ALL Women in Bikinis!

Do you know what I think is beautiful? Confidence. Camaraderie, support and encouragement are beautiful. Determination, a positive attitude, strength, passion and focus are all beautiful.

Make no mistake, this isn't a "Fat Acceptance" thread. This is a Self Acceptance thread. Accepting that we are not perfect, we are not finished works, and we are not going to be ashamed of ourselves. I would like to encourage women of all sizes, shapes, and fitness levels to post a photo of themselves in a bikini (keep it clean, folks..) to show support for each other. Everyone has insecurities - from the award winning fitness models to the women still trying to get comfortable in shorts... so how about we focus on the things that are good about each other instead of the things we perceive to be wrong.

You are not defined by the scale or by anyone elses' standards. If you're pushing toward your goals, you are beautiful.

