out of my diet completely for three months and there was no difference in my weight loss.

    I think it's one of those things that is different for everyone. I only have one or two drinks a week, and some weeks I have no alcohol at all. I measure it on my food scale when I drink at home, but when I go out and have a drink I make sure to have a good allotment of calories for it. If you are making sure it fits into your calorie bank, I see no problem with it.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I'm in no way, shape, or form an alcoholic, but I enjoy a cigar and a stiff drink most nights. It's my "thing". Anyone else trying to find a way to cut calories during the day to make room for drink? Is alcohol as bad for weight loss as I hear?
    If it fits in with your calorie intake it is fine. I have a good cigar and a fine Scotch once or twice a month. More than that, and the cigar smoke gets to my lungs to much. I notice it when I am working out. But have a stick and drink, just don't do it every day. You'll be golden!
  • jeffsieck
    jeffsieck Posts: 10 Member
    What's all this about alcohol making you week willed and prone to eating? I don't understand how a beer (or two) or a cocktail is anything more that a beer (or two) or a cocktail? I have my drink in the evening and work out at 6:00 AM, where does the sluggishness come into it? I think if you want to nibble, you're gonna nibble, drink or no. Ditto, if you're looking for an excuse to not work out, you will find one.

    The biggest change for me came when I started viewing working out as a deposit into the calorie bank that I could withdraw later in -- in the form of liquid calories if I desired. I've lost 16 pounds this month, just through counting my calories and working out. I still drink; in fact, I have a section of my food diary for cocktails and I have programmed the exact calorie count for all my cocktails in MFP.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    I dont drink a lot, but i do like Cider during the summer and bourbon during the winter.

    I just finished the last of my ciders, and my plan is to leave it at that...hopefully.

    Winter tho might be a problem as i have 21 cartons of pre mixed jim Beam here :/

    The wifey thinks i should use it as a barter to get work done around the house. :tongue:
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    I started measuring my pours - I like whiskey and it's 70 calories per fluid ounce. I used to drink about 4 ounces a night but now have 2 ounces most nights. I was surprised at how short a pour an ounce is! :laugh:

    It's the same as planning anything else, but should be treated like any other other high-calorie, no-nutrition foods. :drinker: