Teddy Bear Types, Ladies and Dating?



  • happywithme12
    happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
    I kindof like this post I am not a small women, not a large women but not small and I have always been partial to chubby guys I dated all different kind of guys before I met my husband. He on the other hand when I met him was tall and very thin not really the "TYPE" I had usually went for but he worked hard and seemed like a great person. We hit it off right away and although now after 15 years of marriage he is no longer thin he now weighs 200 pounds and is a little chunky I am still just as attracted to him as I was when I met him. I personally think that it is women that should be posting something like this because to me it seems like men are the ones that look more at thin women with larger boobs. Maybe that is not true but I think men are more likely to shun a women who is larger than a women doing that to a man, in my experience almost all the women I know are not attracted to thin men. Just my opionion but I see it all the time
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545

    In the end, the internet is the internet. Get out there in person.....its a much, much better way to meet people if you can find the time or the right gathering place.

    When I was on an internet dating site, I wound up making friends with some of the women in my general area. One of those ladies threw a party, and that's where I met my the man I later married...who had been on the same internet dating site (but we'd never connected). Those who choose internet dating might find it easier if they network the heck out the connections they make that way.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    teddy bear types are the best.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I :heart: :heart: :heart: a man with some chub on him. :love:
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I have dated all shapes and sizes...but I do have some preferences that I gravitate toward. I like tall men, I like men who are in shape and lean because I equate fitness with discipline and passion for yourself and that is incredibly hot to me. I used to think I would always choose a man for his personality, but I also know that I would have dumped my bf before I got to know him enough to love his personality if it wasn't for his hotness and prowess. He was a major PITA in the beginning of our relationship and can still be one...(like this morning the big jerk). So I'm not sure I can give you a difinitive answer.

    I admit I'm a pig..I love looking at hot abs and a beautiful face...but I've been attracted to all types, so don't discount the personal preference card either, if I knew what attracted me to someone enough to want a relationship then I'd bottle and sell it. A lot of it is just plain old hormones if you ask me. If I dont' want to do dirty stuff in bed with you, I won't be going on a date.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    If I were on a dating site and I were asked that question, my honest answer would have to be, if you don't take care of yourself, how can I expect you to take care of a girlfriend/wife/family/job/household/children? If all I know about someone is a line or two about his hobbies, interests, and a few pictures, I'm going to have to assume the worst, and think that since he doesn't take as good of care of himself as he could, then his priorities aren't in the right place.

    Again, this is only going off what I would know about someone based on the average info given on a dating site profile. In the process of losing weight, injuries or health problems that prevent you from losing weight would not factor in.

    Just my personal opinion, since you asked.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I have ZERO preference when it comes to weight on guys. I've dated/liked guys that were 250+, and two that were 300+. I'm tiny, only 5'1 and under 140lbs, so I like snuggling Teddy Bears just fine, kinda feels 'safe,' lol :laugh:

    I also like and have been involved with Average/Skinny guys. Oddly enough, the skinny guys (only in my personal experience, not a judgement on ALL skinnier guys) weren't as nice/sweet as the heavier guys.

    Skinny, Short, Chubby, Tall, if a guy is awesome on the inside it's all Good :D
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    teddy bear guys don't seem to go for me, which is too bad because i like bigger guys
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    honestly i see more hot chics with fat, meat head, *kitten* then i would have ever thought possible.

    somehow seeing a hot chic with a buff, meat head, *kitten* makes more sense to me.

    I guess its all about confidence/attitude. All the nice guys are sitting at home on a saturday night, regardless of thier body type.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I've never considered weight when I meet a man. They just have to be able to keep up with me.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I like the teddy-bear types. I just don't like the oily, smelly, in gym shorts, but never been to a gym, type. I say this because I know that type. I worked with a guy who would burp, fart, and eat beef jerky all day. He was a funny guy, but a bit gross. He had the lap-band a few years ago but adjusts it to eat more. Oh and he smokes. It is all about how you present your self.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I have no aversion to dating someone of the Teddy Bear persuasion, but have never been asked. Now I have had some teddy bear types tell me I am too fat (this was recently with me at 185 lbs).

