What Have You Given up?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Famous Stars & B.S.

    Famous Stars: I haven't figured out how to work a famous star into my calorie plan but probably I'll have to just cut it in half and throw half away because I LOVE them but am the only one who does.

    B.S.: is something that for some reason I was so patient with people's nonsense but since I've started counting calories I guess it's like an all day every day PMS where I just can't tolerate whining, excuses, lameness, or etc. Usually I could tolerate that for most days of the month and you only had to be on your game during the one week I'm off mine. Now though, I just roll my eyes at all that usual mundane little crap I used to put up with . I guess I just feel I don't have the time since I still have to figure out my meals and workout and sorry to inform those around me but that's gonna take precedence over your silly little hemming and hawing about where to have dinner games. I'm hungry and I gotta eat now, and I know exactly where because I already counted the calories on MFP so get in the car, vamonos! Hurt feelings and etc. also don't have room in my little s.s. weight loss boat of which I'm the captain and any shenanigans, or sabotage, and your gonna walk the plank! Yes I realize I'm not a munitions train but my hubby LITERALLY waves cookies in front of the screen when I'm typing, shoves a cake filled fork over my salad and into my face at lunches, and etc. He's easing off though, I'm not making it fun enough for him, I guess, it's getting old. Yesterday was one of the funnest lunches we've had in awhile. I started by ordering wine which made him think the diet was off, but I informed him of getdrunknotfat.com and I think he realized then this diet stuff is doable for me and I'm incorporating alcohol so it must be a long term plan after all. Then the waiter brought my tea with dessert and I calculated calories for cream so when he brought me the whole tea set up shebang he forgot one little thing...the tea bag! My husband did NOT make it easy to keep a straight face with his little comments and neither did the wine which the girl topped me off the last of the bottle so it was a blast.

    I had already given up coffee/caffeine prior to starting and diet drinks and artificial sugars are something my hubby always rolled his eyes at according to him splenda turns like hard plastic if it's heated, but so does sugar I tell him that's how you get candy! So anyways, there wasn't much left to give up anymore, except the weight itself. :bigsmile:
  • stellafgus
    stellafgus Posts: 29 Member
    Being from the south Sweet Tea is the big thing, so it was really hard on me to give up my Sweet Tea, Now mind you I haven’t given up the Sweet Tea all together once in a while I do treat myself
    But I have replaced it with plenty of water sometimes with cut up fruits and veggies and most of the time with Crystal Light.
  • staciarose13
    staciarose13 Posts: 51 Member
    Mountain Dew!!!!!, Mac n Cheese and Delivery Pizza. I still have them (except Mt Dew) once in a while, but It's so hard not to binge when I'm eating those things. I used to have pizza at least once a week (along with other fast food places), it's no wonder i'm a size 16.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I haven't eliminated anything completely, but I never buy:

    Doritos - If there's an open bag, I will eat them until they're gone. A supermarket near me always has buy one get one specials, and I always used to take advantage of that.

    M&M's - If there's an open bag, I will eat them until they're gone. I buy dark chocolate that's wrapped in individual servings and have one if I want something chocolate.

    I've also cut way down on alcohol. I have one or two drinks a week, usually if I'm out somewhere. I haven't had the urge to open a beer at home in a while.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    most recently a couple toenails...but that was less of a choice and more of a sacrifice to the gods of distance running.

    But in all seriousness the only food that I can't eat at all this year is burgers, but that's because I declared 2013 to be the year of no burger.
  • raspberryblonde
    I really haven't cut anything out, I'm just more mindful of what/when I eat and making sure I'm not grazing out of boredom. I did give up soda on a dare from a friend, rather than for any dietary reasons, and I've learned to recognize certain binge triggers and to pre-portion them so that I don't fall into the "Hey, this whole family-size bag of Doritos is a single serving" trap.

    Mac-n-Cheese pizza may be one of the single greatest Franken-food inventions ever in the history of mankind!
  • NadDrew
    NadDrew Posts: 56 Member
    TV in my bedroom.

    Eating everywhere in the house, I'm eating my meals at the kitchen table now.

    A big bowl of chocolate frozen yogourt every night. I'm down at once a week and trying to find the smallest bowl in my cupboard.

  • keshiabug1
    Soft drinks!

    & I am working on giving up junk, such as chocolate. As a female, craving junk is a monthly battle. lol
  • jj1973
    jj1973 Posts: 131 Member
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I gave up guilt.
  • JennaGthtzMe
    JennaGthtzMe Posts: 18 Member
    I have given up about 600 calories a day....
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have given up some of my free time to exercise regularly.