Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    You two are too funny! :laugh:

    Rest days bug me :grumble: but I know my ole joints need it; maybe I can be a bit more active outside later today. Vertigo still hanging around - mildly though - and I haven't done my exercises yet either. :wink:

    I LOVE being part of an exercise class!!! I'm able to push myself to new limits; all the hootin' & hollerin' & high-fives - awesome! :drinker: I am missing that right now, but I know it's there anytime I want to go - the Turbo Kick and Zumba classes were off the hook! The instructors were bugging me WAY back when to get certified, but I could never be up on that stage - too scary! :sick:

    I don't mind if anyone watches me here when I do a dvd - a little if it's my first time through. :blushing: If I know the moves pretty well, I am such a show off! :laugh:

    Happy 4th!!! :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Scoobees.. you must be REALLY- REALLY good (very coordinated) to be asked to get certified! WOW :bigsmile: I took a uno Zumba class and that was all she wrote :blushing:

    I decided this should be a rest day for me after all!
  • chrispol
    chrispol Posts: 21
    Is it too late to join??! I started today.. I watched them first and after doing P90X I figured - wow I am going to need to use weights for these moves..... Boy was I wrong! I had to pause Start it up once! but I had to tell myself... you haven't done much exercise for a month!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    HI Chris Its never too late!! WELCOME :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hey girls :smile:

    Just a fast run by... I think our TV in our bedroom is trying to die? :cry: So I blew the dust off of the TM and did a few miles! It felt good! Hope everyone is back on after the long w/e! :smile:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hello girls :smile:

    No SI6 for me today.. I went grocery shopping, then went out and watered and tried pulling weeds in my garden. It was 10 by then and a scorcher for sure., I wasnt prepared. So I plan on getting out early to beat the heat the next two days.

    I hope I see a loss come Fri, w/ no DS, I dont know?

    How's everyone else doing?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    Having a busy day running around. Good thing no work has come in!

    I did Plyo X this morning. It was a great sweat, and I needed it. I was not great with my food the last couple of days, but today has been very good.

    Summer is finally here! We joke that summer doesn't start in Seattle till July 5, and it's holding true this year. It's kind of funny.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Yeah, summer has sure hit. :devil: Whew! We've had a string of 90s+ here in NE Ohio, but at least it's not triple digits like some are having it! I love summer, but when it gets too humid, I tend to wanna be like a hermit and never leave the A/C lol! :wink: I hate to even open the door to let the dog out...are you SURE you have to go potty?? :laugh:

    Anyway, let me catch up here with TF. Sunday (4th) was rest day and apparently all-u-can-eat day :sick: which I've since recovered from. Monday was my second shot of HIIT 15 - which is just a blast...even though my lungs were on FIRE, my heart rate is starting to recovery soooo fast between the drills! I know that's a good sign of improving fitness. But this time, HIIT 15 was combined with Sculpt 30 afterwards. My first time with that one and it was a little disappointing. Nothing wrong with it; I just wasn't crazy about it. I think anyone new to resistance training would find it good, but not if you've done any more strenuous lifting programs like Chalean Extreme or P90X. I'm glad she incorporates strength training in this program, but I'd much rather substitute her CLX in the future hybrid.

    Yesterday (Tues) was my second shot of Fire 55EZ and it was more fun than the last time! This time I didn't run out of gas because I didn't use the 'new to class' feature; that just extends the time too long on that one, like another 20 min! Whew! I can honestly say I gave it as close to 100% as I could! :drinker:

    Today is my not-so-favorite Core 20 Stretch 40. :ohwell: But I know I NEED it so I will try to stop complaining. :tongue: Hopefully the stretch one will have the same wonderful effect on my knees like last time! But tomorrow will be my current favorite - Fire 45! That one has some great music that makes you reallly kick it into high gear. Then, I think there's only 3 more dvds left that I haven't done yet in the rotation. There's a Fire 45EZ, HIIT 25, and Tone 30 coming up next week. Then she switches and combines them up differently up until the 12th week. By then I will have to have ordered the advanced dvds if I want to continue on. Or if I chose to start the TF/CLX hybrid instead, I need them too. Always more $$ :laugh: !!

