Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Scoobees & Jill Happy Sunday hope your both having a peaceful one!

    Scoobees 10 pm... that is so awesome, that you didnt just blow it off!!!! I need to take lessons from you! I cant believe your on day 16 ALREADY- now 17 Congrats!! I took a look at the 20 week schedule and am a little worried. I must say its looks over whelming to me to see it on paper, can I handle it physically & time wise! WTG on the Nikes... never had a pair, how are they feeling? Like Jill my all time fav is Adidas.. I wore Adidas Ozweego for many years until they discontinued them. I can still cry over it. I wear Saucony to w/o in now & bought trying a pair of 40.00 Ignition W Adidas that I got at Costco to try & their NOTHING like my Ozweego's! They aren't made as high... or something? :cry: :sad: :cry: :sad: :cry: :sad: :cry:

    Jill I really need to do that on BB website, if I can spare sometime away from MFP! :laugh: Think I am going to look into the TF 8 week prep. I forgot about it! Do you have that schedule. Dang we have so much in common, what was the name of your mens pair of Adidas? Yes I am into the household chores and grocery shopping is done for the week. :happy:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    Callie, I don't remember what my old Adidas were called. My son has a pair just like them right now, but I can't see a name (other than Adidas) on them anywhere. Looking online, I think they are the "Superstars." The ones I have now I bought a Costco too! LOL. Too funny. The more we talk, the more we have in common. There were two women's styles when I bought mine, and I got the lighter-weight, less expensive ones of the two (I think they were $29). It sounds like you probably got the other one. Mine are called "Alexia."

    Now it's time for me to go grocery shopping!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks Jill & Callie! :flowerforyou: I can't tell you how much I really did want to blow off that workout!

    I am totally enjoying my rest day this time. Last week I just felt so guilty; I'm not burning any calories...I need to exercise...all that stuff running in my head. :ohwell: But I could feel it when I got up; my body NEEDS this day off. I've been pushing it as hard as I can with TF lately and am noticing lots of soreness here & there. Sometimes I have to remind myself I'm no spring chick anymore. :grumble: :laugh:

    My new Nikes seem ok so far. But yeah, in the past I've noticed they ran a bit too narrow for me too! Sometimes I can find some styles in wide width and others not. And then sometimes the wide widths are a bit too large. I try to get 'em in wide because of the bunions, but these ones aren't - but they do have a partial front mesh panel that seems to help me out. The most comfy shoes I've ever had were New Balance. Ohhh they were a dream! But I can't seem to find any in a crosstrainer. Lots of walkers.

    I'm glad it's a rest day today - I am soo far behind! My son and his girlfriend stopped over for quite awhile and she wanted to see old photo got lost in laughs for hours! I need to at least get a few things done! :blushing:

    Enjoy your Sunday! :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Jill Yes that is funny! :laugh: : I have never heard of the Superstars, Yes, I think the other's were the Alexia's that I tried on they were cute, but not enough support for me. Mine were 32.99 not 40 like I said.

    Scoobees I bet you needed a day to let your body rest & RECOVER! I'm glad you did and was enjoying it with your family :smile: Yes I started out w/ New Balance, when I was new to fitness maybe I should give them a try again?

    I'm doing SIU and 6 pk & watering early to beat the heat if it needs? It rained a bit last eve.:happy:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Jill I went to BB and added my preferred w/o and saw the schedules, but none for the TF 8 wk prep. Any suggestions ? But I did find this.

    Scoobees did the following come w/ your TF program?

    Now before you jump into the HIIT workouts, Chalene has 3 pre-requisites.
    1. Can you do intense cardio for 30 minutes or more for a month?
    2. Do you have a healthy heart? And
    3. Do you have strong knees and joints?

    If you answered any of those with a NO, then you need to to start with the Prep workout calendar, which comes included in the fitness guide. But have NO FEAR, even if you start with the Prep schedule which will gradually build you up to the HIIT intensity levels. The Prep schedule is a 9 week calendar, after which you can then jump into (no pun intended) the HIIT workouts. I found this to be extremely beneficial. This program is so well rounded, that it immediately fits into two very distinct workout levels. How cool.

