Most embarassing thing that has happened to u @ the gym?



  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Practicing handstand pushups, coach comes over to adjust my leg placement and back arch. Just as he has one hand on the small of my back and uses the other to pull my leg, I fart...

    He acted like he didn't notice and I acted like it never happened... but he kept his distance on my next turn...
  • sanalupe
    sanalupe Posts: 47 Member
    OMG! for sure. Lol
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    Several: - and these were witnessed by several people I see at the gym. Made us all you'll get it.

    1. First - The poor guy on the treadmill next to me (20s athletic) was running his butt off and I was on the elliptical next to him kicking some ....and all of a sudden his treadmill belt turned off......he went running/flying into the circuit board display in front of him and nearly summersalted over it. Looked like a wet dish rag hung out to dry. Of course you heard a loud "bang" and grunt. I was like "Holy crap"...and went to go help him but he was fine. I asked him what happened (I thought he outran the timer) and he said "it just turned off". Next day there was a sign posted (it was PRECOR by the way) that said "Treadmills may suddenly turn off without warning" Great.

    2. A woman who seems a bit ....different....swims at the olympic size pool. All the women (and trust me the men) notice when she warms up to swim because she makes all kinds of funny head movements - not tics exactly. What makes it embarressing is that she wears a suit with holes in it and pleasures herself while swimming.

    3. There is a gentleman from the far East who is older...much much older than the average person at the pool He water runs. Takes up a lane and just jogs. Problem is he stares at all the women in the pool under water........and even the very young ones. Then he takes a shower outside (there are plenty of indoor showers) and faces the wrong way so he can watch the girls get out of the pool He's been reported several times but they still let him in.

    4. There is a guy who comes to the pool At first I thought he was wearing a suit that was a bit different. He takes off his sweats outside (doesn't use the locker room) and then proceeds to warm up with jumping jacks for 20 minutes. WHen you look at his suit you swear it's underwear......and then you realize it is. He jumps in the pool, swims one half lap, and then sits against the wall for about 10 minutes, then swims another half lap. Gives me the creaps!

    5. Wardrobe malfunction - I was doing rows on the seated row pull weight machine when I realized that the family jewels were not only out of the safe, but were being reflected in the large convex mirror opposite the machine that truly makes objects appear larger and closer than they are...darn. If Only....

    I think, if I was you, I would find another pool to use :noway: :laugh:
    Totally agree. Start looking for a different pool.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    More than once I've farted when on a climbing (bouldering) wall as I've reached a leg out for a far away hold - usually makes me laugh, which in turn ends up with me falling off!

    Thankfully, not easily embarrassed with most things!
  • Artemis751
    Artemis751 Posts: 20 Member
    Probably not the most original but I rolled off the large exercise ball and ended up sat on my a**e..
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Stepping onto an already moving running machine, to get comepletely flung off the back and shot across the floor!!!

    Very Very embarrassed.
  • absurdic
    absurdic Posts: 62 Member
    I was casually running on the treadmill. 3 min after I had started to run I dropped my pants. Since I was at the gym I didn't wear fancy lingerie but rather my cosypanties with small frogs on them, haha!

    Going down a pantsize isn't always positive ;)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    The time when I farted and my husband wasn't there to take the blame for me. :blushing:
  • I was casually running on the treadmill. 3 min after I had started to run I dropped my pants. Since I was at the gym I didn't wear fancy lingerie but rather my cosypanties with small frogs on them, haha!

    Going down a pantsize isn't always positive ;)

    that's funny right there
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    not a gym, an ice rink. back when I used to play ice hockey and spend far too much time at the rink. anyway there's the foyer, then bullet proof glass doors, then a staircase down to where the ice rink is. One time someone's slapshot broke one of the bullet proof (but apparently not puck proof) glass doors, and for ages there was a gap where the door used to be. I got used to there being a gap there, so would always run up the stairs and through the gap because I was too lazy to actually open one of the doors. Anyway they replaced the door eventually, and of course the new door was all shiny new glass that's harder to see because it's so new. So you can probably guess... I ran up the stairs and SMACK straight into the shiny new bullet proof glass door at high speed. I found it hilariously funny, although I was too dazed to know if anyone else was laughing at me or not.

