Most hurtful comments



  • bbutchh
    Illegitimi non carborundum! Scrape these people off your shoe. Not east to do sometimes. But if you think about it anyone who could say such a thing hasn't got the capacity for feeling anything like compaction or love. They probably should be pitied just before you smack them up on the side of there heads! Butch
  • karakreature
    karakreature Posts: 79 Member
    I still remember a time (20 years ago) when a friend and I were leaving a nightclub. My friend, whom I've known since I was 10, has always been slim with long, natural curls and all the guys were into her. While standing waiting for another friend to pick us up, there were 3 guys she knew on the other side of the parking lot. One was trying to get her attention by yelling hello and waving at her. She was talking to someone else so didn't notice, so I waved back and said hey (mostly because I didn't want him to feel dumb because he was ignored). He immediately says, "Not you fatass! I was talking to her!" He yelled this across the parking lot and not only was it embarressing, it really hurt. The funny thing, I was maybe only 15 pounds overweight then. It amazes me how we let people we don't even know effect how we feel.

    I let that and other comments, especially from strangers, bother me so badly. I got to where for awhile I wouldn't speak up around others because I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

    On that note, that is not how I am anymore. Anyone wants to make a nasty comment, they will get told off in a heartbeat! Just remember people like that have their own insecurities which is why they say things to hurt others. We are all beautiful and noone has the right to tear anyone down. Hold your head up high and don't waste another second on rude, mean people. You are worth more than that! Thanks for sharing!
  • Blue_EyedGemini
    Doctors! When my appendix ruptured (I was 19 years old, maybe 225 or 230), the doctor pushed on my stomach to see if he could detect any inflammation. "Too fat," he said. "You're too fat for me to diagnose." When the appendix finally RUPTURED, all he said was, "Well, we'll have to cut through a lot of fat to get to it. You'll always have a dimple."

    Some bedside manner.
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    I can make a whole forum about the stuff said to me. I had got myself confident enough to lay on the beach in shorts and a bikini top in Georgia (lots of big gals flaunt their bodies down there so I felt comfortable) and I group of guys not only hit me with a ball in the face (then laughed) but as they were grabbing it said that "whales like her shouldn't be allowed on the beach". Well needless to say we left and it was only because I was crying and my husband was about to beat *kitten*.

    I also miscarried last July. I was able to recover and do the Dirty Dash (look it up) a few weeks later. I was feeling down about myself, I had binged and sad ate until I was 12lbs heavier. Figuring a nice mud course could make me feel better (and I did have fun) I obviously wasn't in peak physical condition but it was about the fun, not about beating a certain time. Well, As I am walking the third mile into the course I get passed by a guy and a girl who are running and look barely muddy. The guy says to the girl very loudly " I can't believe people are WALKING, Ugh". The girl says "I know, pitiful right?". THIS IS A RACE THAT HAS A F*CKING BEER CHUG AS AN OBSTICLE. It is supposed to be challenging and fun but I felt like the fattest piece of loser **** that moment.

    People always try to hurt others and I don't get it.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I am always amazed that a person well say "you're fat" to someone. Like they somehow don't know, and this is the crucial missing piece of the puzzle.

    Weight can be changed. Obnoxious is forever.
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    Holy hell.

    I would punch someone in the nuts for saying any of those things to me.

    Someone called me "hippo" once.

    I later tried to drive over him in my car but there was too much snow in the way.

    Goddamn snow always foiling us hot tempered Canadians *shakes fist at sky*
  • RatherBeOutside
    RatherBeOutside Posts: 24 Member
    words are most harmful. It still taking me time to get over my ex.. his words nearly killed me.. I had a smile on my face all the time.. my son in school was teased cause he was so quiet and smart.. but they hurt him deeply. he still hates coming home but does to visit me once in while.. READ James 1 in the bible.. the tongue is a rutter that leads to destruction or for good.(my own words) putting one down doesn't help the other person, does it.. That breaks my heart.
    I "slammed" a friend once. thankfully she called me on it! I never did it again.. she says things to me all the time.. not nice.. we dont talk much anymore!
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Hater gonna hate!

    I remember going to a commercial gym years ago and some guy wanted to work in with me on the machine I was using. Of course I let him (it's good gym etiquette :))

    Anyway, there were a number of overweight people on the treadmills - as you'd expect, people working hard to lose weight in the gym. This guy says to me "Man, so many fat f**ks". For some reason I didn't yell at him (I'm a wuss) I just said "Hey! I'm a fat f**k!!".

    To this day I regret not telling him off. What an *kitten*! Seriously, people are put down for being overweight and not doing anything about it but when they start doing something about it they are ridiculed again!

