Beating a Dead Horse



  • nursestewart
    nursestewart Posts: 229 Member
    I don't eat my exercise calories (if I can help it) I eat my allotted calories for the day (as many as I need to be full but not stuffed). I am hypoglycemia so if after a workout I need a few calories I eat them even if I have to take it out of my exercise calories. If not, I don't.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    This is to SHBoss1673:

    I needed that kick in the butt Thanks!!!

    :smile: Thanks for that You are so Right! I needed to hear this today I have been really confused about the whole "eat your excercise calories" thing frankly I have been eating mine and doing very well so I know it works but I just hit my plateau so I was getting a little panicked thanks for putting me back on track!!!!:smile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hmm i can't read all the posts and comment right now but I suggest you start up two different threads to settle this argument.

    1. for people who DO NOT eat their exercise calories AND have lost weight AND have kept it off for long periods of time (6 to 12mths)
    2. for people who DO eat their exercise cals AND lost weight AND have kept it off. ( for 6-12mths)

    perhaps that will settle this argument?
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    I have to echo SHBoss. He has made two excellent posts in this thread.

    What we're really talking about here is the size of an energy deficit. If you're already running a 500 kcal/day (or whatever) deficit and add exercise to the mix, you're merely creating a larger deficit. An energy (calorie) shortage is a shortage regardless of where it's coming from in the "body's mind."

    Of course that's a very general, simplified statement, but it's good food for thought based on what I'm seeing.

    Also, think of an energy deficit as a stress. Exercise, work, family problems, illness, etc... these are all additional stressors that our bodies are forced to deal with. Our ability to manage stress is finite... meaning, it's very possible to override our "stress management" system. When this happens, you run into ugly things such as overtraining, injuries, metabolic slowdown beyond what's expected, etc.

    There's no universality to this as it must be handled on a case by case basis.

    As has been mentioned, larger folks who are carrying a lot of excess fat can tolerate larger energy deficits than their leaner counterparts.

    But at the end of the day, this is about finding permanent lifestyle habits that you can stick with forever. It's been my experience that creating as small of a calorie deficit as possible while still maintaining appreciable, consistent fat loss is the name of the game.

    It's when you start invoking large deficits where people enter that "yo-yo"mentality b/c with any extreme approach, sustainability is very low given human behavioral patterns. Define extreme? That's tough to do in general terms... but I'd say anything that's gauged for losing more than 1% of your total body weight per week is venturing into extreme territory. Obviously it's a sliding spectrum though.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I wanted to talk about exercise - since you stated that it scares you. One misconception that I see posted is that it's not exercise unless you have a sweat fest. I disagree with this concept!!!! I agree exercising very hard burns more cal and it is necessary for cardiac health to get your heart rate up into a target zone for a prolonged time several times a week. Taking a slow walk (3 miles in an hour) or doing a Leslie Sansone DVD (low impact aerobics) are great forms of exercise. Have you considered starting slower with exercise and doing something that you enjoy. I love Zumba and running (now that I've finished C25K). The Shred and Insanity are very intense exercises that need to be modified if you are just starting out - I feel most people do not know how to modify correctly or we wouldn't hear about so many injuries with these workouts. I am a physical therapist and have treated many people with injuries from using wrong technique with exercise and sports. I consider shopping exercise. I live in a rural area and don't get to the stores very often so if I push a cart around Walmart for 60 min and then 60 min a big grocery store, this is something over and beyond my normal activity and I count it as exercise.

    I feel that weight loss is trial and error for each individual. I have found that for me, eating 1200 cal plus my workout cal as given by MFP database has been working great. When I reach a plateau - I will re-evaluate what I am doing and try something else. I consider a plateau 1 month at the same weight with no change in measurements. I do find that if I take a day off of exercise or have a weekend where I eat more, I actually lose more weight - WOW. Could it be because I am coming closer to the cal amount that my body needs? I don't have scientific facts, I just know what has been happening with my body over the last 6 months.

    If you want to lose weight biggest loser style, then you would need to take a break from life and exercise 6 to 8 hours a day (I recommend doctor supervision if you plan to this). I feel that by taking the weight of slower, I will be more likely to keep it off. I am trying to eat and exercise now just like I plan to eat and exercise once I reach my goal weight. That way, I won't yo-yo and gain the weight back.

    I wish you the best of luck in starting to exercise and losing weight in a way that makes you happy and allows you to keep it off:flowerforyou:
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member

    Since I joined this site, I have also heard from a lot of people to eat back exercise cals. I tried it, and it didnt work for me at all! I gained and felt worse. I normally used to eat about 1100 cals and worked out about 3-4 days a week - 45 mins cardio and usually a 45 min walk every night and I was also 120 pounds which for my height and body was perfect.

    I then started working Fulltime, and sitting a lot more, still eating 1100 cals and working out 3-4 days a week and kept gaining and gaining because I was sitting more than I ever had in my entire life! I only worked 16 hours a week to now about 40 hours a week.

