"OMG how did you loose the weight?"



  • niftycola
    ha a girl had just asked me that the other day.... she seemed a little mad when I told her "portion control, healthier eating and a LOT of hard work in the gym."
    People want it to be quick and easy. Sigh.
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    "OMG how did you loose the weight?"

    Mostly shaking.

    1) Sensa...shake, shake, shake. 2) Shake weight. Look out. 3) Shaking.... really, I wouldn't eat for days at a time, damn near passed out a few times.

    Really though, the looks I get about losing weight via calorie deficit, are priceless.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    I get the 'Ya riiiight' look when I say its tons of exercise and sensible eating. I swear they'd be more inclined to believe me if I said 'Meth' :grumble:
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    For those people, I tell them I've been snorting lines of Sensa.

    They shut up.

    Win. I am totally using this one.
  • lilteepot
    Someone in another forum used the response "Well, you know *kitten* burns a lot of calories." I'm just waiting for the first person to ask me now so I can fire that at them. :)
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    It's true! I have had people tell me how jealous they are that I have lost some weight (30lbs). But, they aren't jealous when they are eating baked mac n cheese and I'm having a salad. They also aren't jealous when I get up at 0400 to work out. But, there is no quick and easy weight loss plan that is going to work long term and make you healthy.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    For those people, I tell them I've been snorting lines of Sensa.

    They shut up.

    Win. I am totally using this one.
    If you add in some 'science' about how it hits your brain faster and immediately blocks the fat and hunger pains at the same time it's all the better :tongue:

    I really hope I don't inspire people to actually try that though.. :laugh:
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    It's true! I have had people tell me how jealous they are that I have lost some weight (30lbs). But, they aren't jealous when they are eating baked mac n cheese and I'm having a salad. They also aren't jealous when I get up at 0400 to work out. But, there is no quick and easy weight loss plan that is going to work long term and make you healthy.

    haha, true! The guy I was talking to that was on the "special diet" his wife put him on was in the process of sneaking a cupcake while he was talking to me!
  • MommaKit79
    YELP!!! I hear/see it all the time. I tell them I am watching my sugar intake, counting my calories, and busting my rear! They are jstu like, UM, OK! I actually had an aquaintance ask me the other day if I had surgery like she did?!?!?! NO PEOPLE, I am just busting my rear-end trying to get myself healthy!

    I LOVE IT when you actually EAT at a gathering and they look at you like, "Why are you eating that? Arent you supposed to be "dieting"?"
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I wanted to hear from others if they have noticed this along their weight loss journey. I had a baby last May, currently I am 13-15 pounds below my pre-preggo weight. My co-workers have seen me go from being huge while pregnant to where I'm at now, which by no means is tiny. Many people in the last week have commented to me how good I look and "what are you doing to loose weight," but does anyone ever notice that when you tell them that you are exercising and dieting, sometimes I get a look, like "oh there is no way I'm going to do that." It's like they want the answer that is the miracle cure for loosing weight.....no people good ol' fashioned diet and exercise!!!!!!!!

    I get the same question, and really enjoy the crestfallen looks they give me when I don't give them some magic cure-all, super-easy, "just do this, but don't change anything else about your life" answer. I'm busting my butt to lose this weight, hitting the gym, or doing some form of exercise, 6 days a week, religiously (anally? LOL) measuring, weighing and logging my food intake, and sticking with it since April of last year. The results speak for themselves. I never thought I would be able to do this, but this time it worked for me. My head was finally in the right place for me to make myself healthy and overcome my overeating tendencies that are the result of stress in my life.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    not only do I get the glaze over look when I tell that it's about eating less/better and moving more, I also get questions of if I'm doing anything "extreme" - ie, going vegan, paleo, what not. My brother and sister in law are going veggie/vegan, and if that's what they want to do, so be it. They don't eat meat for (at least her) moral reasons. Again, if you can make that work for you, so be it. Me - I like me a cheeseburger and I also know myself. If I deprive I set myself up for binges. So, I do what works for me. Portion control, moderation, and more movement...for me, right now, it's about consistency and motivation - that's what I'm currently struggling with.

    But, I've got friends family who want to lose and knowing how they think about food, I fear it won't stick for them because they are giving up too much too fast. But, I try to encourage and motivate rather than discourage. That's what they did for me...
  • cwannabee
    cwannabee Posts: 23 Member
    YELP!!! I hear/see it all the time. I tell them I am watching my sugar intake, counting my calories, and busting my rear! They are jstu like, UM, OK! I actually had an aquaintance ask me the other day if I had surgery like she did?!?!?! NO PEOPLE, I am just busting my rear-end trying to get myself healthy!

    I LOVE IT when you actually EAT at a gathering and they look at you like, "Why are you eating that? Arent you supposed to be "dieting"?"

    Oh yes, there is a woman in my Mom's group who asks me "Why are you eating that?" every time we meet up. She can't seem to wrap her head around the fact that I exercise and watch what I eat (portion control) so that I'm burning more calories than I'm taking in. Calories burned > Calories consumed = weight loss.
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    I've started getting a lot of "What are you doing?" I just tell them that I've been eating better and working out. A few people in my office have lost a significant amount of weight over the last 2 years by doing what I'm doing so I guess everyone is used to the standard diet and exercise answer.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I love reading this because it just makes me shake my head...

    I've never been really big, in highschool I was average, about the same size I am now. When I see people from highschool they ask me "How did you stay thin?" Really? HOW? I just smile. I'm kind of evil like that. I later invite them to come workout with me when I go to my hometown and they have the nerve to say "Oh, you don't have kids so you have time for that sort of thing." REALLY?
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I LOVE IT when you actually EAT at a gathering and they look at you like, "Why are you eating that? Arent you supposed to be "dieting"?"

    I have people do this to me too. I HATE when people worry more about what I put in my mouth than what they put in theirs!
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    I have been getting that question pretty regular and instead of saying "diet and exercise" what I say is I use an "App". This is true and it gets their attention. A few of my colleagues have subsequently joined MFP and are on a good weightloss journey.
  • TriClaudia
    TriClaudia Posts: 51 Member
    "I sacrificed a cow to Triglycerides, god of fat. I felt a tingling sensation and then suddenly I was dead sexy." (pronounced "treh-gliss-err-id-ees," to sound more pseudo-Greco-Roman, of course).

    Love, love, love this!! :laugh:
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    I have been getting that question pretty regular and instead of saying "diet and exercise" what I say is I use an "App". This is true and it gets their attention. A few of my colleagues have subsequently joined MFP and are on a good weightloss journey.

    That's a great response! I think I will start saying that as well.
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    I was in my mom's hometown on the weekend and I was getting this from friends and family... My only response was sweat, and picking *kitten* up and putting it down again.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I like to tell people that I've switched to light beer and taken up cigarettes. :drinker: