Anyone else shy about working out in front of their spouse?



  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    I used to be so shy about it and lock him out of the living room when I worked out.

    Now Im WAY over it, I was sick of planning my workouts around when he was going to be home. The only thing I wont do in front of him is lifting - but my rack is in the garage :)
  • ConleighS
    ConleighS Posts: 1,058 Member
    I know my husband is very supportive of anything I do but knowing that he is more physically fit than I am makes me self conscious... example: because of knee issues it is hard for me to do any jumping, so I was doing modified jumping jacks (step out and back in with arm movement), when he came in and just started doing them. I had to make him leave....sadly partly because it upset me that I couldn't do them....
  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    It throws off my concentration when my dude is at home. I recently joined a gym just to avoid him. Although I still do Pilates and use the Wii @ home, but I kick him out. :huh:

    Like someone else mentioned, I don’t mind the treadmill – it’s the coordinated work-outs that get me.
  • misymousie
    I work out when my Husband is at work! He thinks I'm trying to be sexual and I never get to finish my workout. lol!:laugh:
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Yes!! I thought I was the only one.

    I workout in the bedroom and he is in the sitting room.

    I know he wouldn't laugh or judge, but I just feel I do more if no one is watching. I could never survive in a class ha ha!

    He has seen anything and everything possible - but not me working out.

    We have worked out together sometimes but I always just feel conscious about it.

    There is also the fact we just end up messing and laughing if we do it together... I am more serious on my own hahaha.

    As for the comment above - Yoga with your partner only ends in one way! :P
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Thats is my preferred work out partner!
  • Rosie040522
    Rosie040522 Posts: 14 Member
    I can usually get my husband to join me in a workout, he even watches me at some points(not to make fun), but to see if watching me do the moves will make it any easier to do them himself. I am pretty self-conscious...and I will not do it while other family is home, but I do not mind my husband being around or watching. When I first started I was really shy even to do it in front of him, but being that we started together working out to the same dvds, it was easier for me to just do the best I could no matter what I looked like. ;0)
  • tennesseeleigh
    My husband was front in center for the birth of our son after 40+ hours of labor. He held one of my legs up and open while I pushed. I'm pretty sure there's nothing I could do as part of a workout that would top that. :-) That said, prior to being pregnant/giving birth/breastfeeding, I was terribly self-conscious about him seeing me when I wasn't at my best so I can relate.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I work out with my husband at the gym. Sometimes I don't like it because I will "jiggle" when I jump or whatever. I try to get over it but hey sometimes it does get to me. He's there to help me... so I know he doesnt care all that much.
  • wrotruck
    wrotruck Posts: 72 Member
    We have a rule at our house: If you're working so am I and if I'm working you better be too.

    So she doesn't care because if she starts a workout, I join in and we do it togeather.

    (She borrowed some kind of "pole dancing excercise" DVD from a friend once... Suddenly I was working late... ALOT.)
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    mine laughs. I laugh with him :)
  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    Agree. I so luv the quiet "Me Time". I’m also annoyed by folks wanting to chat-it-up @ the gym. Yhackedy, Yhack, Yhack!
    I'm not shy about it but I look at it as MY time, just for ME. I also in a zone so I hate to have an audience because I lose focus.
  • prettymorbidity
    prettymorbidity Posts: 138 Member
    its not just you. i am terrified to work out in front of my boyfriend. its hard cause that means i have to get up early or run home super fast to finish before he gets there. im embarrassed about not being able to do pushups and other things. im afraid he will round the corner and my big butt is in the know he would be totally supportive, but i am so self concious, i would be afraid i would be too worried about if he was lookin at me that i may not do as good of job .....i just don't want him to see me jiggle....... just for him to see results........ the question isn't his supportiveness, its my self concious!
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I work out when my Husband is at work! He thinks I'm trying to be sexual and I never get to finish my workout. lol!:laugh:

    LOL :laugh: This happens to me sometimes too
  • prettymorbidity
    prettymorbidity Posts: 138 Member
    mine laughs. I laugh with him :)

    how?! plz tell me how you laugh? cause workouts for me sometimes end with me in tears because im trying so hard but cant do it all or finish! im terrified to work out in front of him. i shouldn't be because we are both really comedic people, but this is a very sensitive reason i am working out is to work out my mental self concious problems. i feel like as i get thinner it would be easier to do in front of him just a little jealous cause i wanna laugh and not care and still focus on the video ! :laugh:
  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    Yeah. My fella thinks that he's a "Super Star" too. We tried playing racquet ball together and he went in straight combat mode.
    My husband thinks he's God's gift to comedy AND he ran D1 track in college so he thinks he's a flipping exercise expert. It's better for our marriage that we workout seperately!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I work out with my girlfriend, meaning I bench, squat and deadlift her.

    I'm gonna bench my housemate tonight :)
  • usafamedic
    I'm not shy about working out in front of my hubby. He's never laughed at me (he knows better!). However, he likes to "cheer" me on. Then there are other days where he'll sneak in a grope or "oooh yeah!" every time I bend over. He thinks he's being funny/cute, but it's really distracting and annoying. So I try to do my workout before he gets home and I can focus. Sometimes I have no choice though.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    I would get [censored] so much more if she was there to watch me workout...
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't have a spouse, but I do have a boyfriend, and we do some things together (hiking, for example). But I'm not so sure it would be a good idea for us to do our regular workouts together. We have very different philosophies. He loves running. I hate all forms of traditional cardio. He likes isolation lifts. I pretty much only do compound lifts. It is better for our relationship if we avoid having that argument all the time.