Can i eat anything as long as I stay under calorie goal?!?!



  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    It truly amazes me that anyone would suggest fast food is ok in a healthy eating context

    I find it slightly depressing
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    let's put it this way: you CAN eat whatever u want with your cals, but you might make it HARDER on yourself by doing so:

    you will have less cals left for the rest of the day after a big cal item...this could leave you hungry, lead to a binge or to feelings of deprivation

    many junk foods also trigger cravings in many people. me, for instance. so taking those in may also make it harder to stop eating them, meaning you go over cals eventually.

    plus nutritionally, in terms of vitamins, minerals, cholesterol, etc...those foods are bad for us. we know this. our organs know this.

    thin does not always mean healthy.
  • edennnm
    I haven't read all the other replies so sorry if I have repeated anything.

    I am taking green tea on a morning and zinc on an evening and logging all my exercise and diets and I am losing weight!!!

    I am still eating chocolate and crisps - just trying to reduce as I think I am addicted.....

    Good luck x x
  • kayla7jackson
    Without reading other's responses I must say that I have struggled with this myself. I started myfitnesspal religiously in August and lost 30 pounds but after that I was at a stand still. I was eating the suggested amount of calories but the scale wasnt budging. I was all too confused on what I was doing wrong. I made an appt with my doctor and he told me that it isnt how many calories your eating it is what you are eating that is making you not lose anymore weight. I thought that just because I stayed under my calorie goal I could eat pizza and potato chips when ever I wanted as long as I log it in my diary. Well that is definately not the story. I honestly believe that it works for a while until your body id used to how many calories you are eating, then you need to step up your game and take a serious look at things. More fruits and veggies, less carbs, more protein. It is more than just calories...

    Hope this helps!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    It truly amazes me that anyone would suggest fast food is ok in a healthy eating context

    I find it slightly depressing

    Man, your mental state must be on a knife-edge, you wanna take a chill pill and chow down on a pizza occasionally.

    Of course 'fast food' is OK ... Not all the time but there is no need to turn into some grass fed organic macrobiotic freak in order to be healthy.

    Add a bit of perspective and balance and most indulgences can be factored in.

    "Fast food" is great ... It's food, it's fast and it's ridiculously tasty. Enjoy and forget the rulebook once in a while, It's not all about having a pristine nutritional plan.

    But depress away if thou must ;)
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    It truly amazes me that anyone would suggest fast food is ok in a healthy eating context

    I find it slightly depressing

    Man, your mental state must be on a knife-edge, you wanna take a chill pill and chow down on a pizza occasionally.

    Of course 'fast food' is OK ... Not all the time but there is no need to turn into some grass fed organic macrobiotic freak in order to be healthy.

    Add a bit of perspective and balance and most indulgences can be factored in.

    "Fast food" is great ... It's food, it's fast and it's ridiculously tasty. Enjoy and forget the rulebook once in a while, It's not all about having a pristine nutritional plan.

    But depress away if thou must ;)

    It truly amazes me that anyone would suggest fast food is ok in a healthy eating context

    I find it slightly depressing
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I say its all good in moderation. Iv not had a mcdonalds for about 6 months. I might have a tiny slither of pizza when the kids/other half have one but I wont eat a whole one or eat a huge burger every day. If we go on a day out at the weekend I might go to the burger van and get a cheese burger. Im good the rest of the time (lots of cous cous, meats, veg, soups) so once in a while is ok. If you daily diet is mcds for breakfast, pizza for lunch and fried chicken for dinner then thats bad obviously. Like I said, once in a while is fine.
  • ElectricPics
    ElectricPics Posts: 8 Member
    I had fish & chips on Saturday - it's high in oil and calories but it's natural food with only the batter flour and the oil being processed in any way, and everyone surely needs a treat at least once a week. Anyway, I'd done a 1000 calorie cardio burn in the gym earlier to pay for it! McDonalds etc? Crap - apart from the fries and the tiny amount of salad it's all highly processed and not good for anyone even in small doses. How about a home-made burger with good steak mince and a good bun from a local baker with plenty of salad?
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Thanks for the replies guys! I absolutely love fast food so I know how hard it will be to just say no every time i smell McDonalds whenever I drive by. But I have been smarter lately and can attest to the fact that a single packet of cinnamon swirl quaker instant oatmeal in the morning kept me fulll for like 4 hours while a sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin with hash bown lasted aout a half hour lol:laugh: . I'm definitely growing more keen to making better meal choices. Btw I'm a little new even though my account is old so feel free to add me for support! I can definitely use it! Abs by summer '13!!!!

    Short answer to your question: Yes.

    Don't cut out anything that you couldn't give up forever. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    I started out like you and was a junk food fiend, and now more often than not I can't justify the amount of calories that are in one measly meal. I don't eat 'clean' by any means, but I eat a lot less takeaways.

    In time as you learn more about food, you will probably be quite willing to give up a tiny cheeseburger over the heaving mound of fresh, home made food you could eat in place of it for the same calories.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Yep, eat whatever you like apart from the YELLOW SNOX, never eat the yellow snow
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    From a very simplistic view it is calories in and calories out..but that really isn't true on the grand scheme. Your body metabolizes/burns carbs/fat/protein in different ways. Simple carbs versus complexed are used and stored differently. Protein is needed to build muscle...etc. You could eat nothing but chocolate for your're body will stall, not receiving proper nutrition.

    So if your goal is to be lean and healthy eating a big mac or two every day is counter productive to that goal.

    However, once in a while, once a if it keeps you motivated the rest of the week..go for it. I'm a chocoholic...I know it..everyone knows it. I have to have a bit of chocolate every now and again...I build it in..and know it will help me reach my goals by making me feel like I"m living life...and not go off on a bender...

    moderation is really the key.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Ha. It's funny that you mentioned McD bc that's what I was going to reference when I saw your title. Did you see Supersize Me? That made me not want to eat McD so much? The food I eat, like cheeseburgers and sausage biscuits, are technically all under 400 calories and I could live on those, but seriously, that would not be good.
  • painter2007
    Yes, I do. It is what keeps me sane. At 59 YO, this is my first ever weight loss attempt. The balance always has to be the cost of the item versus the value. For example, for my sweet tooth, York mini peppermint patties are a great treat for 150 calories, but 2 cookies at 130 are not. Also be sure to keep the healthy part in balance (fruits, veggies, etc).
  • invincible_summer
    I've been a strict vegan for 8 years, but I don't think one burger will hurt your diet too much. Check the saturated fat though.

    Try to stick to vegetables and wholemeal for the rest of the day so you won't feel too hungry.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    I have the clueless idea
  • bobbystrongarm
    I haven't read the whole thread, but there is a whole community of people who abide by a similar mindset.

    If it Fits Your Macros

    However they practice this a bit stricter than just calories in and out. They still set ratios or goals for protein, carbs, and fats. Also most of these guys are either more experienced strength trainers or body builders, eat metric tons of food, and have a lot of muscle to burn through a ton of calories. Basically what I got from reading into the program is just a more relaxed way of meeting your diet and primary macros. They'll eat fast food, enjoy going to restaurants, and not worry so much about every last food they eating being a "health food". However, this involves you having a very good idea of tacking calories, making smart decisions while eating out, and going out of your way to come up with clever ways to hit your macros. It isn't simply eat whatever you want.