Waitress fired for posting this online



  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I have heard of something similar to this happening before, but with people leaving religious pamphlets instead of a tip. Really, it's douchey. I don't care what your religion is, you should tip somebody who is providing you with a service because they don't make a lot of money otherwise, and leaving pamphlets for them probably won't convert them to your religion. So really, you aren't doing anybody a favor. As for getting fired, I think she should have blurred the name on the receipt, but I probably would have done the same thing.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    hell no. I could see if the name of the restaurant, the name of the customer, maybe a warning but that's ridiculous.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Reminded me of this upsetting picture:

  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I don't even understand... how do you give God 10%? Is God accepting credit cards now? Or serving lunch? There's no parallel. And obviously, the waitress didn't choose how the receipts are printed or to have the "auto tip" on there. That's just a bunch of self-rightous BS. IMO, that is ;-p

    ETA: though I would have blacked out the signature, personally.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    Posting private information and making a spectacle? I would have fired her too. The last thing I want is for people to consider not coming to one of my restaurants because they feel they can't trust the staff.
    Why exactly does the pastor deserve to maintain privacy? Its a private establishment, not the US government.
    Government records are the ones that have an expectation of public access, since it is the people's government. Private business is just that -- private. Would you appreciate the public having access to information about all of your private business?
    If you're an idiot, let's trumpet that to the world. Maybe a bit of ridicule will make people think twice about being a moron.
    Mob mentality. Nice. Would you feel the same way if a business decided that you were a real jerk and publicized it to the world, without any kind of due process?
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Pft, she had it coming. Not the lack of tip, or the snide comment on the receipt, but she sure as heck deserved to get fired.

    I was a waitress for 4 years. I got PLENTY of receipts that looked just like that. I'd curse that person under my breath, or maybe even though a mini fit in the break room if a customer was especially awful, but I would never, EVER, think to post the receipt online, without even blacking out the signature, for all to see. That right there is an instant termination, in my book.

    It sucks that she had to deal with a dillhole, but that comes with the territory. You know what you're signing up for when you wait tables. Some people don't care that you rely on their tips for your income, and you either deal with it, or find a job in a different line of work. You don't throw a hissy fit and post someone's personal information online. No, you can't make out the signature, but that doesn't matter.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Why exactly does the pastor deserve to maintain privacy? Its a private establishment, not the US government. If you're an idiot, let's trumpet that to the world. Maybe a bit of ridicule will make people think twice about being a moron.

    what has the waitress done to keep her job?

    so if i'm stepping out on my girl, is she going to post that on her facebook page too? if i meeting with a prospective employer and considering leaving my job, will she put that on twitter? not sure what the US gov't has to do with it. no one is saying to prosecute her. but if i own the joint i don't employ people that embarrass my customers
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    It sucks that she had to deal with a dillhole, but that comes with the territory. You know what you're signing up for when you wait tables. Some people don't care that you rely on their tips for your income, and you either deal with it, or find a job in a different line of work.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    The pastor's behavior was reprehensible. The waitress was justified in publicly humiliating him.

    That having been said, the company whose merchant id number is posted should not have their number on Facebook or any other public venue. Their merchant card processing company could make it into a HUGE deal. The waitress should have been fired for that-as damage control for the company.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    what has the waitress done to keep her job?

    so if i'm stepping out on my girl, is she going to post that on her facebook page too? if i meeting with a prospective employer and considering leaving my job, will she put that on twitter? not sure what the US gov't has to do with it. no one is saying to prosecute her. but if i own the joint i don't employ people that embarrass my customers

    I get your point, however there is a line to be drawn. Granted, the business I am in is much different than food service, but still, I don't want a customer who intentionally causes anguish to my staff members either.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Why exactly does the pastor deserve to maintain privacy? Its a private establishment, not the US government. If you're an idiot, let's trumpet that to the world. Maybe a bit of ridicule will make people think twice about being a moron.

