50 shades of grey..



  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    If you enjoyed that and even if you didn't and would rather like a mystery/suspense with some sexy action in it read Now you See Her by Linda Howard. It's a fantastic mystery novel but they get really down and in it when it comes to the included intimacy scenes lol.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I have only heard bad things
  • EstiloPanama
    I read the first two books. Big mistake.

    The writing was horrid. It wasn't even about bondage, more like emotional abuse. The main character, the female, was NOT strong. She was a weakling who turned into jello at the knees just because Mr. Grey was supposedly rich and hot. He was ridiculously rich. He was such a turn-off. The author tried to get 'shocking' and graphic, but it was ridiculous. The two bondage scenes were a joke...

    There are several, several, SEVERAL lines that are repeated over and over...used, washed, rinsed, repeat...it was like reading the same thing over and over again. I read the second book hoping for some kind of...redemption, redeeming... something..all I got was a massive disappointment. What a waste of money!

    I did look up spoilers on part 3, and am sooo glad I did not read it.

    For the most accurate review EVER on all three books, I would suggest this site:


    It's so freaking hilarious, honest, and on point. I was laughing so hard because everything she said was true.

    Horrible books. Lame, lame.

    "We aim to please."
    JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
    Just leaving this nugget of awesome here: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215

    This ^^^ review is about 1000 times better than the book.
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    i want to get a silver tie
  • PaulFromEssex
    I read the first two books. Big mistake.

    The writing was horrid. It wasn't even about bondage, more like emotional abuse. The main character, the female, was NOT strong. She was a weakling who turned into jello at the knees just because Mr. Grey was supposedly rich and hot. He was ridiculously rich. He was such a turn-off. The author tried to get 'shocking' and graphic, but it was ridiculous. The two bondage scenes were a joke...

    There are several, several, SEVERAL lines that are repeated over and over...used, washed, rinsed, repeat...it was like reading the same thing over and over again. I read the second book hoping for some kind of...redemption, redeeming... something..all I got was a massive disappointment. What a waste of money!

    I did look up spoilers on part 3, and am sooo glad I did not read it.

    For the most accurate review EVER on all three books, I would suggest this site:


    It's so freaking hilarious, honest, and on point. I was laughing so hard because everything she said was true.

    Horrible books. Lame, lame.

    "We aim to please."

    So not your cup of tea then?
  • LovestheEarth
    LovestheEarth Posts: 8 Member
    I had to drag myself through the first book just to see what all the hype is about. Definitely NOT going to read the second or third ones. If you want a good BDSM book, read A. N. Roquelaure (aka. Anne Rice) "The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty" series.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Doesn't the female character saw "Holy Crap!" about a zillion times as well?
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    The better question would be who hasn't read it, or the other authors ripping it off....Or just Twilight in general.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    It makes me seriously question the intelligence of my own gender. If any woman finds Christian Grey to be an attractive prospect, I have to question their sensibilty. He's an abusive douche. Might explain why so many women put up with terrible relationships these days.

    So, in short...I did not care for it.
  • Just leaving this nugget of awesome here: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215
    I read the first two books. Big mistake.

    The writing was horrid. It wasn't even about bondage, more like emotional abuse. The main character, the female, was NOT strong. She was a weakling who turned into jello at the knees just because Mr. Grey was supposedly rich and hot. He was ridiculously rich. He was such a turn-off. The author tried to get 'shocking' and graphic, but it was ridiculous. The two bondage scenes were a joke...

    There are several, several, SEVERAL lines that are repeated over and over...used, washed, rinsed, repeat...it was like reading the same thing over and over again. I read the second book hoping for some kind of...redemption, redeeming... something..all I got was a massive disappointment. What a waste of money!

    I did look up spoilers on part 3, and am sooo glad I did not read it.

    For the most accurate review EVER on all three books, I would suggest this site:


    It's so freaking hilarious, honest, and on point. I was laughing so hard because everything she said was true.

    Horrible books. Lame, lame.

    "We aim to please."

