Anyone else shy about working out in front of their spouse?



  • MountainMamaMarissa
    MountainMamaMarissa Posts: 202 Member
    I do not work out while my husband is at home because I'm afraid he'll laugh at what I'm doing...I guess I'm self-conscious. He says he wouldn't laugh but I don't believe him, so I don't work out until he leaves for work, which is around 3:00pm (Central time). Does anyone else have this issue, or is it just me?

    Same situation here! I don't workout until he leaves for work in the evenings.
  • syns101
    syns101 Posts: 18
    i can't workout infront of my partner. i get way to insecure.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I don't care if he watches. He can't laugh at me, because I'm in a lot better shape then him. I find it a compliment that he still wants to look at my body, so no I don't mind if he sees me.... now other people seeing me may be a different story :wink:
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    same here. I work out down stairs when everyone is in bed LOL
  • kelcro40
    kelcro40 Posts: 115 Member
    I don't in front of him simply because he is like an 8 armed Octopus and wants to put his hands in places I really don't need to be in while trying to exercise. And here I was worried about it because I feel like a fat jelly blob, he just wants to touch everything.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Nope. My husband is my spotter at the gym and I work in with him on stuff where the weights can be easily adjusted. He motivates me, pushes me and encourages me like no other. If anything I watch him while he's lifting. ;)
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    I'm not shy about it but I look at it as MY time, just for ME. I also in a zone so I hate to have an audience because I lose focus.
  • tjt1073
    tjt1073 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not self-conscious about working out with my husband at the gym, on the treadmill or exercise bike. We do that a lot.

    If I work out at home, then yes. But it's not specific to him, I don't like anyone watching me spaz my way through zumba or some other aerobic routine. I tend to do that either before he gets home or if he is out playing hockey.

    About the only person I'm comfortable working out like that with is my sister - we laughed our butts off the first time we did Zumba together. Coincidentally, there was an earthquake in New England that night, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't our fault! :)
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I used to but now we work out together a lot, not always, but more often than on our own. Give it a chance, it might just benefit his health as well and help re-kindle some extra playfulness in your marriage :wink:
  • MissFuchsia
    MissFuchsia Posts: 526 Member
    I workout in front of my husband all the time. It's his house too so I can't exactly kick him out the living room! I used to be self consious but I'm not now. I do yoga, p90x and insanity. He thinks it's crazy to see me cranking out push ups aat 6am but I think he's impressed by what I can do.
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member
    I have no problem with it, and I don't think he does either :)

    It's summer in Australia here so when I do my Jillian Michaels workout in the lounge room in front of the air conditioner my boyfriend usually reads a book on the lounge while I sweat my *kitten* off in underwear lol. I think it's good he's given me a few good tips - one of them being that I should focus more on doing the exercise right at my pace than trying to keep up :)
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    I used to do this, too. A year later, idgaf. And, he doesn't laugh. :)
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I like to put on a little show for my wife when I work out.


    All jokes aside, most of us do quite a bit in front of our spouses. Just relax and add one more.
  • momasox
    momasox Posts: 158 Member
    I don't like doing cardio in front of my husband or anything that requires any kind of bouncing, squating or bending over. I am way to self conscience for that. I am lucky though, that we have a gym in the building where I work so I normally don't have to worry about it.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    My husband thinks he's God's gift to comedy AND he ran D1 track in college so he thinks he's a flipping exercise expert. It's better for our marriage that we workout seperately!
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Me and my husband are workout buddies so we workout together most of the time. When I'm doing something girly, like dancing, I don't care if he watches....I know he likes it. :blushing:
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    LOL - sorry, when I do something at home he doesn't just stay put and watch - if he did I wouldn't care.

    He gets up and "helps" - or rather his helping isn't helping but groping. :devil:
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I won't work out with him around but it's my issue, not his. He couldn't care less and would never make fun or laugh or even watch. I get really annoyed if he comes home during my workout because I'm self conscious. I'll stop, put my shirt on, and go finish up somewhere else.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I assume when my husband watches me do Zumba Kinect he is laughing. The moves are a bit silly at times. But I'm sure he's seen me in more awkward situations :wink:
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    My partner and I did 30- day shred together. On most days we did it at the same time in the same room. On the days when our schedules didn't allow that, we BOTH preferred to do it privately.