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    Callie, as far as I can tell, the only TF workout schedule you can view online is the 20-week one I posted the other day. I did go read some TF stuff on the BB message boards, and the more I read (including your reviews, Scoobees), the more I want to do this!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Thats the one I saw.. also. I'll keep looking, let me know if you happen to see it! Thanks :smile:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hey guys - Happy Monday! :flowerforyou:

    Callie - Yes, that info is all in the book regarding the HIIT prerequisites and following right after is the 9 week prep schedule. It's a shame they don't list that over at BB! :grumble: Of course, I ignored the thing about 'having strong knees & joints' - that's just the idiot in me that flares up from time to time. :tongue: I probably won't have the last laugh in the end. :ohwell:

    The prep schedule takes things down a few notches - like you will do things separately. Instead of doing Core 20 Stretch 40 - they will be divided into 2 different days. Or you won't do a Fire class and a Sculpt or Tone class on the same day, etc. At least up until the 7th week anyway. Then she starts doubling a few and adding in one HIIT the 7th week, one HIIT the 8th, and the 9th is recovery with some stretching, core and a few Fire classes.

    Jill - I know what ya mean! I asked a few questions over there (BB) and did some reading and that's how I ultimately decided also. I don't really like the set up at BB but it is very informative!

    Just finished up Day 18 with HIIT 15 & Tone 30. I dare say that the HIIT 15 class actually felt a bit 'easier' this time, but it was probably due to being very fresh from my rest day yesterday. That was the first for Tone 30 and I did like it a bit more than Scupt 30; some of the moves were a bit more effective (for me anyway!) and a little less awkward band movements.

    Man, it's time to eat - I am starving!!! Enjoy your evenings! :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Happy Monday to you! THANKS Scoob for your info, its helped ALOT as always!!! Keep up the KA work :bigsmile:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Absolutely anytime Callie! :flowerforyou: You KNOW how much I LOVE to talk...errr, write. :laugh:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Yes sir- E :happy: Keep it roll-N Scoob! :happy:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    Hi ladies! Just checking in. How are you doing? I'm good. I had a god-awful headache earlier, but doing my Plyo X workout actually made it better, without any drugs. That's pretty awesome if you ask me. I guess that means sweating really IS good for us, huh?
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    THAT'S AWESOME Jill :smile: A GOOD w/o can and will cure almost anything! Was it stress, you think?

    Been a rough one for me, we had a house showing this afternoon so we spent all morning cleaning, sprucing and making everything sparkle.(We just went through all this last Thurs, I know we have to go through this for it to sell, I'm _itching, but we do come home to a CLEAN house :happy:) Then we all have to leave.. dog included. So we went out and watered and sat under the Willow tree. It was suppost to be like104. It felt like it in the sun. So no DS for me today. Gonna ride my stationary bike later this evening and give it another shot in the morn! Its going to be a bad w-in week for me come Fri.

    Have a good eve. :smile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    Thanks, Callie. I think it was sinuses, not stress, but sweating seemed to help. The head is much better today, thank goodness. My muscles felt so fatigued at today's workout. Only three more workouts till my recovery week... My body is ready now. LOL.

    Sorry you didn't get to work out yesterday. I hope the house showing was worth it! I am so itching to have a new house, but we will be here a few more years until we are empty nesters — or at least until our youngest finishes school. These days, kids seem to live with their parents long after they're out of school, but that won't keep us from living where we want to live. If they want to live with mommy and daddy, they'll have to go where we want to go! I like our house, but I really want to be somewhere more secluded. What would be perfect in my opinion would be to not even be able to see the closest neighbors. I'm not anti-social, and I even like most of my neighbors, but I don't want to hear their dogs barking if I want peace and quiet, don't want to worry about whether anyone can see me hot tubbing or sunbathing, that kind of thing. I just want a ton of privacy and quiet. It sounds like heaven to me.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Sounds like heaven to me, too. :happy: I'm any empty-nester right now. Our boy didn't want to move with us (too far away from his friends, job, etc), so he & a buddy rented their first apartment. Man, that was close to a year ago! But his lease will be up soon, and because it seems to be serious :noway: between he and his current girlfriend, they are thinking of renting something together. Scares me. He's only 22 yrs old...but I guess that's old enough for EVERYTHING. :sick: He's my one and only. A baby to me forever! :laugh:

