Giving popcorn flavour without calories?



  • amberlynnsinspired
    amberlynnsinspired Posts: 438 Member
    Garlic salt on popcorn is amazing. If you're one of those people who are careful about watching their sodium, then try just garlic powder. It tastes so good; trust me. But I guess you have to like garlic for you to like such a thing, lol.
  • ROBJ3411
    ROBJ3411 Posts: 72 Member
    They sell flavor shakers in the popcorn section . I believe they are 0 calories. like cheddar cheese, nacho cheese.

    I have used those, they do a pretty good job for cheese popcorn, Im pretty sure they are like 5 calories and not zero, but pretty close to nothing....
  • AphelionPDX
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I've got an air-popper (you know, you put the kernals in and they come out as popcorn!) but I find after a couple of mouthfuls I'm just bored with eating it. Good in a way, but if I've specially mad a healthy snack I'd like to eat it!:bigsmile:

    Anyone have any ideas for adding flavour (savoury preferred) without piling on loads of calories? I asked this question on another forum (not diet-related) and all people came up with was adding loads of butter/oil, or cheese, or chocolate, or sugar........

    And if I could portion it into ziplock bags without it going bleugh I could take it to work:glasses:

    One word answer: SALT
  • prettymorbidity
    prettymorbidity Posts: 138 Member
    drizzle honey on it. get some farmers market local honey if u can....... 64 calories a tsp will sweeten alot of popcorn. its sticky, but dang its good
  • brohio2013
    brohio2013 Posts: 24 Member
  • jolenelf
    jolenelf Posts: 27 Member
    Smoked paprika and garlic! One of my favorite snacks!