Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Robin - I had great results with SI6, it was just too repetitive for me so I alternated those workouts with classes at the gym. The follow up program to SI6 (Slim Series) has sooo much more variety; and Debbie is much more funny and appealing. :wink:

    Callie - Receiving the package is the BEST part. Hate actually having to DO them. :laugh: It sounds like you've been so busy still. You'll get back to the workout grind I'm sure. I do like P90X, but I find that I don't look forward to the workouts like I did with SI6/SS. It's all in my head because I really have never enjoyed heavy weight training; I'd rather do cardio all day long lol. :ohwell: But I know I NEED to do this part. And YES! I have summers off, so that is very dangerous for me in that I am WAY less active. So I am doing my own version of P90X Classic doubles, where I am hitting the gym in the morning for some cardio and doing my P90X later in the evening. I have to burn some calories somehow! Summers = Scoob the Couch Potato :noway:

    Jill - Gosh I loved TJ and Chalene. The first time I lost weight, I lost the last 50# doing her TJ. Would LOVE to try some Turbo Fire someday; have to see how these joints hold up with Plyo X. :grumble: :tongue: :tongue: I so agree about Slim & 6 Pack! I think I felt that one way more than Ab Ripper X - which I hate. :grumble:

    LOL Your exactly right... I love opening packages!! Yes we are super busy.. but who isn't??:tongue: Wow doubles.. not on the "couch potato" for you this summer... your so deticated Scoobees!! I need to take a lesson from you... for sure, been out 4 hrs watering & trimming our fruit trees. I need to take a shower & pop in Express tape. And get it ( my *kitten*) in gear... :smile: Keep P90Xing:heart: and make some lovely /sexy summer muscles!!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Exactly - slower & more controlled. For me, ARX is just a frenzied & flailing attempt at trying to crank out all those reps. I guess I need to hit the pause button. :tongue:

    Edited to add - I like your new signature!

    Ditto Jill!!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Couldn't get psyched up for exercise today, so I figured I'd visit my ole buddy DS for some Burn it Up - and boy did I burn. :tongue: Amazing how hard that one is when you've been away from it for awhile.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :drinker:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hey Scoobees :smile:

    Gave Cardio Sculpt Express a shot the other day.. I liked it very much, its a scaled down version of SI6!

    I see your next round it going to be TF . Hope you like, hows P90X doing ya?
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi Callie! Glad you enjoyed your Slim Express workout!!

    Yeah, it's gonna be TF. I expressed how much I LOVED TJ in the past - Chalene rocks! But I was very nervous after seeing TF's preview clips with all the jumping :frown: , but have since found out there are modifications in it! Yay! :drinker: It looks awesome!

    P90X is not for me. At least not right now. And I wish I could tell you why lol! I don't know why! That has been the one and only workout program that I have not been psyched up for. I mean, everyone has 'off' days - that's granted - but I normally get excited to do my workouts...not with P90X. I had good workouts with it for sure, but I guess what I am trying (and not very well lol) to say is that I didn't enjoy them much. And if I don't enjoy them and look forward to them, I won't DO them. Does that even make sense?? :blushing: I will definitely keep it in my arsenal for the future.

    Anyway, I know with TF and Chalene's awesome music choices, it will be a rockin' workout. I am thinking of doing a hybrid with that and something else. Either TF & CLX, TF & P90X (probably not lol), or maybe TF & SS/SI6 which I adore. :heart: RIght now I am alternating SS/SI6 with the gym on a daily basis and loving it. SS/SI6 ALWAYS gives me a good workout and that wonderful muscle soreness is back and feeling grrrrrreat! :smile:

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ants78
    ants78 Posts: 2
    I would be glad to join you
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hey Scoobs :smile:

    GL....add to hear that TF had modifications, even if not, you could always make up your own to customize to your needs.:smile: Jumping is a big No- No for me also its the landing that does my knee(s) in, same with hill walking, on the down hill.

    No shame W/ P90X... You have to enjoy to do or it would be like pulling teeth :noway: Did you know right away or after viewing, it wasnt for you at this time? Thats one thing ....... in a few months it might be just what your looking for.:heart:

    Yep I pulled out all my short-( short on time) 30 min dvd's and just starting to rotating them. We have company till Saturday! I (must ) cant seem to get on a somewhat consistent schedule, so I can be consistent with my w/o's.:cry: I think I'm at the conclusion I need to do my w/o's at 5 am, but that means getting up at 4.... yikes :huh: Cant wait to hear how your hybrids go... I tried CLX for about a week, I really liked it and Chalene!!! ( still listen to her cd in the car) I just didnt have the time/ energy to give it and work, I was helping my husband lay blocks at the time. Cheers to you for keeping up with DS :drinker: You have to do what works for YOU!

    Hi ants78 Welcome are you doing Si6 ? :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Scoobees Correction .... I tried CE for a week not CLX! :smile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    Scoobees, I am more than eager to hear what you think of TurboFire! I keep going back and forth on whether I want to do it or not. Unlike you, I was not a fan of Turbo Jam. It's too much dance for my taste, which is why I am so drawn to Slim in 6 and Slim Series. I really, really like Debbie's style. I know TF is supposed to be less dancy than TJ, but what if it's still too much? I'm so confused!

    I am enjoying P90X in some ways, and in others, I am really glad I'm in the third and final phase! Whether I decide to to TF soon or not, my immediate plans after X is done are to do a hybrid of SI6, SS and X, but mostly Slim Series, for five weeks. I'll do one upper-body P90X workout a week and do Slim & 6-Pack three days a week. Then I'll have a week of recovery, which coincides with our vacation. After vacation, I'll go back and do more of that or I'll do TurboFire, depending on what kinds of things I hear about it between now and then.