    I finally started losing again by eating less calories and burning more. I don't eat back my exercise cals because for me, it doesnt work. I need to have the larger deficits to see a loss and eating back for me doesn't work at all.

    Echoing a lot of the other posts, but it really does depend on you, and every person's body is different :) I an having the same struggle as you and need the scale and inches should matter to me but it doesnt. I want to see 120 on the scale again and I wont be happy until I see it. I know thats not really right, but to me, the weight matters, and even though I can still fit into the same clothes at 137 pounds (but not as nice fitting or looking as I did at 120) I still want to see that number!

    I understand where youre coming from and I feel the same way :)
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I have been at this for about 7 months. I started by doing exactly what I was suppose to do. I ate my exercise calories. I lost weight, slow, but I lost it. Then, I decided I was going to try to exercise and NOT eat back my calories. I did lose weight faster, I think I dropped 3 pounds in one week when I was only losing 1 pound, if that, in a week before. But, the difference was, I was really hungry and not satisfied at all when I didn't eat at least some of my exercise calories back. I realized really fast that if I want to make this a lifestyle change, I need to make it work for me. It isn't about losing weight really fast for me anymore (like it was in the past). It's about losing the weight and keeping it off so I can enjoy the body I want for the rest of my life, not for several months and then gain it back. What's the point of losing the weight fast and then gaining it back? Because we all know how much it sucks to be feeling good and then getting comfortable and then looking in the mirror a couple of months down the road and seeing the old person you didn't want to be. Pointless.

    Now, I eat my calories, exercise and eat some/most of my exercise calories. If it takes one month to lose 2 pounds, yes I might whine about it, but at least I know those two pounds are more likely to stay off. Plus, I don't feel deprived.

    My experience for what it's worth. Good luck!
  • Angie789
    Angie789 Posts: 61 Member
    Karma, I just wanted to throw another factor into the mix here. Just some food for thought... I looked at the goals you have posted in your sig. I am not sure when you started this process, but it says you joined MFP in January 2010, so I am going to assume you started at the very beginning of the year. In order to get to your ultimate goal, you'd need to lose approximately 2.75 lbs per week. Unfortunately, at your starting weight, that is NOT healthy weight loss. I know it can be easy to lose that fact when you watch Biggest Loser - I think Biggest Loser is good in some ways, but it REALLY skews people's perceptions of what they can reasonably lose in a healthy manner.

    So, maybe some of the fear and frustration you are experiencing on this journey is coming from unrealistic expectations. I am a college professor, and there is one study that was done with college freshman that we are reminded of every year - the students that don't succeed in college for the most part are ones that have unrealistically high expectations of college life (that classes will be easy, that they'll make a ton of friends fast, etc.). When that doesn't happen, they quit school. It wasn't because they aimed too low, it was because they aimed too high, and then consequently felt like a failure. it's easy to see the parallels to weight loss - when we think we are going to have awesome, amazing results and the reality doesn't follow that, it's hard to keep it up.

    So, in the middle of all this exercise & calorie discussion, I think you (and me and all of us!!!) need to think about what our expectations are. We all want to see the pounds disappear overnight, but unfortunately, it just doesn't work that way. My own story has been yo-yo city - drastic, fast weight loss, followed by gaining it all back & more. At this stage in my life, I am okay with slow, healthy loss because I've learned what happens when you try to cheat the system & speed things along.

    But maybe that's a lesson everyone has to learn for themselves.
  • tazlady
    tazlady Posts: 60
    thanks for posting that , I have heard that from several people here and have to wonder. If i am eating my workout calories.wouldnt it just be easier not to go to the gym and not but the body need fuel even for resting so.. I am determined to get this right..I am not even going to post goal wieght info
    lets just say 160 by aug thanks again Elle
  • kelli_panzera
    These guys exercise what seems like constantly- hardcore exercise morning, noon, and night. I'm sure there is absolutely no way they could eat back all their exercise calories even if they wanted to, they're probably too exhausted! But this going on day in and day out takes a toll on the body and while they see quicker results than we do (sorry, I have a job and a family-i'm not doing that all day every day!) i've read that many of them put the weight back on...maybe not all of it, but some or most. I am jealous of them to a point, I would be totally exhilarated to have such a massive change in my body in such a short time. But I would honestly consider myself a failure when all was said and done and I gained weight back. Not exactly where this thread is headed, but i'll stick with eating back my exercise calories, maintaining my 500 deficit per day, and doin' what I do! :tongue:
    I didn't see Banks' original post as being argumentative, but merely factual. Karma, I find you hilarious as well as refreshing, but if you tell me you weren't looking for the high school debate I might call you a fibber : ) The fun of this is that people have their own opinions, and I respect that. But we should respect the comments we dislike as well as the ones that validate what we're trying to do. This is a journey that works out differently for all of us. You find what works for you, then write your story. I mean, when I didn'teat back my exercise calories, I personally didn't lose, and I felt like a complete loser and quit. Gained back the 20 pounds I had lost and walked away for a year. I came back and found what works for if anybody asks, thats MY story!
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    My personal opinion is if you're hungry you should eat (nothing to do with workout calories) if you're not hungry don't eat even if you did complete a workout. Listen to your body, its a smart machine. I have only watched part of 1 BL show, and I don't understand why people like that show so much, like someone else said "its a SHOW".....basically I think common sense works better than any "program". I joined MFP to help me see what I am putting in my body with food, it really opened my eyes to sodium, cholesteral, etc content in processed foods. I think most people know that processed foods arent the best, but for me until I actuall say the numbers on MFP when logging my food, I didn't realize how bad it is (and I"m a label reader!) I think we overthink the calorie/exercise thing. Anytime I have successfully lost weight, it was because I was CONSISTANT with eating healthy food and CONSISTANT with exercise.
    When I slack off on these two elements the weight always comes back,'d think I"d learn my lesson one of these days! lol
    We all have to find what works for us individually. It helps getting input from others, reading, research whatever, but I still think for long lasting results consistancy in eating healthy and being consisant with exerise is what really generates results.
  • HealthyKt78
    HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
    I have never seen a post get so big so fast. When I first commented there wasn't even a page. I went to my internship and came back about 5 hours later and checked and it was over 4 pages. This is a great debate. I find it really interesting and educational. Thanks to the OP for asking these questions. Thanks to everyone for posting your opinions. It's been an interesting read.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member

