After watching "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" I'm juicing



  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Thanks guys for all the suggestions. I am also going to use my blender to make smoothies, like strawberries, carrot juice, kale, spinach. Heres' to health :drinker:
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Wow. I am surprised at how negative most are being about your choice to juice as well as eat healthy foods. I think it's a great idea. You might want to peruse Amazon and look for the highest rated juicer at your preferred price. Checking the user comments and photos usually give you a really good idea at how good a product is. Hope this helps! Best of luck.

    Exactly. I didn't say I was not eating anything else, I just said I was added it to my lifestyle change. Were here for support, if you don't agree then don't comment. Everything is not for everybody. Find what works for you and be healthy.

    I've read through the comments and they're not negative. A few intelligent words of caution is all. Never mind. Enjoy the juicing. Whatevs.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Breville is a good brand. I have the juice fountain. Easy to use, easy to clean up.

    A great juicer. We have one. We do juice weekends and have gone several days but nothing extreme like that guy in that movie. A couple of days makes me feel pretty good and helps recharge my resolve to continue to eat right. Going a month or whatever just on juicing is not anything I would do.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    Breville Juice Fountain
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Breville Juice Fountain. We use ours practically every day. We bought it after watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead in 2010. Previously we had owned two cheaper juicers, both of which were practically useless.
    Like you, I never did a full juice fast, just added into my regular diet. It's a good way for me to use vegetables that I would never eat otherwise, i.e. beets, kale, radishes, etc.

    That sounds good.. Especially radishes cos normally I find them overpowering but can imagine the lift it'd give in juice.
    Had a friend on here who did it for two days...just to try and she enjoyed it. Had seen documentary too. She's going to incorporate it too like you OP...just check your teeth in the mirror before u go out after having one lol!!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Wow. I am surprised at how negative most are being about your choice to juice as well as eat healthy foods. I think it's a great idea. You might want to peruse Amazon and look for the highest rated juicer at your preferred price. Checking the user comments and photos usually give you a really good idea at how good a product is. Hope this helps! Best of luck.

    Exactly. I didn't say I was not eating anything else, I just said I was added it to my lifestyle change. Were here for support, if you don't agree then don't comment. Everything is not for everybody. Find what works for you and be healthy.

    Support. It does not mean what you think it means.

    These forums don't exist for us to blindly cosign every half baked idea that gets typed into a browser window. This is a weight loss and fitness site, so a lot of what takes place here is people offering suggestions and advice on ways to get into shape.

    The science behind the doc you watched was dubious at best, and it promotes the idea that juicing is better than a sensible eating plan. If you want to believe the doc and juice, go right ahead. But successful people are taking time out of their day to offer you a better way to get healthy, whether you appreciate it or not.

    And even if you don't, we'll still do it because maybe we can help someone else that found this thread. That's the way forums are supposed to work.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    If you go on You Tube and look up juicers, you will get a ton of information. I opted for an inexpensive one - Hamilton Beach $40 and it was good enough for 3 ten day juice fasts and daily juicing after that. I sorta abused it one day and it broke. So now I am looking for a new one. The really good ones don't get too much oxygen in the juice and make it last longer. If you plan to juice one day and keep it for the next two days, it's better to get a really good one. Anyone on here who recommends one that is easy and fast to clean, I would go with that...will go with that :)

    I watched that movie, too, and it got me started on being a much healthier person.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Juicing cuts out a significant amount of "fibre" from your diet since you aren't eating any of the cellulose that comes from fruits and veggies.

    I bought a Nutri Bullet.....for about $80 at Bed, Bath & Beyond with their online coupon and you can juice the entire fruit/veggie so it doesn't cut out the fiber. Edited for link:

    I could use a blender then? Juicer died years ago. Blender sits idle!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Wow. I am surprised at how negative most are being about your choice to juice as well as eat healthy foods. I think it's a great idea. You might want to peruse Amazon and look for the highest rated juicer at your preferred price. Checking the user comments and photos usually give you a really good idea at how good a product is. Hope this helps! Best of luck.

    Exactly. I didn't say I was not eating anything else, I just said I was added it to my lifestyle change. Were here for support, if you don't agree then don't comment. Everything is not for everybody. Find what works for you and be healthy.

    Support. It does not mean what you think it means.

    These forums don't exist for us to blindly cosign every half names idea that gets typed into a browser window. This is a weight loss and fitness site, so a lot of what takes place here is people offering suggestions and advice on ways to get into shape.

    The science behind the doc you watched was dubious at best, and it promotes the idea that juicing is better than a sensible eating plan. If you want to believe the doc and juice, go right ahead. But successful people are taking time out of their day to offer you a better way to get healthy, whether you appreciate it or not.

