i need some boy advice!



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    How about some grammie advice? Of course we're all interested - this is a real life soap opera.

    Here goes. When your "friends" dated him they were basically teenagers or just exiting teenageness, you on the other hand are at a more mature place in life than they were. This should work to your advantage. And I think it might, seeing as how you aren't calling him a crush now and are willing to meet other people (boys).
    Going slow is a great method because it will help you be smart about this. You've known him only casually whereas your "friends" have known him more in depth. Maybe their relationships didn't work out because of their immaturity or his. He's probably more mature now also. Why all the talk about maturity, because you both are at a point in life where relationships often end in marriage. I'm assuming he is close to your age and was probably not set in a career and ready to support a wife when your first "friend" had him. I think life gets serious here because you're not just deciding things for yourself and your personal happiness. When you marry someone you bring your future children into this relationship. They will be affected by the type of people you guys are. Will he be a good father? No, that's not the right question. Is he THE person you want to be the father of your children? It's not just about you. ( Yes, we want you to be happy- but you won't be if you choose poorly) And it's easy to choose poorly, especially if you don't go slow enough. So be careful.
    About your "friends", don't give up on them. But don't expect much out of them. What they did was not right and it may take some hard knocks before they get it and realize that friendships are important, not to be abused but to be nurtured and guarded. A bit along that line was your comment to them that you didn't mind when if fact you did. You were not honest about your feelings. I hope that tendency is leaving you because friendships are built on a balance between honesty and consideration.

    great advice.

    and to leah, glad the date went well and that u are taking it slow and not putting all your eggs in one basket. great mentality :smile:
  • Lil_Leah
    Lil_Leah Posts: 376 Member
    update for everyone!!

    justin and i have been seeing eachother for a few weeks now. and things are AMAZING!! :heart: we're blocking out all the stupid drama and just being happy together. i can express how excited i am for whats to come. thanks for all the advice everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    If you are worried about hurting your friends , tell them the truth. Tell them how you have had feelings for him for so long. And you did step back already ,girlfriend. Go get your man!!!!
  • DG82
    DG82 Posts: 105
    Aww YAY!! That's great news! Glad to hear you two hit it off :-) You are doing SUCH a great job girl!! Wish you the best to you and your new man! :-)
  • Lil_Leah
    Lil_Leah Posts: 376 Member
    tomorrow marks our three month anniversary! :happy: :heart: i'm such a cheeseball when it comes to this kinda stuff.. but things have been simply fabulous, and i cant wait for what's to come. yaaaay!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    tomorrow marks our three month anniversary! :happy: :heart: i'm such a cheeseball when it comes to this kinda stuff.. but things have been simply fabulous, and i cant wait for what's to come. yaaaay!

    awww that's great!! So glad to hear that it's worked out in your favor so far!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    tomorrow marks our three month anniversary! :happy: :heart: i'm such a cheeseball when it comes to this kinda stuff.. but things have been simply fabulous, and i cant wait for what's to come. yaaaay!

    thats great to hear! enjoy it!