This may be a load of rubbish but worth posting



  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm not going to get into this debate (people have a need to be right on here regardless of what it is as if they're defending their religion.)
    But I will say aspartame is one of the worst things you could put into your body. It's one of the #1 things I look at on labels to be sure anything I buy does not contain it at all.
    I have never heard anything good come of it since I began learning about it 6&1/2 years ago. Nothing good at all.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Your doctors are also trained to treat you with drugs, thousands of $ poured into the drug industry by dishing out prescriptions. How do you think the medical industry survive? Do you know that the doctors get paid by the companies for prescribing their products? That they make money out of you being sick? Why do you think the government want to keep you sick....they make money! The economy would have a meltdown if they actually got people healthy.

    Don't buy into it. Take them if you need them but don't be blind to the difference that food makes. I know what it's like living with auto immune but I also know that it can be controlled and be put into remission with dietary control.

    What have you got to lose by trying?

    Actually the economy is melting down because of the Federal Reserve and their inflationary tactics. Doctors in particular, but health care in general, is a mess and too expensive because of government regulations on health care, not because doctors don't care about their patients. If your doctor doesn't care if you are sick or well, then find a new one.

    Prevention did a survey last year (I'm trying to find it but I read it while my daughter was in the hospital I'll keep searching) and more than half of the doctors surveyed would prescribe a person a drug because the person thought the needed it. The doctor didn't want to argue with the person so they just wrote the script. Also, delayed waiting times in the doctors office happen sometimes because a doctor WILL push off an appointment with you to meet with a drug rep BECAUSE they will get kickbacks. THAT is not isolated! Medicine is a business like any other. It's great to think that it's all about healing and health but where there is money to be made integrity and morality will be compromised!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Oh, well, if you can copy and paste 20 paragraphs of made up facts and statistics, when clearly it must be true. :noway:

    I suggest everyone crying about aspartame being poison check out the extremely well-cited article on aspartame at Wikipedia.

    Here's the short version:
    -Although formaldehyde and formic acid are created during the breakdown of aspartame, the formic acid is excreted faster than it is produced. Furthermore, you can get a higher concentration of these from many fruit juices than you can from aspartame beverages.
    -The FDA concluded that the flaws in the original safety tests were so minor as to not affect the validity of the final results
    -The GAO then examined claims that the FDA had a conflict of interest and found none
    -The CDC has conducted its own research and found no connections between aspartame and various illnesses
    -The EU issued continent-wide approval of aspartame in 1994, reviewing the safety studies and appropriate consumption level in 2002 and 2006, respectively

    That may be true but have you ever noticed how the majority of people who drink/eat aspartame are overweight. You would think getting rid of all those calories would have a positive effect. So why is it most people i know who switch to diet soda never seem to lose a pound? It's all well and good to quote facts for one side or the other but practical application in the real world is what I look for.

    I know lots of people who drink/eat aspartame, and they are very lean. Some people end up craving sweet stuff because of it, and for others, it satisfies a sweet tooth without the calories. However, it becomes a moot point when people are tracking calories unless it affects adherence.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    Oh, well, if you can copy and paste 20 paragraphs of made up facts and statistics, when clearly it must be true. :noway:

    I suggest everyone crying about aspartame being poison check out the extremely well-cited article on aspartame at Wikipedia.

    Here's the short version:
    -Although formaldehyde and formic acid are created during the breakdown of aspartame, the formic acid is excreted faster than it is produced. Furthermore, you can get a higher concentration of these from many fruit juices than you can from aspartame beverages.
    -The FDA concluded that the flaws in the original safety tests were so minor as to not affect the validity of the final results
    -The GAO then examined claims that the FDA had a conflict of interest and found none
    -The CDC has conducted its own research and found no connections between aspartame and various illnesses
    -The EU issued continent-wide approval of aspartame in 1994, reviewing the safety studies and appropriate consumption level in 2002 and 2006, respectively

    That may be true but have you ever noticed how the majority of people who drink/eat aspartame are overweight. You would think getting rid of all those calories would have a positive effect. So why is it most people i know who switch to diet soda never seem to lose a pound? It's all well and good to quote facts for one side or the other but practical application in the real world is what I look for.

