I feel sorry for women



  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    Nah, your vision of what women need to eat to lose weight is way off, and it varies depending on their height, weight, age, and how intense their workout program is.

    A 20% calorie deficit to a 4'11" woman for example, yes, might be 1200 calories or 1000 even, but to her, it will feel exactly like your calorie deficit of say, 2000,2200.

    During my bulk I could easily look at your 2400 calories, while I'm eating 3500 and say "Man I feel sorry for this guy" but it's all relative.

    On a higher level, take an olympic swimmer who eats upwards of 10,000 calories a day just to maintain or add some fast twitch muscle strength. He's not going to feel sorry for someone who eats 3,500, or 2400, it's all relative hehe.

    If a safe deficit for a woman is 1200-1000 calories, it'll feel exactly like your 20% calorie deficit does at 2,000.

    It's like saying "I feel sorry for my pet mouse, it only eats 20 calories a day! Man it must be starving!" It's not, it's all it needs! lol

    THANK YOU! =)
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    I feel sorry for men. They will never know how awesome it is to be a female.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I don't feel sorry for women.


    That is all.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I eat in the 1200-1400 range everyday. Being vegetarian, it is actually hard for me to reach my caloric goals - I do manage to hit the carb numbers everyday :D Unless I eat dessert or cook something really special and over eat, I usually am under my allowance. I am not starving by any stretch of imagination!
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I guess I feel differently from most women on here. I didn't read all the replies, but they all eat around 1700 and are happy with that. I eat a minimum of 1600-1700 calories per day also, sometimes over 2000 on the days I workout, and I am still hungry by the time I go to bed. I love food, healthy food and junk food. Of course I miss the junk sometimes, but I try not to eat it because it affects my workouts; I can't lift as much or as hard. There are many people on MFP who brag about eating ice cream every day and talk to the rest of us like we're stupid for cutting it out, but it just doesn't work for me. I've tried. So, yeah, I feel sorry for me too, sometimes. Especially when my husband pigs out next to me and then goes and rocks an awesome kettlebell session. Or he thinks, "Hey, maybe I want to lose a few pounds," and keeps pigging out and loses the weight overnight while I slave and struggle. I think it's nice to have a little male sympathy.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I eat lots of food at 1200, loads and loads of vegetables, fills you up and it still feel indulgent, but I really really love vegetables. I'd sooner eat a tray of roasted parsnips, carrots, mushrooms and onions that consider a bag of greasy chips. So I don't feel unfortunate at all. The only shame is that I had to cut out standard yeasty bread, but I have some on Sundays if I'm hungover :D

    I am with this poster. I am on 1100-1200 calories a day and do not eat any "diet" foods--just whole, unprocessed, organic foods. Tons of veggies. I am completely satiated and only feel hungry about half an hour before a meal. I do have PCOS and Insulin Resistence. I have been in the BOD POD and have used indirect calorimetry to find out my actual TDEE. It is VERY low and I would not go near starvation mode until under 900 calories for an extended period of time. I really hope people will stop blindly attacking people with low caloric intakes. You have no idea how varied metabolisms can be and how balanced their nutrient intake can be. Please try to be more considerate of this in the future.

    Take this as an example:

    "The basal metabolic rate varies between individuals. One study of 150 adults representative of the population in Scotland reported basal metabolic rates from as low as 1027 kcal per day (4301 kJ) to as high as 2499 kcal (10455 kJ); with a mean BMR of 1500 kcal (6279 kJ). Statistically, the researchers calculated that 62.3% of this variation was explained by differences in fat free mass. Other factors explaining the variation included fat mass (6.7%), age (1.7%), and experimental error including within-subject difference (2%). The rest of the variation (26.7%) was unexplained. This remaining difference was not explained by sex nor by differing tissue sized of highly energetic organs such as the brain.[9]

    Thus there are differences in BMR even when comparing two subjects with the same lean body mass. The top 5% of people are metabolizing energy 28-32% faster than individuals with the lowest 5% BMR.[10] For instance, one study reported an extreme case where two individuals with the same lean body mass of 43 kg had BMRs of 1075 kcal/day (4.5 MJ) and 1790 kcal/day (7.5 MJ). This difference of 715 kcal (67%) is equivalent to one of the individuals completing a 10 kilometer run every day.[10]"

    See the Wikipedia entry for BMR to see the exact sources.