    Anyway, we can't let the haters win. Always have an insult in the chamber ready to blurt out. Mine's quite rude so I won't repeat it here hehe.
  • aliann30
    aliann30 Posts: 291 Member
    When I was in 6th or 7th grade I had a lot of lady issues that came with a lot of back and abdominal pain. I was in PE one day, running, and my back was extra sore. I walked to the center of the field and asked the coach if I could go see the nurse because I needed some pain medicine. Of course, I was one of the last ones finishing up laps and so a lot the kids were sitting in the middle of the field around her. She loudly announced that if I weren't so overweight I'd be able to keep up with everyone and that she wasn't going to give me a note so if I got caught in the hallway on my way to the nurse's station I'd have to deal with the consequences.

    Funny thing is, I stretched and thinned out a little by 8th grade. By then, I was about 5'9'' and she was CONSTANTLY begging for me to join the basketball team. Do you think I had ANY inclination to join? NOPE. Too bad I'm sure I would've loved it and it probably would have made high school SO much different an experience.
  • Sublime2013
    People can only hurt us if we let them. If the only thing these people have to do is comment on your life, they are the ones with the problem. You make it your problem by internalizing their comments. They are idiots and don't deserve a second thought
  • OzarkMountainMan
    Being rude and ignorant towards one another seems to becoming commonplace nowadays.
    I have heard and read things coming out of peoples mouths that when I was young would have gotten my mouth washed out with soap! ( I never pushed that threat with my mother when I was young! )
  • greenfalls107
    greenfalls107 Posts: 87 Member
    Wow.. people are insanely rude and stupid. I am so sorry that an idiot was able to upset you. To be honest, I kinda want to track down the idiots and kick them in the shins! And remember while you can lose weight you can't fix stupid! :)
  • mightybooshmoon
    mightybooshmoon Posts: 14 Member
    They are ugly, ugly people. The quality of our character says everything, and yours is light years ahead of those horrible men. I'm so sorry you were subjected to those comments.
  • greenfalls107
    greenfalls107 Posts: 87 Member
    I wanted to say, first and foremost I am so sorry you miscarried. That is a huge loss, and just know I am sending you a hug.
    Second, did I read the ticker correct? You have lost 100lbs. wow.. I want to know all your secrets. I have 55 more to go, and sometimes it feels like it takes forever. I lost 20lb on WW (just cancel and moved to MFP) and the 20lbs almost took 4 months to lose. Which means I am looking at almost a year before I lose the rest of the weight.
  • bronizzle
    bronizzle Posts: 126 Member
    I have often got the typical " How far along are you?", "Are you pregnant?".
    I hit my lowest when I worked in a restaurant and most of the cooks and other staff were Fillipino, they made it very clear that its normal in their culture to call someone fat to their face and make fun of them openly. However they dont see it as a negative thing, they see it as just being honest, and mentioned a time or two that Canadians are much to sensitive! Having numerous people call you fat all day, and make jokes to other coworkers behind your back and in front of customers was difficult to deal with. Instead of getting angry, I just started agreeing with them....Ya...I am fat? So what? Im not an *kitten* like you are, and theres so much more to me than just my fat!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    Some people just need a high the face.....with a chair!!!!

    lol love this
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    When I was in 4th or 5th grade we were learning about manatees and a boy in the class decided that I looked like one and started calling me manatee. He was a "popular" boy so the other kids followed suit. Not that it was justified either way, but I wasn't even overweight at that age. I was probably at the high end of normal and could have lost 5 lbs. But it really set the tone for how I felt about myself. I've talked about being teased but I've never told anyone the name he called me. Amazing how 20+ years later I still feel shame.

    Edited for, PS: So sorry that happened to you. It really sucks that some people have to make other feel bad to feel better about themselves.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I have a family member that is very sick and had to take prednisone, it caused her to go from 105 pounds to 160 pounds in a very short time, and her face was swelling in an unusual way. She had never been over weight and felt very bad about herself. She has to go to the doctor every morning for treatments for her lungs. One day she was feeling particularly ill and had to run out to the store and a woman just insulted her right to her face and then proceeded to talk behind her back, but loud enough that she could hear. She was just saying she was fat and ugly and didn't care enough about herself to put on makeup and dress nicely. And the thing is, she actually has always been the type of person to dress nicely and wear makeup.

    She has now gone off the medication and in the first couple days the swelling in her face reduced significantly and she lost 10 pounds in water weight. She is continuing to lose the weight quickly. Eventually it will slow down, and she may have about 20 pounds to lose.

    People are so rude and comment on things they know nothing about.
  • obolton756
    obolton756 Posts: 261 Member
    Usually people do the whole you're beautiful on the inside thing.. But I genuinely mean it when I say you actually are beautiful. If people have time to stop and insult you like that, they have issues. They're the problem! Not you!

    I still feel the sting of the comments people made to me.. 50 pounds lighter and actually underweight it still affects me.. Probably more than it did then.. People can be cruel!
  • Texafornia23
    Texafornia23 Posts: 177 Member
    "Not as big as you said it would be."

    I hate hearing that!