    And even if you don't, we'll still do it because maybe we can help someone else that found this thread. That's the way forums are supposed to work.

    I didn't as anybody to cosign for anything. I am going to do what's best for me without or without anybody's approval. He did not say that juicing was the better route, he does eat solid foods. I did not mislead anyone hear, nor did I post something that was dangerous. It's all healthy produce you see in the grocery store. Have a blessed evening. I am not hear to argue.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Wow. I am surprised at how negative most are being about your choice to juice as well as eat healthy foods. I think it's a great idea. You might want to peruse Amazon and look for the highest rated juicer at your preferred price. Checking the user comments and photos usually give you a really good idea at how good a product is. Hope this helps! Best of luck.

    Exactly. I didn't say I was not eating anything else, I just said I was added it to my lifestyle change. Were here for support, if you don't agree then don't comment. Everything is not for everybody. Find what works for you and be healthy.

    Support. It does not mean what you think it means.

    These forums don't exist for us to blindly cosign every half names idea that gets typed into a browser window. This is a weight loss and fitness site, so a lot of what takes place here is people offering suggestions and advice on ways to get into shape.

    The science behind the doc you watched was dubious at best, and it promotes the idea that juicing is better than a sensible eating plan. If you want to believe the doc and juice, go right ahead. But successful people are taking time out of their day to offer you a better way to get healthy, whether you appreciate it or not.

    And even if you don't, we'll still do it because maybe we can help someone else that found this thread. That's the way forums are supposed to work.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yall are against juicing i think thats absolutely ridiculous , I THINK IT would be a great thing to get into your lifestyle changee,,

    Given a choice between drinking the fruit/veggie juice and eating the fruits/veggies, I'll go with the latter most of the time. And if I need to buy a specialized kitchen appliance to make the juice, I'll change my answer to all the time.

    Oh, and I love my Vitamix least when fruits/veggies are in season here.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Wow. I am surprised at how negative most are being about your choice to juice as well as eat healthy foods. I think it's a great idea. You might want to peruse Amazon and look for the highest rated juicer at your preferred price. Checking the user comments and photos usually give you a really good idea at how good a product is. Hope this helps! Best of luck.

    Exactly. I didn't say I was not eating anything else, I just said I was added it to my lifestyle change. Were here for support, if you don't agree then don't comment. Everything is not for everybody. Find what works for you and be healthy.

    Support. It does not mean what you think it means.

    These forums don't exist for us to blindly cosign every half names idea that gets typed into a browser window. This is a weight loss and fitness site, so a lot of what takes place here is people offering suggestions and advice on ways to get into shape.

    The science behind the doc you watched was dubious at best, and it promotes the idea that juicing is better than a sensible eating plan. If you want to believe the doc and juice, go right ahead. But successful people are taking time out of their day to offer you a better way to get healthy, whether you appreciate it or not.

    And even if you don't, we'll still do it because maybe we can help someone else that found this thread. That's the way forums are supposed to work.

  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    Juicing cuts out a significant amount of "fibre" from your diet since you aren't eating any of the cellulose that comes from fruits and veggies.

    I bought a Nutri Bullet.....for about $80 at Bed, Bath & Beyond with their online coupon and you can juice the entire fruit/veggie so it doesn't cut out the fiber. Edited for link:

    I could use a blender then? Juicer died years ago. Blender sits idle!

    Not sure......guess depends on how fast the blades turn? The Nutri Bullet comes with two blades depending on what you're using it for. You can always try it just to see how it does.....good luck and btw, I love my Nutri Bullet. It has devoured whatever I have put in it. I also add water, almond milk or oj depending on what I'm making and it is awesome!
  • Rockytop_relic
    Rockytop_relic Posts: 208 Member
    Had a friend that juiced one meal a day with great success. I did a 10 day juice only fast last year and lost weight like crazy but
    I had to hold my nose and chug some of it after a while.
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    I wonder if the breville can juice a porterhouse.
  • FirewifeCarrie
    I just bought a Ninja blender and have been incorporating smoothies into my daily intake of nutritious food. I still EAT food, but I find blending some fruit and veggies together is highly delicious and packed full of vitamins......AND a lot easier to eat than eating them raw. Don't get me wrong I still do eat salads and other veggies, but I added smoothies into my daily snacks as a way to get more vitamins and minerals into my diet. By blending my veggies and fruit together I still get all the same fiber content because i"m eating the entire fruit and/or veggie. My afternoon shake consisted of spinach, carrots, strawberries, grapefruit, an orange, chia seeds, a banana, an apple, a little local raw honey and some ice......DElicious! My kids even drank some!
    I think it's great that you are trying to incorporate more nutritious choices into your life! Good luck to you! :)
  • linnaeus
    linnaeus Posts: 36 Member
    Hello! Awesome that you're into trying new things with an open mind :)

    I juice as well as eat solid foods. I find it refreshing, energizing, and easy on the stomach (although you can have adverse reactions if you do too much too quickly). I do the normal mean green juice for the most part, the recipe you can find on his website. I usually alternate juicing and blending my morning meal. My blended morning meal is usually a smoothie that's mostly spinach, some fresh orange juice and some protein powder. And at some point during the day I try to include more raw veggies in a meal - a gigantic salad, for example.