    Yoga X is on the agenda for today. Hope you're all doing great!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Jill, Me also ...... I checked into TF more yesterday. It looks like LOADS OF FUN, but I am seriously uncoordinated,:frown: never have done TJ and the modification is a factor... it still looks like impact jumping???
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    I think it would be easier to modify high-impact moves than to try to execute moves that require coordination! :laugh: I'm leaning toward ordering it and giving it a try. There's always the Beachbody money-back guarantee if it turns out I can't cut it. :tongue:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hey guys! :flowerforyou: Just checked that darn UPS link, and the stupid package hasn't moved yet. :grumble: Still in the 'billing info received' part. Since I live in Ohio, I normally get my BB packages in like 2 days - so I am totally chomping at the bit. You know, just getting the package is the best part! :laugh: Christmas in June and all. :tongue:

    Jill - I think TJ was too dance-y for a lot of people. I love Chalene's personality & music...I was sooo pumped for each and every workout; the adrenaline started flowing as soon as the tunes started. I keep hearing too that TF is not as dance-y, but the moves are ultra fast - so I'm sure there's stumbling involved. :tongue: Also, I hear the 'new to class' feature is cool and allows you to learn each move. But I do like DS too! I don't want to give her up either! I feel like I get some serious results with SI6/SS. That's why I was thinking of combining those with TF. Just using TF as pure cardio days. I'm unsure right now. I know they give you a TF/CE hybrid schedule that I might check out. But I only lasted a couple weeks before I got hurt in CE. Too heavy weights + squats/lunges = disaster for me. :embarassed:

    Too many awesome BB products, too little time. :laugh:

    Callie - I know! It does looks like loads of fun!!! All the jumping I saw really really turned me off, but so many have reassured me (here, Sparkepeople, BB boards) that there is always a modifier person in the dvds. That sold me totally. And the workout lengths on most days are shorter - especially the HIIT days.

    I'll let you guys know what I think if that package EVER gets here. :mad: :laugh: :tongue:
  • Winter0916
    Winter0916 Posts: 80
    I just ordered them!! I want to join, I guess I am going to start a day or 2 after you gusy but I'll catch up!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Just have a few mins.....

    Jill Dont know about modifying high-impact moves vs trying to execute moves that require coordination? I am a major klutz! :laugh: Really with the money guarrentee back what do you have to lose?

    Scoobees Cant wait to hear what you think, on the jumping, difficuity and over all feel of the w/o's! Hope it gets deliveried pronto for you! :smile: Do you have the Xmas tree decorated yet? :laugh:

    Hi Winter0916 Welcome :flowerforyou: If I decide to do TF it will be a while for me. BTW......I love your Charlie Brown.
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    :laugh: Callie - the tree is fully decorated! :laugh: My TF package is FINALLY marked 'in transit'! Gah, I'm worse than a 5 year old. :tongue:

    Hi Winter! :flowerforyou: and welcome! We've been talking about sooo many programs lately, which one did you order? Slim in 6?
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Scoobees that is great, Monday might be your BIG day to get a visit from Santa!

    It might just be the one to help you make goal again! :smile: (Am I remembering correctly? )
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks Callie! My 'present' is almost here - out for delivery in the city next door!! :drinker: In fact, I decided to ditch the gym today and try out a TF workout instead. :smile: And yeah, you totally remember right; in regards to making goal - the THIRD time will be the charm for me. :embarassed: :wink:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Thats so exciting for you!!! Dont ask me what I was thinking, I have my days mixed up ... it seemed like Saturday yesterday with our company and all. I thought so :smile: :smile: :smile: How about this LAST time will be a charm for you? HAVE FUN!!!!!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    I am so excited to hear what it's like!!!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    It was soooo fun! :drinker: Now THIS is my kind of workout!! Well, at least so far. :tongue:

    I did the first workouts on the schedule which are Fire 30 and Stretch 10. The numbers just designate the class length. But since I chose the 'new in class' option for Fire 30, the workout was a bit longer because Chalene breaks down the upcoming moves in each segment - which is really cool for those who have never tried a TJ workout. Very nice!

    The warm-up was very similar to those in TJ, a little bit dancey + shakin' it here and there. :wink: But let me tell ya, the energy of the workout was thru the roof! The combination of the moves, the music, and CJ's motivating personality is what it's all about for me personally. I think my over-exuberance (sp?) even scared the dog a little bit. :laugh:

    It was very fast paced and without that 'new to class' feature, I might have gotten a bit lost here and there. But once you do it on one side, you pretty much remember the moves for the other side. I haven't previewed any of the upcoming workouts yet; I don't wanna scare myself!! But I am looking forward to the first HIIT workout tomorrow - it's 'only' 15 min long followed by the 10 min stetch. I'm sure the drills will be killer!!! :devil:

    Since that was just the first workout, I don't want to make any snap decisions, but I am leaning towards just doing TF alone for these next 12 weeks (I didn't order the advanced dvd set yet or I could make it 20 weeks)...and then start the TF/CE hybrid she has in the book. It would work out nicely because the first segment of that hybrid schedule starts with a recovery period for those just finishing TF. Kind of nicely laid out! But I would have to eventually order the advanced TF dvds for that.

    Anyway, sorry to be so wordy (what else is new???!!!) but I am still pretty jazzed from the Fire! :devil: I'll let you know what I think of the HIIT tomorrow!