    Beachbody has to STOP making more awesome programs - please!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day! Try to stay cool!! :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    Just popping in to say howdy. I'm just not feeling 100 percent this week – physically or emotionally. I think I may have an ear infection. I definitely have an ear ache, so I think that may be the cause of my vertigo. It doesn't usually come with ear pain, so I think I'm actually fighting some kind of bug this time. I just feel wiped out. (I did do my workout today, though.) And the emotional part is that it was a year ago today that my dad got really sick, and we lost him less than a month later. I really miss him, and sometimes I get into a funk because of it. This is one of those times.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hey girls:smile:

    Just got in and plopped in front of the computer.. to tired to take the shower I need so badly.

    Jill Most of the time working up a good sweet... (LOL, you know whats on my mind) I mean sweat helps! I know I fought the I'm starving all day long yesterday. Couldn't resist I weighted this am, my usual w-in day is Fri. I am up a lb. We had a late spring start, had a freeze around Cinco de Mayo / Mothers Day. But summer is here now 99-100.... temps :glasses: with a few clouds every now and again, it was better out today. I'm sorry about your dad!!!! Just think how proud he would be of you and what you have accomplished to improve your health in the last few months. Hope your feeling better! :heart: hugs :heart:

    Scoobees... What- cha buy good at the store... yesterday? :laugh: We have the same here, except its more dry, until the monsoons hit, and their trying. Yes, the AC is nice walking into after being out all day. Good going on your recovery...... Your right back on track, ~your whooping TF butt! ~ Have fun w/ your favorite - Fire 45 tomorrow!

    Gotta finish logging in my stuff and hit the shower.... I am a dra-gon!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Good Morning:smile:

    Well not one SS with Ms. Debbie this week. The TV in our bedroom.. FINALLY took one. :cry: :sad: :cry: My husband has to get everything hooked back up.. to view dvd's, so I can w/o!

    Have a great day:smile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    Sorry about your TV, Callie! Can you plop the DVD into your computer so you can work out that way?

    I'll be doing Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X today. Week 11 is almost done, then only two more weeks of P90X. I've enjoyed it, but I'm really looking forward to getting back to Debbie's workouts!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Sounds like your feeling better Jill :smile: Thanks I guess I could but we use our dining room as our office. Its tiled and open. I can wait, worse comes to worse either of the kids carpeted rooms will do, when their at work. P90X is going fast, might seem to me... huh? Yes, I would like to get back to DS 2-3 in next week.

    W/ TF I am giving myself 10 weeks 06/28- 09/06 to get back on the ball.. commit to w/o and clean eating... if I can pull it off and feel good / ready /and not moving at that time / I will invest in it. That's the plan :smile:

    HI Scoobees :smile:

    Have a :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: weekend!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    Callie - Sorry to hear about your TV :grumble: . It's always something - isn't it?? I like your TF plan; I'm pulling for ya! If you do invest in it, I sure hope you enjoy it as much as I do! :love:

    Jill - On to DS soon! Yay! I can't believe your P90X round is almost done. Went fast...for ME that is! :laugh: :laugh: :tongue: I hope sometime in the future to figure out a way to incorporate some Debbie. Right now I'm too Turbo'd to think about anything else; and then the TF/CLX hybrid is still hopefully in the cards for me. Who knows, by then I may have lost my 'fire'. :devil: Doubt it, but ya never know! :wink:

    I just started week 3 yesterday with my first try of Fire 45EZ and of course - it was a blast. I sound like a broken record - I know! :laugh: I was running out of gas towards the end of that one; there just didn't seem to be any 'breaks' or let up in the action. But Chalene sucks ya back in and makes ya finish. :tongue: Man, my heart rate was STILL high during the first part of Stretch 10!

    Today is my first shot at HIIT 25. No matter what, I know my butt will be kicked - but at least it will be over FAST! :devil:

    Off to do some shoe shopping. I need to find a new pair for all this jumping & pivoting. Mine are not giving me the support I need anymore, and I have stupid ugly bunions that hurt so bad and these ones aren't wide width. Ouch. :noway:

    Well, the damage is done. I had lost 2 pounds the first week of TF, and NOTHING this week. :blushing: Yeppers, those 2 binges did me in. I guess I could use the ole 'at least I didn't gain' thing. :tongue:

    Have a great weekend! :flowerforyou: :smile: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    After losing 2 pounds the first week and then binging a couple of times, I'd say you're doing great not having gained anything the second week. Good job, Scoobees!

