Secretly Wishing Your Ex Gets Fat/ter



  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    No, but it's very counterproductive. Why work on this positive healthy happy new you if you are secretly sitting at a computer laughing about how an ex got fat?
    You look great. Who cares about a man who wasn't man enough for you???

    Eh - we dated...hmmmmmmmm..... 5 years ago. We had a really weird breakup (very soon after I met the man who I'm still with today and very happy) I was just curious what was up with him since we broke on such weird terms -
    back then he was really big on being super fit and did not like that I was such a chub chub - so yeah, made me feel good in a really cheap way.
    Comparably if my significant other and I ever broke and he gained weight I doubt I'd be pleased - because he's never made MY weight an issue.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I don't know what my ex is up to, but I wish him well. Just because we didn't work out doesn't mean he should be miserable.

    He always neglected to include a leg day in his workout routine, and would actually benefit from some extra meat there :)
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    No, but it's very counterproductive. Why work on this positive healthy happy new you if you are secretly sitting at a computer laughing about how an ex got fat?
    You look great. Who cares about a man who wasn't man enough for you???

    Eh - we dated...hmmmmmmmm..... 5 years ago. We had a really weird breakup (very soon after I met the man who I'm still with today and very happy) I was just curious what was up with him since we broke on such weird terms -
    back then he was really big on being super fit and did not like that I was such a chub chub - so yeah, made me feel good in a really cheap way.
    Comparably if my significant other and I ever broke and he gained weight I doubt I'd be pleased - because he's never made MY weight an issue.
    I truly don't wish to seem like a brat on this issue, lol. I just think that people should really revel in their own accomplishments verses laugh at others downfalls.
    And I know that can be hard with a history... but what you and you alone has done is amazing in itself.
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    No, but it's very counterproductive. Why work on this positive healthy happy new you if you are secretly sitting at a computer laughing about how an ex got fat?
    You look great. Who cares about a man who wasn't man enough for you???

    Eh - we dated...hmmmmmmmm..... 5 years ago. We had a really weird breakup (very soon after I met the man who I'm still with today and very happy) I was just curious what was up with him since we broke on such weird terms -
    back then he was really big on being super fit and did not like that I was such a chub chub - so yeah, made me feel good in a really cheap way.
    Comparably if my significant other and I ever broke and he gained weight I doubt I'd be pleased - because he's never made MY weight an issue.

    I understand where you are coming from completely! My ex was always dropping hints about my weight, such as "Are you sure you want to order THAT?" (at a restaurant) or "You really should go to the gym with your friends." and things like that...which I always thought was hypocritical since he wasn't in good shape either. So I get the cheap/dirty/rotten way it makes you feel good haha.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Normal? Yes. Healthy? No. But I agree with adini, I think as you lose weight and improve on your health and fitness, feelings of revenge will fade :smile:
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    I don't care or think of exes at all. But I do wish some of my coworkers would get fat. Fat and pregnant
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    I think it is normal, but not a nice thing to do...
    But I guess it depends a lot on the way things end up...I'm friends with my exs, most of them....
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Y'all are sick. It isn't normal, it is twisted and WRONG. That is the true definition of hatred. Wishing evil upon another human being. You should all be ashamed, and go pray for ex-whatevers. And pray for them every day that they will have all good things until you actually mean what you are praying. Resentment will kill you. Don't give these people all that free rent inside your head.
  • joveen86
    joveen86 Posts: 121 Member
    Why is everyone caring so much about random thoughts in other people's heads!! It makes her happy to think of him fat, it didn't actually make him fat that she thought it, it didn't stop her from going to work or working out or being healthy!! You all honestly never had useless thoughts being good or bad!!
    You who never done this, cast the first stone!
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Is this normal? Ever since I started my weight loss journey (and found myself single) I have found myself wishing/hoping that my ex (who is also overweight) stays that way. I know that's bad because it's basically hoping he has bad health but I can't help it. There's just such a GOOD feeling about the thought of me getting fit and him getting worse off. Maybe it's got something to do with revenge. thoughts?

    I agree with an above poster that the best thing you can do if you are feeling this way is to keep focusing on improving yourself.