    Also, juicing helps me balance out the days I get too much fiber....which I can tell based on my BMs, sorry for the TMI ;)

    I found my super awesome juicer, a Champion, on Craigslist for $10. So looking for used ones might be a good idea.
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
    There are three basic kinds of juicers. The cheaper ones generally use centrifugal action. A metal disc rapidly grinds the vegetables up, and the fiber is removed to a seperate basket, leaving the juice to pour out. It doesn't extract as much juice as the others, I have heard, but I am currently using a centrifugal type of juicer, the JackLaLane, and I am happy with it, but wish I could afford a higher quality juicer.

    The next kinds are called masticators, like the Champion Juicer. It works kind of like a mechanized meat mincer, and I hear they extract more juice. They generally cost more, but it is claimed that if you juice a lot, you will recover the cost, because you get more juice per pound of vegetables.

    For those for whom money is no object, there is the hydraulic action juicer, the Norwaull. For 'only' $4,000! They grind the juice, then the ground pulp is pressed out, to extract maximum juice. Sounds like a LOT of work to use and to clean!

    I don't understand why so many people have misunderstood your question. It is clear that you are not asking about juice fasts, or substituting juices for solid vegetables. Of course we need fiber, too! And of course there are nutrients in the skins of vegetables that you shouldn't do without! But juicing adds another element to a diet, a concentrated form of vitamins and enzymes that are both beneficial and detoxifying. You couldn't possibly EAT that many vegetables, you would get tired of chewing, and it would be more than you could hold anyway! It is a way to get added nutrients without a lot of added fiber.

    Now that DOES bring us to the problem that juicing can be expensive. It is hard enough for most budgets to include the daily five servings of vegetables, without the added cost of using another five vegetable servings on one single, non-filling juice! I find that carrots are fairly economical to use, and whatever greens are on sale that week. You can add other things if they fit into your budget that week. When you are only using one or two kale leaves per juice, and only one juice per day, then a single bunch of kale will last several days. Carrots are cheap year round. I like to include celery, too. It really starts to add up if you try to add fruits, so I don't add fruits. It also starts to add up if you try to do more than one or two a day. At the very least, you would need to substitute them for a meal, if you are on a budget.

    It isn't that hard to grow your own carrots, either! And just think if you were able to grow your own apple tree, or whatever!

    Juicing the way people do on juice fasts sounds expensive to me. But, it is short term, and you don't have to buy any other groceries while on a juice fast. Even then, I am sure it would cost a lot more than your usual groceries for the week. EVEN if you stick to whatever vegetables are in season and on good sales!

    Juicing is used to flood the body with easily digested nutrients several times a day, which some claim will help in recovery from various diseases, IF you don't go back to your old, toxic ways of eating after that!

    If money is too limited to add any vegetable juices, then just making sure you get your five a day is the first priority, in my opinion, since juices are not very filling, and do create a certain amount of waste.
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    I recommend the Hurom juicer. I was going to buy the Breville, but the lady at William Sonoma said that everyone was coming in for the Breville juicer after that documentary, but that the Hurom was a much better buy. I'm glad I went with the Hurom. I bought it a few years ago, and use it mostly for nutmilks and fresh juices in summer. I don't use it much in winter. I also recommend the Nutri-Bullet. There's no wasted part of the fruit/vegetable, and clean up is very fast.

    ETA: I should add, the clean up with the Hurom is pretty quick too, as you can clean it by running water through it. I understand that that's not an option for many juicers.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Juicing cuts out a significant amount of "fibre" from your diet since you aren't eating any of the cellulose that comes from fruits and veggies.

    I bought a Nutri Bullet.....for about $80 at Bed, Bath & Beyond with their online coupon and you can juice the entire fruit/veggie so it doesn't cut out the fiber. Edited for link:

    I could use a blender then? Juicer died years ago. Blender sits idle!

    Not sure......guess depends on how fast the blades turn? The Nutri Bullet comes with two blades depending on what you're using it
    for. You can always try it just to see how it does.....good luck and btw, I love my Nutri Bullet. It has devoured whatever I have put in
    it. I also add water, almond milk or oj depending on what I'm making and it is awesome!

    I'll give it a go then may as well! Like other posters it's not a lifestyle change I'm just looking for something to compliment what I'm already doing...kinda bored, this will give me something to play with for a while.