    I know lots of people who drink/eat aspartame, and they are very lean. Some people end up craving sweet stuff because of it, and for others, it satisfies a sweet tooth without the calories. However, it becomes a moot point when people are tracking calories unless it affects adherence.
    Also, do you notice how many overweight people eat chicken.:wink:
  • Right time to delete this me thinks.....again sorry for any offence caused....
  • I'm curious as to if there are any science majors out there who took genetics and food chemistry courses and are still scared of things that aren't "natural"

    I study biomedicine, which includes coursework in genetics, biochemistry, physiology, toxicology, etc. I occasionally drink things containing aspartame. Not all the time, because I think it tastes a bit odd, but I'm not concerned about it. Many of the early studies of aspartame that I've read had ecological fallacies that have since been heavily criticized by many in the scientific community, and the results of those experiments have not been repeated in subsequent trials. Also, the amounts used in clinical trials far exceeds "normal" consumption in humans, and even then no reputable correlation between aspartame and disease has been found. I'm personally more concerned about the amount of button mushrooms I eat.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Right time to delete this me thinks.....again sorry for any offence caused....

    No offence taken, Happystars!
  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
    I am glad your sister is on the road to recovery. Sometimes things like that can be hard to pin down. My Aunt bought a trailer and moved into it and started having some serious health problems after, feeling really sick and fatigued all the time. Come to find out later the trailer she bought had been used to cook Meth. She since moved out, the trailer was disposed of and now she is doing so much better. Funny how a small amount of the right chemical cocktail can cause such havoc on the body.
  • Why would anyone eat this garbage (promoted by Donald Rumsfeld as ceo of the company who brought it out) when they can have Stevia or make their own soda (water kefir) with some benefits rather than risks. Commercial soda is just water with chemicals, either high fructose corn syrup or aspartame. HFCS is causing fatty liver in children (according to my endocrinologist) and aspartame causes brain damage. The perfect test case: George W. Bush, he drank 40 diet Pepsi's per day and Princeton has calculated that he has an IQ of about 80.

  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    This thread is hilarious.
  • archie1964
    archie1964 Posts: 34 Member
    Wait! Wait! Let me get my tinfoil hat on!!

    Ok, it's on. Proceed.

  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    So true! Allowing the government to make our decisions for us is the biggest reason that our health is in such a sorry state. When government gets involved, it becomes political, then corrupted. (The FDA is but one example of this.)

    Monto who???

    GMO is good for you.. right?? *baaaa*


    No doubt! Monsanto is the perfect example! :laugh:

    Anyone who trusts the FDA has not bothered to examine the folks making decisions there. :smokin:

    You know, I'm pretty sure I trust my cousin, whose job it is to review post-approval safety data in order to add new warnings to drugs or even get dangerous drugs taken off the market, to make decisions about whether things are dangerous or not.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i sware! people on this site will go to all means to attack someone! i think i was worth reading. i dont agree with it. but the person who posted it did not do it to offend anyone. maybe they just wanted more information to know what to believe. the atricle suggested things to be clearly untrue. it was NOT the person who posted it. so instead of bashing the person and calling them disrespectful, inform them in a polite way with your opinion and views. if you dont have anything nice to say, then keep it to your selves! really! were all adults here! i cant believe i wasted my time reading those nasty posts and now responding to them.

    im going to go ahead and drink my diet dew here and move on. you can read things and inform yourself and NOT agree with them too!
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Makes a lot of sense. I believe the story. Diet soda is a killer.
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    I see a bunch of sheep in this post both ways...... do what you do for yourself, and what you research. Baaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!