    TDEE/BMR calculations are just estimates based on average metabolisms. For example, even the online BMI calculators (with exceptionally precise measurement of inches) gave me a number 7% higher than actual body composition testing. Sometimes caloric increases aid in weight loss, for some, seemingly severely low caloric intake is absolutely necessary. Either way, you can have a 1200 calorie regime that is optimized and much healthier than a 2400 calories regime that is full of crap food. It's all what you make of it.

    These discussions bashing 1200 calorie diets are honestly extremely cruel and make those like me feel extremely unwelcome on MFP. Certainly there are people on 1200 calorie diets attempting unrealistically fast weight loss and harming themselves. BUT, that's not all of us. Since when have hyperbolic statements done anyone any good?

    meant to highlight this but I'm bad on my phone - "[10] For instance, one study reported an extreme case where two individuals with the same lean body mass of 43 kg had BMRs of 1075 kcal/day (4.5 MJ) and 1790 kcal/day (7.5 MJ)."

    I've had my BMR tested twice within 6 weeks and it varied quite a bit, might be a female's hormones, might not. But it IS top of the line - BIODEX Computerized Dynamometer
    • BIODEX Balance System SD
    • BIODEX Body Weight Support Harness System
    • MedX lumbar extension dynamometer – isometric testing and dynamic exercise
    • MedX cervical extension dynamometer - isometric testing and dynamic exercise
    • MedX torso rotation exercise machine – dynamic exercise
    • EPIC Lift Capacity station – validated functional capacity evaluation
    • Biosound MyLab25 diagnostic ultrasound with 2 transducers
    • Multidimensional Task Ability Profile – computerized patient-reported outcome of physical function
    • Noraxon surface and fine wire telemetric electromyogrpahy – TeleMyo 2400T G2 transmitter (8 channels); TeleMyo 2400R G2 analog output receiver (32 telemetry channels can be interfaced with other measurement devices in the lab – e.g. footswitch, electric goniometer)• Medmetric KT-2000 ligament laxity arthrometer
    • SensorMedics, Vmax 229, Metabolic system for measuring ventilation, oxygen uptake, cardiac output, and pulmonary function
    • Cosmed K4b2 Portable Metabolic Testing System
    • Quinton 12-Lead Electrocardiograhic Stress Testing System
    • Quinton Motorized Treadmill
    • SensorMedics, Electronically-Braked Cycle Ergometer
    • Noraxon Myosystem 12 Channel electromyography (optional telemetry)
    • CIR Systems, Inc. Platinum Series 26’ GAITRite Portable Walkway System with dual wireless inclinometers.
    • Step Activity Monitor. StepWatch model#1.700 (x4)

    We really are different in our caloric needs.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I feel sorry for men. They will never know how awesome it is to be a female.

    Also, penises seem annoying.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I personally find it extremely liberating to know there are women here who have been massively successful in losing weight and changing their body composition, and they've done it all without starving themselves, crash dieting, or excluding foods (think of all those banner ads, "ONE FOOD YOU SHOULD NEVER EAT", etc)

    Thank you, ladies.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Some of y'all on this thread seem hangry. Do you want a cookie? Wait, never mind, you probably can't afford that with only 1200 calories...***

    ***Disclaimer: snark does not equal bashing, humor does not equal hating, stating that one eats more than 1200 calories and still loses does not equal telling anyone else how much to eat, and offering sympathy to those who eat 1200 calories a day does not equal arrogance or ridicule.

  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I feel sorry for men. They will never know how awesome it is to be a female.

    Also, penises seem annoying.

    To quote Elaine from Seinfeld, "I don't know how you guys walk around with those things."
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I'm losing netting 1200, if I plateau then I'll switch to TDEE -20%. Honestly, most days I have a hard time meeting my goal if I haven't eaten any junk food. I wouldn't know how to consume more healthy calories other than eating half a jar of peanut butter

    I totally agree with this. I'm probably netting around 1000 or 1100. I only go over when I eat junk. When I stick to healthy food, I am so full. But I am short-ish (5'4'') and only have around 15 pounds to lose. The people who say they eat a lot more than me seem like they either started out with a lot more to lose and/or have a lot more muscle than me. I am trying to build muscle, but it seems to be taking awhile!

    If I didn't workout and kept eating out and ate processed food, 1200 calories net would be impossible...

    Sorry to tell you but you won't be building muscle on your plan. I would recomend doing some research on what it takes to build muscle...
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    A woman who worked the same job as you and worked out that much would probably eat nearly as much as you.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Some of y'all on this thread seem hangry. Do you want a cookie? Wait, never mind, you probably can't afford that with only 1200 calories...***

    ***Disclaimer: snark does not equal bashing, humor does not equal hating, stating that one eats more than 1200 calories and still loses does not equal telling anyone else how much to eat, and offering sympathy to those who eat 1200 calories a day does not equal arrogance or ridicule.