    Retrospectively I'm glad it was bullet proof glass, because if the door had broken I'd have been a lot worse off!!
  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    No longer go to gyms as nobody wants you on a machine for thirty minutes let alone two hours or melting all over it or grunting or farting so self-gym and when finished go to my own shower and relax.

    Speaking of sweat lost eight pounds on exercise bike last night and that needs a mop and a bucket to clean up.

    You know how you accelerate if on a rowing machine if you sense there is somebody in your periphery.
    My wife in gym went up one notch then another then another trying to keep up with somebody behind her until belting along at a heart thumping rate and thought I can not carry on who is that?
    Turns around and it was Daley Thompson double Olympic decathlon champion.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    At my gym all of the treadmills face the swimming pool. (separated by glass) There was this old asian guy swimming in these baggy swim trunks that were not only too wide for him but too short if you get my drift. Everyone was looking and we would then look at each other and I said to the lady next to me this can't end well. A few minutes later after he swam a couple of laps he climbs out of pool and his swim trunks were up even higher and all of his junk was hanging out. We all busted out laughing. Just then my tread mill stopped dead and I flew forward and fell to my knees on the treadmill nearly hitting my face on the controls. But I was still laughing so hard I didn't care that my knees were all banged up. I just hung onto the bars laughing and rolled over onto my side with tears rolling down my face in laughter. The ladies on either side of me were then cracking up laughing at both the old man with his junk hanging out and me laughing hysterically on the treadmill.
  • Jimmytreatingtons
    Jimmytreatingtons Posts: 128 Member
    Got to be farting on the weights whist getting up! Made worse by the fact a bloke said to me 'if I hadn't have had my earphone in then, otherwise I might have heard you fart!'

    Next one was being in the ladies steamroom for 25 mins! I hadn't noticed they had moved the signs round on the doors, shortly after they hasd opened! Honest mistake!

    Not that the woman who challenged me believed my explaination.
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    Worst was when I finally got back to the gym post accident and hip surgery for a busted femur at the femoral neck.

    I was obese, tummy and manboobs up tight against my shirt, slowly limping my way around a walking track at a mild jog with bad form cause of the pain from my injury, and some teenagers in the gym below saw me, pointed and started laughing at me.

    It was damn depressing and embarrassing.


    Who's laughing now though!

    I rarely wear shorts, my thighs touch. My work out pants were dirty and it was shorts or pj bottoms. I couldn't bring my self to use the pjs so shorts it was. I had ear buds in but music off walking back to the locker room to put away my wallet (had to get it to buy a water after realizing I'd left my water bottle at home) and these teenagers were pointing and laughing.

    I couldn't help but to feel sorry for them as they don't realize their 'workout' (15 minutes on the treadmill) wasn't going to keep them the way they currently are forever....
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Heavy weight + bench press + gas = Loud noise :blushing:

    Yup. I'd say sh$t happens, but not 100% correct. At least in my case.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I saw myself in the mirror and realized that I left the tags on my new gym clothes and let out a girlie scream.

    It's that or the time i went to take off my sweat pants to get down to my running shorts and grabbed a few too many layers. Not a pretty sight for the ladies on the ellipticals behind me.
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    In order:

    1 - long trouser leg getting caught on the peddle in my spin class, right bum cheek exposed followed by sweaty tugging of the trouser which ripped all the bottom

    2 - breaking wind while doing a sit up with loud music on my ipod so NO idea who heard and how loud!

    3-dropping my ipod on the treadmill and it flying off and hitting the back wall narrowly missing about 3 people in the process
  • i was using an empty weight bar to do pull ups. I somehow pulled too hard and it came tumbling down and I fell on my *kitten*.
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    After running for an hour and a half on the tradmill, I looked down and noticed two red spots on my shirt.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    I was doing incline situps as my personal trainer was tossing a 10 lb ball to me. I would catch it on the down move, complete the sit up and push the ball back to him on the "up" portion of the sit up. Anyway, I must of just drank a protein drink or had a protein bar (they make you gassey). During one of the sit ups, I caught the ball, my back hit the ground, I clenched, and ripped one that shook the walls.

    Grossed out the ladies in the gym. The guys who consume a lot of protein drinks/bars understood and laughed.