    If the waitress owned the restaurant, this would fly. Unfortunately, she violated her employer's written policy and she got fired. That's kinda how it works in the real world. Sucks that it happened and I don't agree w the pastor or her comments at all (see above post), but if you agree to work for a company, you are obliged to follow their rules whether you agree with them or not. I work for the US Gov't... there are LOTS of rules I don't like, but I follow them because I like my job and the rules don't infringe on my day-to-day personal life.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    Why exactly does the pastor deserve to maintain privacy? Its a private establishment, not the US government. If you're an idiot, let's trumpet that to the world. Maybe a bit of ridicule will make people think twice about being a moron.

    what has the waitress done to keep her job?

    so if i'm stepping out on my girl, is she going to post that on her facebook page too? if i meeting with a prospective employer and considering leaving my job, will she put that on twitter? not sure what the US gov't has to do with it. no one is saying to prosecute her. but if i own the joint i don't employ people that embarrass my customers

    This is why I don't work in customer service....I am too stubborn. I once made funny faces at a lady who was being a b*tch for no reason to another employee. For those few moments..I turned 6. I have a million other examples...so yeah, I avoid jobs were I have to make random strangers happy. I should work at a morgue, less people complain there.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    Why exactly does the pastor deserve to maintain privacy? Its a private establishment, not the US government. If you're an idiot, let's trumpet that to the world. Maybe a bit of ridicule will make people think twice about being a moron.

    If the waitress owned the restaurant, this would fly. Unfortunately, she violated her employer's written policy and she got fired. That's kinda how it works in the real world. Sucks that it happened and I don't agree w the pastor or her comments at all (see above post), but if you agree to work for a company, you are obliged to follow their rules whether you agree with them or not. I work for the US Gov't... there are LOTS of rules I don't like, but I follow them because I like my job and the rules don't infringe on my day-to-day personal life.

    According to the article I read there was no written rule about what the waitress did.
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    definitely dont think she should have gotten fired. never been a waitress but kinda feel their pain when it comes to customers who are asswipes.

    i dont care if you're a man of god or not. you should always tip someone helping you.
  • bigjretrac
    bigjretrac Posts: 80 Member
    Why exactly does the pastor deserve to maintain privacy? Its a private establishment, not the US government. If you're an idiot, let's trumpet that to the world. Maybe a bit of ridicule will make people think twice about being a moron.

    what has the waitress done to keep her job?

    so if i'm stepping out on my girl, is she going to post that on her facebook page too? if i meeting with a prospective employer and considering leaving my job, will she put that on twitter? not sure what the US gov't has to do with it. no one is saying to prosecute her. but if i own the joint i don't employ people that embarrass my customers

    This ^^

    People put up too much online these days. I don't even work in customer service, but there are still many things about my job that I just don't post-- not because it's policy, but because it's tactful.

    Not dismissing cheapskate, but you never respond to conflict on the level it was started-- that's what my dad told me growing up.
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    According to the article I read there was no written rule about what the waitress did.
    I'm doubt that they have a written rule that specifically prohibits urinating on customers either, but I'm sure that it falls under one or more rules outlined within their employee guidelines. This humiliating a customer online incident would fit into one or more of their rules as well, I'm sure.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    My Granny Jo advised me when dating a new guy to pay attention to how he treats people around him, not just how he treats me. How a guy treats a waiter/waitress is a bigger indicator of character than whether he opens my door. This pastor may be a God-fearing Christian but must have missed class the day they taught "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" in seminary. Shame on her. I agree the waitress showed poor judgement and should have blacked out the signature/personal info. But is the pastor proud of herself for tipping zero and then getting her fired for something petty? So much for forgiveness and showing charity to others, more lessons this pastor apparently didn't learn.
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    But is the pastor proud of herself for tipping zero and then getting her fired for something petty? So much for forgiveness and showing charity to others, more lessons this pastor apparently didn't learn.
    Let's clarify that the pastor -- as crappy as the no tip thing was -- did not try to get the waitress fired,or celebrate it after the fact. She admitted her guilt.
    “[It was] a lapse in my character and judgment,” Bell told the Smoking Gun, adding she did not expect her easily recognizable signature would be, as her friend informed her, “all over Yahoo. You went viral!”

    “My heart is really broken,” Bell added. “I’ve brought embarrassment to my church and ministry.”

  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    The pastor had a goal...hurt the waitress in the only way she could. Which was to leave no money. That sort of maliciousness should be made public.