    that is hilarious!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    that is hilarious!!!

    I live to serve. :wink:
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member

    that is hilarious!!!

    I live to serve. :wink:

    LOL! ok ms. 4s lbs lost (great job btw!), what works for you? do you eat them or not?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I eat 'em on days where I'm feeling the urge to eat more. It's never really a hunger thing, but an "I want to eat more" thing. So, I'll eat 'em sometimes, and sometimes I won't.

    How's that for a concise answer?
  • Chris04626
    Its up to you if your set up here to lose the maximum of 2 lbs per week, and you exercise enough for a 1000 calorie burn. You dont have to eat any of those its up to you. If you dont eat any of them you should lose an extra 2lbs per week.

    Its ok to eat them or atleast some of them. I wouldnt eat them just to eat them, if your not dire straights starving after eating your main calorie allowance, then dont touch your exercise calories.

    Try that for a couple weeks, if you dont lose what your goals says, try eating some of the exercise calories.
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    If I eat my exercise calories it is because I decided to over indulge a bit. Like tonight, St. Patrick's Day, I knew that exercise was a must. I did eat my exercise calories.... but a normal day, I do not. It is working for me... if it stops, I will reconsider what I am doing.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member

    I like the way you think and your ability to debate your opinion respectfully. :flowerforyou:

    I wish we had a "Poll" feature where we could see the results of "Did you eat back your exercise calories?" To be answered only by those who have reached there goal. Maybe Mike will consider this. :flowerforyou:

    Last Time:

    5 years ago, I lost 50 lbs. in less than 6 months on phentermine... I was in a size 6/7 (stretch jeans), weighing 138 lbs. (5'4"). I was flabby all over and felt more self-conscious than when I was 189 :noway: , I didn't dare wear sleevless shirts or shorts above to high above my knees because my arms and legs were so flabby. The weight crept back on pound by pound when I could no longer take Phentermine, because you become "immune" to it. I felt like such a failure for not being able to maintain it. :cry:

    This Time:

    I lost a total of 31 lbs. in 1 1/2 years :noway: That might sound like a long time... I Feel Great, Look Great and I CAN say, I never felt like I was on a diet or deprived myself of Anything. I ate every last exercise calorie back :embarassed: I bought a HRM, just to be able to see the exact amount of "Extra" calories I was going to eat. :laugh: The only reason I exercised was to EAT :laugh: After reaching my goal, exercise is a habit now... I can't go more than 3 days without feeling guilty that I haven't done Something. I :heart: this new HABIT :smile: I'm back in a size 6/7 (Stretch Jeans) at 144 lbs. and I'm a "Brick House" :happy: I don't want to lose anymore, but the weight keeps coming off, very slowly, but I'm not even trying. Instead of eating my maintenance calories (1600) I have my daily allotment set to 1400. I workout 2 days maybe 3 days a week, doing what I love (rollerblading, walking my dog, Zumba, etc).

    My Point:

    I told myself when I began this journey "as long as I don't gain I'm good" and every ounce lost was a Celebration. However, I'm one of those people who doesnt' need to see "numbers on the scale" too often. I weighed myself once a month, if that, because I knew if I didn't see a loss I would feel discouraged. So why do it to myself? I wanted to fit into my clothes and that was my "gadge". Now I can look back and say 1 1/2 years was all I had to "invest" in myself to FEEL & LOOK Fantastic about my Body.:bigsmile: How many "1 1/2 years" have you let go by?

    Although, it is every "overweight" persons wish to lose it NOW. You will be so much happier in the LONG RUN, if you GIFT yourself the TIME to Change Your Lifestyle and Learn how to Keep it OFF for the rest of your life...

    Just my .02 :flowerforyou: