1200 calorie girls



  • cljabusc
    I've been doing 1200 for 3 weeks now.. i find it hard to stay in my sugar im always over in sugar .. what are you girls eating

    I've been doing 1200 for just about 1 week, and i find it hard to keep my sugar low as well. Since i eat mostly non processed foods and a lot of fresh foods, i notice most of my sugar intake comes from FRUIT! Even though its natural sugar... sugar is sugar. I try to eat only 1-2 servings of fruit per day, and try to incorporate veggies into every other meal instead. A good low sugar snack for me is 1 cup of veggies and 2 tbsp of hummus. Also, instead of eating a whole fruit, just grab half of a fruit (banana, apple, or orange), and i also eat nuts (raw unsalted peanut butter) or something else with more substance to add to my fruit to keep myself full.

    I am still working on finding a balance of sugar, protein, and calories. I will see in a month if i need to make any small adjustments. :)
  • rowerdc
    rowerdc Posts: 36
    Me! Helpful items to prepare for lunch or dinner:

    Weight Watchers zero point veggie soup (I try to keep this in the fridge)

    Weight Watchers Brown-Butter Sea Scallops With Ginger Sweet Potatoes (easy to make, adn a nice 'special' dinner)
  • flametrees
    I'm doing 700 (I don't do any exercise so it's necessary) and it's not that hard - I have a poached egg on toast with some fruit for breakfast, a piece of fruit or about 25 grapes for lunch and a reasonable dinner. A while ago my limit was 500 which I stuck to by only having a small salad with lots of lettuce for dinner but my metabolism just gave up and weightloss was very slow. At the moment, even though it's really unscientific and counterintuitive, I'm trying to allow myself one slightly unhealthy thing a day just to keep my metabolism going. Also, I find having a light dinner works quite well, as does eating it early since that gives you time to burn some of it off, even if it's just by sitting or standing.
  • millions0fpeaches
    millions0fpeaches Posts: 195 Member
    Pretty sure my dinner last date night was 1200 calories.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member

    saw it the first time in this thread. that thread is still as useless to me as it it was when i saw it on my own weeks ago.

    there should be a rule against trolling these threads. the o.p. just asked for others in her category. she did not ask to be criticized by arrogant people.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Pretty sure my dinner last date night was 1200 calories.

  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    I'm doing 700 (I don't do any exercise so it's necessary) and it's not that hard - I have a poached egg on toast with some fruit for breakfast, a piece of fruit or about 25 grapes for lunch and a reasonable dinner. A while ago my limit was 500 which I stuck to by only having a small salad with lots of lettuce for dinner but my metabolism just gave up and weightloss was very slow. At the moment, even though it's really unscientific and counterintuitive, I'm trying to allow myself one slightly unhealthy thing a day just to keep my metabolism going. Also, I find having a light dinner works quite well, as does eating it early since that gives you time to burn some of it off, even if it's just by sitting or standing.

    I don't know what else to say to these kinds of posts anymore except that I hope you will consider getting some professional help with your disordered eating thoughts and behaviors.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    1200 calories makes me want to nibble on my friends, and my friends don't like when I walk off with their arms or legs. That and my work out would kill me...

    Good luck on what ever kinda thing you are doing.. .but don't blame anyone but yourself when you have no friends left because you nommed them.
  • millions0fpeaches
    millions0fpeaches Posts: 195 Member
    Pretty sure my dinner last date night was 1200 calories.

    So can I join your club?!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I am but find I am often hungry! I don't seem to be as hungry on days that I exercise, though I really have no idea what it means. I have a hard time staying full too, maybe I'm not eating the right types of foods??
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Pretty sure my dinner last date night was 1200 calories.

    So can I join your club?!

    if that's all you ate all day then yes.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member

    saw it the first time in this thread. that thread is still as useless to me as it it was when i saw it on my own weeks ago.

    there should be a rule against trolling these threads. the o.p. just asked for others in her category. she did not ask to be criticized by arrogant people.

    Its not trolling if its useful information, yes you don't wont to hear it but maybe it will help someone that does.
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    Pretty sure my dinner last date night was 1200 calories.


    You're hangry, you should eat more.
  • runs_in_heels
    runs_in_heels Posts: 97 Member
    i usually have no problem with 1200 - & i love that it, initially, forces you to think about every single bite/food you eat.

    it's weirdly obsessive the first 2 weeks, but it really made me re-examine what i eat without even realizing it (handful of this here, scoop of that there, bites of that, etc.) now i try to fill up with actual food (veggies, lean protein, grains etc) & not junk/condiments/alcohol...)
  • serenitygranted11
    Breafast: 1/2 eggs white or 1 packet of oatmal and fresh fruit (sometimes i add chicken and bell peppers to my egg whites)

    Snack: Fruit with 1/2 of unsalted peanuts

    Lunch: Chicken/Fish or steak with a veggie and 1/2 of brown rice

    Snack: fruit or veggies ( no more than a cup)

    Dinners: Sometimes the same as lunch or a huge salad w/chicken or fish (no or little lite dressing)

    its the diet my trainer put me on! and since i dont cook its been pretty easy to follow! I have one cheat day a week which i normally do on Sundays! Along with a maybe 2 or 3 workout a weeks I've lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member

    saw it the first time in this thread. that thread is still as useless to me as it it was when i saw it on my own weeks ago.

    there should be a rule against trolling these threads. the o.p. just asked for others in her category. she did not ask to be criticized by arrogant people.

    Its not trolling if its useful information, yes you don't wont to hear it but maybe it will help someone that does.

    it is trolling imo when the eat more police feel the need to put it in any thread that even mentions 1200 calories. it's not useful information when we get to see it repeatedly. it becomes trolling. anyone who is on this site for a day will see the eat more police giving this "advice". it was not asked for in this thread however.
  • millions0fpeaches
    millions0fpeaches Posts: 195 Member
    Pretty sure my dinner last date night was 1200 calories.

    So can I join your club?!

    if that's all you ate all day then yes.
    Oh come on, we all know you can't skip breakfast!
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