    I'm officially done with Week 11 of P90X today now that I've done Kenpo X. Tomorrow's my rest day, and Week 12 begins Monday. Yay!!!

    Hmm, I wonder if I'll need new shoes too. The ones I have are really lightweight, and I'm not sure they provide the support I'll need. I'm not much of a shoe expert, and I actually prefer to do most of my workouts barefoot. I learned the hard way that I need to wear them for Plyo X, though. My feet hurt when I did that one barefoot.

    OK, I need to decide what to do today. It's so nice out, I think we should go do something outside. I just have to see if I can talk the rest of the gang into that. I don't have any fabulous ideas for what to do, but whatever it is, I want to do it outside!

    Have a great weekend!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    HI :smile: Thanks Scoob.. its just a plain pain in the *kitten* we are using a older smaller TV, w/ 3 remotes to function. Were wanting to buy a big flat screen w / all the bells & whistles, but its not in the budget right now but we can dream :wink:

    I am not getting tired of hearing your TF adventures... sounds like your still going STRONG :drinker: Glad to hear Chalene has your back covered :laugh: WTG....NO gain is always a good thing in my book. Hope you find the perfect shoes, that fit like a glove!

    Jill NO shoes, durning your w/o thats a amazing feat.. :laugh: No really it is!! Think I am going to look into a TF schedule , think I saw it on the other thread here?

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    Hey Callie, it's easy to view workout schedules on Beachbody. You just whatever program you want to view to your library of workout programs, and then you can preview the schedule. I saved one and am going to try to post it here, but I don't know if it will be big enough to see very well.

    Here goes nothing:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    THANKS Jill, IT WORKED I just printed it out, it looks pretty darn good except the last line on the 20th week. :smile: I'm lost at BB, I'll have to look into it more! The schedule looks so MASSIVE! OM.. were in for it!

    Scoobs.. looking at this your the one! :drinker:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Ok, what kind of idiot works out at 10 pm? Me. :noway: I don't even know how to explain, except the day reallllly got away from me. :laugh: My 'lunch' was at 7:30 pm. And I really didn't want to skip a workout. I could have just had my rest day today instead of tomorrow, but that would make it 2 HIIT days in a row on the schedule and she says that is a huge no-no; so I sucked it up and did it.

    HIIT 25 was a scorcher. :devil: I had sweat drops running down my cheeks during stretch. :sick: I don't even remember the songs; it was drill, recovery, drill....whew!

    I did find shoes. Hope they'll be ok. I didn't know the Lady Footlocker at the Mall was gone. Tried over at Finish Line and got some young girl who was no help at all; trying to sell me Skechers Shape Ups!? And the Reebok version of those 'toning' shoes. :huh: I told her what I needed them for....oh well. I ended up at Penney's with a pair of Nikes on sale for $70. We'll see; they felt great in the store...but don't they always??? :tongue:

    Cool Jill! Yep, that's definitely the TF schedule! Day #16 for me today. Callie - The regular schedule is 12 weeks only. That's why it may look kind of massive lol! After that you need to have the deluxe (advanced) dvds if you want to extend it to the 20 weeks. I wish I would have just ordered it all to begin with but I didn't know if I could even DO the regular stuff. :laugh: Ahhh, I still have plenty of time to get them.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    Callie, I know it's easy to get lost on the BB website. There's just so much info there, it's sometimes hard to find it sometimes — or to find it again after you've found it once before! If you're looking for something specifically, just let me know, and I'll help you figure out where it is. Other than that, if you find yourself with some time to waste, you could go exploring and clicking on links. You might find some valuable stuff!

    Scoobees, you definitely have earned your rest day today! I rarely work out later than noon, so 10 p.m. sounds really crazy to me! I'm impressed with your dedication to get it done, even though your day got away from you. Great job!

    I hope you like your shoes. I haven't worn Nikes in years. I don't know if they're still the same, but they always used to be just a little too narrow for my feet. The most comfortable shoes I've ever had were a pair of men's Adidas.

    OK, I need go to clean the kitchen and get some laundry started. Have a great Sunday!