    If you are being serious, no I don't think think this is normal. He was someone you once cared about and you should want the best for him. I am happy to see every prior girlfriend of mine be happy and successful. I wish the best for everyone, even people that I am not particularly fond of.
  • rockangel8907
    rockangel8907 Posts: 429 Member
    My ex is overweight and I wish him nothing but health and happiness. I do hope he is able to lose weight, not for my sake at all but for his health and overall well being. I was hurt deeply by him and tried to forgive and forget but couldn't, for a while I wanted him to hurt as badly as I had been hurt, but then I realized that w/ everything going on he had hurt enough.
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Y'all are sick. It isn't normal, it is twisted and WRONG. That is the true definition of hatred. Wishing evil upon another human being. You should all be ashamed, and go pray for ex-whatevers. And pray for them every day that they will have all good things until you actually mean what you are praying. Resentment will kill you. Don't give these people all that free rent inside your head.
    Because fat=evil...?
    Neat! I need to buy a super villain costume.
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    thats pretty immature. Get over him and move on with your life

  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    My ex lost 60 pounds when we were together but a few months after we broke up he had emailed a picture of himself and he had gained it all back and then some. I thought it was amusing at first but at the same time it made me sad for him because it meant he went back to an unhealthy lifestyle and was back to being depressed.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Y'all are sick. It isn't normal, it is twisted and WRONG. That is the true definition of hatred. Wishing evil upon another human being. You should all be ashamed, and go pray for ex-whatevers. And pray for them every day that they will have all good things until you actually mean what you are praying. Resentment will kill you. Don't give these people all that free rent inside your head.
    Because fat=evil...?
    Neat! I need to buy a super villain costume.
    Yes, it is an evil. All illness is an evil. This does not mean that fat people are evil. Death is an evil. Vices are evil. This is not indicating that people with vices are evil.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I didn't really think I cared with my ex.

    Until I found our he got fat.

    I definetly got some guilty pleasure from it. In my defender he was a really bad dude
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Y'all are sick. It isn't normal, it is twisted and WRONG. That is the true definition of hatred. Wishing evil upon another human being. You should all be ashamed, and go pray for ex-whatevers. And pray for them every day that they will have all good things until you actually mean what you are praying. Resentment will kill you. Don't give these people all that free rent inside your head.
    Because fat=evil...?
    Neat! I need to buy a super villain costume.
    Yes, it is an evil. All illness is an evil. This does not mean that fat people are evil. Death is an evil. Vices are evil. This is not indicating that people with vices are evil.

    In my opinion, there are people in this world who deserve to have evil happen to them
  • jamie610811
    jamie610811 Posts: 1,735 Member
    No can't be bothered with all that...... I just leave it to my Voodoo doll to get back :-)
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Y'all are sick. It isn't normal, it is twisted and WRONG. That is the true definition of hatred. Wishing evil upon another human being. You should all be ashamed, and go pray for ex-whatevers. And pray for them every day that they will have all good things until you actually mean what you are praying. Resentment will kill you. Don't give these people all that free rent inside your head.
    Because fat=evil...?
    Neat! I need to buy a super villain costume.
    Yes, it is an evil. All illness is an evil. This does not mean that fat people are evil. Death is an evil. Vices are evil. This is not indicating that people with vices are evil.
    It sounds like you're making a bit of a generalization. Being fat doesn't automatically equate to being unhealthy just as being thin doesn't automatically make someone fit. Considering that fat is crucial to living a healthy life (and having more of it can be beneficial to low-food situations as the body turns to it for energy) I'm surprised you find it to be an 'evil'.
    If I would be calling anything an 'evil' I'd be calling out the society that vilified a natural process of the human body and TURNED it into something to be seen as evil.

    However I'll grant you that wishing bad things on people is a jerky thing to do, even if I wouldn't necessarily call 'getting fat' a 'bad thing', so much as exposing them to the pains of a society that body-shames people like it's a religion. I do however retain the right to express a keen lack of sympathy.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    The causes of being overweight are either disease (an evil) or gluttony (an evil). So to wish someone overweight is to wish evil upon them. It is very simple. It is like wishing lung cancer on someone, or alcoholism.