    Anyway, finally got some groceries (AGAIN!) :mad: :laugh: and am on this 'puter because I am avoiding my workout. Yeah, you know what day it is. Stupid core & stretch dvds. :ohwell: I know, I know, quit the whining and do it - it'll be good for you...:sad: I just really like the calorie blazing-high intensity-soak your sports bra- type of workouts too much. Was that a bit TMI? :blushing:

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hey Jill & Scoobees :smile:

    Just a fast run by to log in my data. No DS today but I did do 60 mins on the stationary bike, to make up for last eve no go bike ride, I went snoozing early! Whew.. I needed it! :heart:

    Catch up tomorrow, gonna be out moving early.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Good Morning girls :flowerforyou:

    Short on time this morn. I weigh - in up 1.5 lbs. I expected it to be more with all the crap I ate this week.

    HAPPY Fri I am so glad its here:smile: ... dont know why really? :bigsmile:

  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    I made it back:smile:

    Jill No it didn't the lookers had not ever seen a Santa Fe, our was the 1st the realtor said they were "impressed" but not enough to buy it I guess, there gonna buy a southwestern. I fully understand about the end of the road privacy. Were happy w/ the home were in, but my DH is badly in need of a shop for his tools and we cant have a metal building here so were building the same house were in now w/ a few modifications and thats more energy efficient. He can have his w/s and I can have my garden and green house one of these days. (thats were my garden is:smile:) The kiddies might be around longer than THEY would like, but I can wait a couple more years till we are official empty nesters. :heart: :heart: Now I just have to be highly patient.. everything it going at a snail pace.

    Scoobees I can :cry: just thinking about my (19 ys old) going. he wants the same but just doesnt have it quite together! But you have to say your son does come home to visit his momma and thats always a good thing!! I hope it all works out for him!! :heart: :heart:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Jill & Scoobees Pretty slow here :ohwell:

    I'm hitting and missing the last few days w/ the w/o & cal counting. Lost my mojo over a FF burger and fries which really stinks!

    Pulled out all my DS dvd's and I'm making a CONCRETE plan for next week!

    Been watching TF w/o's on line... I dont know? There is LOADS of jumping, I think the w/o was Fire 30. I LOVE CJ energy so.

    Dont mean to be so wishy- washy, my mind wants to do TF , BUT I dont know if my body can handle it ? The last thing I want to do is create more weakness/potential injuries.

    Just trying to keep it real and its a hard one to face :frown:

    Hope you w/e is going GREAT!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Wow, it's been a few since I popped in! :blushing: Hi Callie & Jill! :flowerforyou:

    I literally almost drooled reading the words 'burger & fries'. :laugh: The things I would do for a fry. :heart: or 50. I did go to Subway today though to try out their bfast egg white melts - not bad...I try to 'treat' myself on Saturdays with some sort of semi-acceptable fast food - I guess it keeps me feeling a little normal? lol But what the heck, hubs was gone and super busy and I was out running errands...Yum!

    Ohhh yeah, LOTS of jumping/plyo in TF; especially the HIIT workouts but even in the regular Fire ones, too. But you don't HAVE to if you don't want to. The girl to the far right (Allie?) always modifies. I just get too caught up, fired up (no pun intended lol), pumped up and endorphined-crazy and can't help myself. I actually started wearing my knee braces on BOTH knees. :ohwell: They were still feeling a bit iffy and I didn't want to take any chances. But I LOVE these workouts and simply don't want to give 'em up or take it down lower. I guess I STILL haven't learned my lesson. :blushing:

    And the scale is moving down again which makes me want to do even more...what a vicious circle lol!!

    Today was Day 23 with HIIT 20 & Stretch 10. Drenched with sweat!! I can't believe my first month is almost over!

    Anyway, I hope you guys are having an awesome weekend! I'll stop by later!