    Your disclaimer is invalid. Your post was not snark, humor, or advice. It WAS however completely unnecessary, in poor taste, and somewhat insulting.

    Eat cookies if you like, and don't assume that other people can't have cookies either, we can. We just budget for things better than most people do.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Thank you for feeling sorry for women!!! My average daily intake is 1350 calories and I'm not really even losing weight so, yes, I feel sorry for women too!!! I would LOVE to eat more calories and lose weight.
  • silencethelamb
    silencethelamb Posts: 28 Member
    Nope you are so right!!

    I am 4' 11" and according to MFP I have a BMR of 1224 cals a day so if I had a lazy day and ate 1500 cals I would actually GAIN weight!! Not fair huh!!

    I probably have less of an appetite than one of you strapping chaps mind you so that helps!! and exercise is an absolute must!!

    ^This! My BMR is 1130, but I'm an active little fiend so can actually tuck away quite a lot. Dread to think what would happen if I stopped exercising....
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Some of y'all on this thread seem hangry. Do you want a cookie? Wait, never mind, you probably can't afford that with only 1200 calories...***

    ***Disclaimer: snark does not equal bashing, humor does not equal hating, stating that one eats more than 1200 calories and still loses does not equal telling anyone else how much to eat, and offering sympathy to those who eat 1200 calories a day does not equal arrogance or ridicule.


    Your disclaimer is invalid. Your post was not snark, humor, or advice. It WAS however completely unnecessary, in poor taste, and somewhat insulting.

    Eat cookies if you like, and don't assume that other people can't have cookies either, we can. We just budget for things better than most people do.


    I rest my case.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    The real problem women face is the programming done to them by media which makes them believe they need to do more cardio and avoid weight training. This is the 'real' reason women struggle with losing body fat, and why men have an easier time.

    Because of women who use steroids in the media, it makes all drug free women assume they'll get huge and bulky if they so much as touch anything other than a pink dumbbell which is pure horse****.

    The best method for women to lose body fat, is to lift heavy in good form. Like men they need a solid routine that includes pull exercises to work the back / bi's / rear delts etc effectively, and a good push workout to work the chest / shoulders / tris effectively, and of course most importantly is a solid leg workout.

    If you want to lose body fat hella fast as a woman, and still be able to eat a lot of food, you need to learn how to deadlift and squat serious weight in good form. Start out as light as you need to find proper form and your rep capability, and apply the principles of progressive overload and watch your body turn into eyecandy.

    Women have more androgen receptors in their legs than men do as well, which means they are more apt to muscle growth in the legs than men are. A reason they have a more shapely figure below, and why men explode more in their upper body, particularly traps / shoulders / chest.

    A woman who works her legs good 2-3 times a week will look absolutely amazing, eat plenty of calories, and burn fat way faster than any woman on a treadmill, or who 'jogs' or does the elliptical / stairmaster.

    Gotta work it!

    ^^^^^ this
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Some of y'all on this thread seem hangry. Do you want a cookie? Wait, never mind, you probably can't afford that with only 1200 calories...***

    ***Disclaimer: snark does not equal bashing, humor does not equal hating, stating that one eats more than 1200 calories and still loses does not equal telling anyone else how much to eat, and offering sympathy to those who eat 1200 calories a day does not equal arrogance or ridicule.


    what a rude post. not to mention that your goal weight is 10 pounds heavier than my highest weight ever. soooooo i think i have a pretty good idea of what to do in order to never get fat. thanks though.

    oh and the "hangry" and "do you want a cookie" jokes have been done to death and were never actually funny in the first place. just rude.
  • keatingface
    I'm at net 900 a day, because I am a rather small person, who only has about 15 pounds to lose. I bike to work, I work out every day, so my gross calorie intake is generally in the 1000-1200 range. I do not miss any of my calories. I eat when I'm hungry, and try not to when I'm not hungry (Mindlessly snacking is one of those things I'm trying to cut out.) I don't feel constricted or restricted by my low calorie intake, and the idea of eating upwards of 2 and a half times what I eat makes me feel sick. I'd probably pop if I ate 2500 calories of what I eat now.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    hm. if that's the case then something's wrong with me. i'm losing on 2000-2300 calories per day. i'm also a very big woman with a lot of weight to lose.