    I just want someone who is active and wants to do things with me, not sit around the house watching TV all day. I base things on chemistry and similarities, not body types.
  • jj1973
    jj1973 Posts: 131 Member
    Some of my preference is in how they carry the weight.

    I like a teddy bear, but he needs to have broad shoulders to top it all off with! My hubby has a bit of a gut, but he also has a 10 inch drop in between his shoulder and waist size. I find that attractive!

    But then again, his most attractive features are his eyes and his smile. No amount of weight can change that!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    when i complained to a friend how terrible my online dating luck was, she said 'well, do you only message the girls that look like victoria secret models"

    i was like 'well .... not ALL the time' lol.

    I wonder if a similair question could/should be asked of the OP.

    Even then, it may not necessairly be that the girl is flat out refusing or really even overlooking you. I"m sure that some of those women get nearly 100 messages or more daily on some of the popular sites.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    < My by is one.

    I love it. But I like strong, not just big. I would be more attracted to a strongman competitor type as opposed to a body builder type.

  • Routerninja
    So, speaking as as Yeti, sasquatch, north american wild ManBear, or whatever you like to call us, I have seen both sides. I have been looked over for my size, I have been dumped because my weight was an issue even after I lost 125lbs. I always went for the larger girls, I never found the wispy, waif-like women attractive, I find my larger than average girlfriend amazingly beautiful and I have zero issues with her body.

    Now, I am larger than the average bear at 6'8" and currently 475 pounds but I carry the weight a lot differently,. Yes there is a gut, but its not that profound, and my broad shoulders and long legs help distribute things evenly :)

    But I am also very active, I walk a lot, I like to do things outside, I'm not a couch potato at all.

    People have a pre-conceived notion that all overweight people are lazy, or antisocial, or unhealthy, so we get the brush off. I've gone on dates to see the girl walk in to the restaurant, make eye contact with me, and turn around and walk out. Do I have health issues due to my weight? Sure, but it's also something I am actively working on.

    Do I open a date or discussion with how I used to weigh 600 pounds and how I got off of a handful of meds I was taking? No. because I don't want to be defined by my weight. My weight can change. My health issues are rapidly being resolved. I want them to meet the person who is a photographer, gamer, musician, and father to 2 awesome kids rather than just dismissing me because of what is essentially a temporary condition.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    when i complained to a friend how terrible my online dating luck was, she said 'well, do you only message the girls that look like victoria secret models"

    i was like 'well .... not ALL the time' lol.

    I wonder if a similair question could/should be asked of the OP.

    Even then, it may not necessairly be that the girl is flat out refusing or really even overlooking you. I"m sure that some of those women get nearly 100 messages or more daily on some of the popular sites.

    ^^^ this...when I was on the dating site..I used to get a ton of messages...nice guys tend to not push for things. I admit I like the bad boys, but if there isn't anything that sparks my interest to talk to you, why would I? I went out with a guy that I had so much fun with, and he just out and out used a line on me..but it was funny so I went. He was a good time and I wish he would still hang out with me...he won't unless sex is included, and it isn't.
  • Michelle7484
    :( It's really sad that many people judge overweight people in a negative way. I wish that all individuals could be more open-minded and get to know a person, instead of just seeing the extra weight. Many people probably really miss out on meeting and getting to know an awesome person, because they are hung up on their weight.
  • brunetteavoxgirl
    brunetteavoxgirl Posts: 88 Member
    I have to have a bigger guy. I'm not a tiny girl (jeans size wise... height is another story), and it takes a bigger guy to cuddle me and make me feel safe.
    That being said, the problem occurs when said bigger guy thinks he is too good for me because I am bigger.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I love love love the teddy bear type. I can't comment on why some girls won't give them the time of day cause I would be all over it. I married my own teddy bear type and he is super sexy to me.