After watching "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" I'm juicing



  • MountainMoverJosh
    I am new to this, but I am helping a friend out with her "juicing" fast to help re-regulate her digestive system. I am replacing one real meal a day (at random) to show support. But the more I look into it, the more I can see the benefits of blending. Here are a couple articles from Mayo and Livestrong about Juicing and Blending. They are worth checking out if you are contemplating it (as I am):
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I love my juicer! It is a lo cycle masticating. I think is what they call it.
    It can grind meat (I can make my own ground chicken) and has a pasta extrudes attachment for making pasta, plus makes purée . And the juicer part is great, the 'remains' are super dry.
    It is am Omega 8005.

    I don't juice daily. But I go in spurts. When I get back from vacations or holiday eating, I like to juice to replace a meal or two, for a week. It eases that 'hard gut' feeling I get from too much food.
    During normal days I juice a few times a month. But use my juicer for other things. Some time I have random spurts where I juice daily.
    My life lacks consistency.

    I will be juicing next week as I am getting over a stomach bug and my stomach does better with easing back to solid foods.
  • lieselLalor
    lieselLalor Posts: 169 Member
    I wish everyone wouldn't just say NO WAY, right away. I personally did a juice fast for 10 days, and it was a GREAT experience for me. I did it while working, taking care of my son and family, still cooking dinner for them, still grocery shopping, still excercising....I still did everything. It was not just a challenge for me to try to lose weight but I wanted to challenge myself mentally too because that's what it really came down to. I did it and it was really rewarding for me. I lost 10lbs in 10 days and kept it off and have lost another 20lbs. since. Some people disagree with it but this was my experience and I would recommend it to anyone.

    I didn't feel well for the first 2 days but I could function. By the 3rd day I was feeling myself with even a little more energy than usual.
    It did suck cleaning the juicer every day but it was only 10 days so no big deal, and I spent a little more on groceries than usual because of all the fruits and veggies I went through, but again, it was only 10 days.

    To those who say just eat what you would juice, physically you can't. You put so much into the juicer to maximize the nutrients you are getting.

    Even if you don't plan to fast I still highly recommend juicing. Many people juice after workouts to get all those nutrients right away and it's a great way just to make sure you are getting all your servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day.

    I think it's a great idea. If you want to see how my fast went I wrote a blog during my 10 days:

    Good luck!

    By the way I use a Breville and I love it.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Plus, you can Google 'ways to use juicer pulp" and get recipes for carrot muffins and other foods to not feel so wasteful of the pulp.. Like adding it in spaghetti sauce or lasagna.. Or starting a compost bin and growing your own veggies to juice.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    yeah - love the video - though I don't personally subscribe to the "juice fast" part of it, I have incorporated 1 mean green juice first thing in the morning - feel great
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Does no-one like to CHEW any more?

    If you want to put more fresh fruit and veggies in your diet, have yoghurt and mixed fruit for breakfast, pb and apple for a snack, a big salad with some kind of protein for lunch, carrot sticks and hummus for afternoon snack and a big ol' vegetable stew with low sodium soup stock for dinner.

    I don't get this need to push everything through a f***ing blender nowadays.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Does no-one like to CHEW any more?

    actually. I don't like chewing in the morning. I prefer protein shakes for breakfast. I juice to ADD to my meal, usually at lunch.
  • trb85
    trb85 Posts: 81 Member
    We got this one:

    It's super easy to clean IF you don't let it sit. Just wash/rinse it as soon as you're done. We put a plastic bag (grocery bag, produce bag, etc) in the pulp container for super easy cleanup. There is a brush that comes with it to scrub the blade.

    I would clean the juicer while I drank my juice. Normally, I'm done cleaning before I'm done drinking.

    It's not too, too loud. Pulp isn't too wet, except for stuff like berries. You *can* run the pulp through a second time to get out more juice. I did that once, and it totally wasn't worth it at all.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    I don't use my juicer a lot but sometimes we will have a big bag of oranges or pears or something (thanks Costco) that are all ripe at once and throwing them in the juicer is a lot better than throwing them away! The pulp gets composted usually- but I'm looking for some good recipes that can incorporate it.

    I don't really understand juice fasts or juicing as a lifestyle. And I''m skeptical of any claims of "detoxing" or "cleansing". But as just another way to prepare healthy foods it's terrific. Everything we do to prepare our food changes it and often affects the nutritional properties so I also don't understand arguments against juicing that are based on the idea that you lose fiber so you should always just eat the whole fruit/vegetable. Sure you do! So what? It's not always possible or desirable for everyone to do what is optimal from a nutrition standpoint. And it can be quite boring.

    I say have fun exploring new ways to prepare food that are exciting for you and appeal to your taste. Make the healthiest choices you can make, understand the trade-offs, and you'll be fine.
  • caramel1920
    I chose not to buy a juicer because they seem like too much work and I like to keep things simple so I bought a Nutribullet and absolutely love it!!!!! Have been using it daily for about 3 months now! But some folks have great suggestions, you know what your lifestyle is and what you can afford. I would definitely suggest amazon and check the reviews I found them very helpful!!! Good luck, and sorry you had to weed through the folks that wanted to criticize instead of answering your original question!:ohwell:
  • rawmia
    rawmia Posts: 2
    Jucing or even making a smoothie on vegetables and leafy greens is a great idee to get more vitamines and minerals into your diet. It will make you satesfied and you will notice that some of your cravings will go away. It will nott only make yoy feel good but also look good. You will glow. One thing I HIGHLY recomend is to drink your juice or smoothie on an EMPTY stomach since eating something before hand will cause some bloating. (it will start to ferment and cause gases because it WANT to go through your system fast but it wont be able to) Good luck!
  • rawmia
    rawmia Posts: 2
    that is so inspirational! Well done! :happy:
  • SarahFab19
    SarahFab19 Posts: 2 Member
    If you have a really good juicer you won't lose any of the nutrients or fibers (it cost a pretty penny but worth it!!). The juicer I have incorporates the entire fruit or vegetable into the juice... skin, seeds, pulp and all! I can't possibly begin to think what would be wrong with that? Normally to eat an apple I would take the skin off. Most root vegetables and a lot of fruit have the most nutrients in their roots or skin which most people cut off but if you can throw the whole thing into a juicer how would that translate to missing out on the important parts?
  • nora110
    nora110 Posts: 24
    I bought a cheap black and decker juicer from Walmart for about $30 just to give it a try. I can clean it in about 3 minutes if I do it as soon as I am finished juicing. For the most part, I only juice what I wont eat normally- raw kale, raw broccoli stems- and then I throw in something to help the flavor a bit- carrot or apple- there is very little pulp leftover. I usually juice on weekend mornings only, when I have more time.

    My goal was to get more raw greens in my diet, and I'm satisfied with how it's working out. When I'm tracking my calories, I'm accounting for the quantity of veggies/fruits and not just the juice, so I'm probably over-estimating because I don't eat the leftover pulp!

    No fasting, no "cleansing", just adding.
  • kgoodman0108
    My husband and I watched this about 6 months ago. He did the extreme juicing for a month straight, with NO solid food. It made me sick to watch, but surprisingly after the first few days, he loved it. He was full of energy. He ended up losing 30 pounds, only to gain it all back and then some.
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    Plus, you can Google 'ways to use juicer pulp" and get recipes for carrot muffins and other foods to not feel so wasteful of the pulp.. Like adding it in spaghetti sauce or lasagna.. Or starting a compost bin and growing your own veggies to juice.

    I agree with this. Don't waste the pulp! Make muffins!