    These ^^^^
    Worst series I've ever read, and I've read a lot of books
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    Well, I enjoyed them...I'm just gonna leave it at that :smile:
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I will sad to admit I enjoyed the books on a soft p8rn/ romance kind of level. Made a change to my usual literary fodder LOL

    But this is the real 50 shades for most of us :ohwell:

  • GoffGirl1029
    GoffGirl1029 Posts: 93 Member
    read them, liked them, but I'm not real sure how a movie can be made and it not be straight up porn.
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    I got bored half way through the second book...
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    It's bad BDSM lite. No thanks.
  • thedescentofhope
    thedescentofhope Posts: 118 Member
    I read it. I reviewed it.

    Here's my opinion if your interested.

    Book Review

    50 Shades of Gray by E L James

    A book of sexual fantasy as realistic as it is ridiculous.

    Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey are clumsily composed characters; with a little fine tuning they would certainly far more deserving of my attention - if only James focused a little more on them and less on the mind numbingly boring sex. Although the characters were at times engaging and interesting I couldn’t help but want more. Christian Grey - grey eyes, grey suit, tie. Ugh. I see what James attempted to do but it was just that - an attempt. James valiantly endeavours to project the thoughts and emotions of a 21 year old female but sadly she fell short.

    The sex scenes become porgressively frequent the further you delve to the point where they are both unbelievable and prosaic. I found it increasingly to connect with the characters as the novel flits between scenes which are easily comparable with a low budget porno.

    A couple of sore points for me;whatmodern 21 year old female (no matter how juvenile and naive) reffers to her vagina as ‘down there’ or ‘her sex’. I actually felt embarrassed for Anastasia each time she utters these words (which is very,veryoften!). I was driven almost to the point of nausea reading such tripe. The use of ‘inner Godess’ was another thing that irked me. The use of the phrase is tedious to me in general but the fact it cropped up pretty muchevery single page, sometimes several times in asingle (!)paragraph in effect drove me insane.

    The novel is not all bad news however, James’ knowledge and use of the English language was massively appreciated with passages of the novel richly detailed without being OTT. A beautiful picture is painted for the reader, filled with promising characters, rich settings and a competent knowledge of classical music, literature and wine which will surely thrill the minds of many readers while other passages with thrill the loins of others. James easily omits many trivial details which would have otherwise made the novel draining; she often seems to know what the reader wants and readily gives it to you.

    The frequent editorial mistakes are another nuisance. I found the easily noticeable and highly distracting. Many sentences and scenes are repeated to such an extent that I began to get a sense of déjàvuevery couple of paragraphs. Also during Ana and Rays brief dialogue her flit between calling him Ray one moment then Dad the next was irritating aswell.

    In reading this novel I strongly feel this is something James needed to do for herself - it’s as though she wishes to convince the world the desire, thewantto be debased, to be spanked, to be both submissive and dominant is not unnatural; that classing it as distasteful is caused by our imagination, brought about by the fearful confines of our minds.

    Sorry Ms. James but50 Shades of Greydidn’t quite hit the mark for me, in all respects, and it certainly did not inspire me to read anything else centering around BDSM.

    I won’t be reviewing the final two books of the ‘50 Shades’ trilogy even though I am well into the second book, I’m bored already - the initial shock of all the BDSM and sudden rough sex has long ago worn off and I fear in producing another review I would be simply repeating myself.

    There is something enticing in this novel, perhaps it is the unknown that comes with learning about such a taboo subject as BDSM or perhaps it is learning more about Christian Grey’s past and how he became who and what he is. But in the end it just didn’t cut it. James should have sat on this for another couple of years, done some major editing and had a reading panel taking a look at it before releasing it to the masses at a ridiculously high price. I’m aware the book was released in chapters originally which is maybe why it has so many faults, but all the same - editing can be easily done before a book release.

  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    Just leaving this nugget of awesome here: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215

    Muahahaha! I liked the first book, kinda. Didn't much like the second book, but I was already knee-deep. HATED the third book. It was like taking medicine. But I had to finish, because it's foolish to have a opinion on something without all the facts.

    My FAVOURITE part of the above link is the word count at the end. How many times did I want to stab myself in the eyes when they were constantly muttering and murmuring to each other? Oh myyy has nothing on the fact that he murmured when he was angry.