Most embarassing thing that has happened to u @ the gym?



  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    It actually happened this morning.

    I did my big lift, my hypertrophy lift, and was finishing up with some incline crunches as an assistance exercise. I took my feet out from under the retaining bar and slid backwards down the bench. For the other sets, I learned to hold on the retaining bar before taking my feet out.

    Luckily, I don't believe anyone saw.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Can't decide between my 2...decided to forget the laws of physics during unloading the bar (had 200Kg on it) in a squat rack and watched in horror as I removed the last plate from one side as the other side dropped down hit the floor then swung up and hit the guy next to me smack in the forehead and the time I had a new protein shaker and filled it from the water fountain in the gym (by the cool down stretching mats) then proceeded to shake vigourously at which point the lid came off and covered the mirror and the girl strecthing out on the mats in protein shake?

    You can squat 485 pounds?
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Can't decide between my 2...decided to forget the laws of physics during unloading the bar (had 200Kg on it) in a squat rack and watched in horror as I removed the last plate from one side as the other side dropped down hit the floor then swung up and hit the guy next to me smack in the forehead and the time I had a new protein shaker and filled it from the water fountain in the gym (by the cool down stretching mats) then proceeded to shake vigourously at which point the lid came off and covered the mirror and the girl strecthing out on the mats in protein shake?

    You can squat 485 pounds?

    Either that or the person before didn't unload the bar!
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Can't decide between my 2...decided to forget the laws of physics during unloading the bar (had 200Kg on it) in a squat rack and watched in horror as I removed the last plate from one side as the other side dropped down hit the floor then swung up and hit the guy next to me smack in the forehead and the time I had a new protein shaker and filled it from the water fountain in the gym (by the cool down stretching mats) then proceeded to shake vigourously at which point the lid came off and covered the mirror and the girl strecthing out on the mats in protein shake?

    You can squat 485 pounds?

    Either that or the person before didn't unload the bar!

  • mapnerd2005
    I was working out with my trainer one morning about 2 1/2 years ago (this was when I was in EXCELLENT shape and preparing to run a 1/2), and we were on the track at the gym. The goal was to do lunges the short ends of the track (it's 1/8 mile) and then sprint the long sides. Well, I did the lunges, stood up to sprint, took two strides, and my right hip locked up and I fell FLAT on my face. He looked at me and said "ok, maybe we wait a second or two between lunges and sprinting". LOL.
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    Seeing my big hips in the mirror, while on the elliptical!!! NOT PRETTY!!!!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I farted directly into the face of the person behind me (they were still standing up), while in the yoga "downward dog" pose. It was loud too. Yoga always makes me fart.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I had a serious wardrobe malfunction in yoga class. Thank goodness it was a class full of women. They don't much care about bewbs.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Accidentally dropped a 100 lb plate about 1' from the floor... onto my big toe.

    My brother lost the top part of 3 fingers this way. Dropped the plate on his finger tips and took them clean off. It was during high school football and the coach drove him to the hospital, finger tips on ice and re attached them with prosthetic nails. There is a video of the procedure at Purdue University somewhere... :laugh:
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Can't decide between my 2...decided to forget the laws of physics during unloading the bar (had 200Kg on it) in a squat rack and watched in horror as I removed the last plate from one side as the other side dropped down hit the floor then swung up and hit the guy next to me smack in the forehead and the time I had a new protein shaker and filled it from the water fountain in the gym (by the cool down stretching mats) then proceeded to shake vigourously at which point the lid came off and covered the mirror and the girl strecthing out on the mats in protein shake?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am crying right now, lol!
  • WandaMM1
    WandaMM1 Posts: 132 Member
    Several: - and these were witnessed by several people I see at the gym. Made us all you'll get it.

    1. First - The poor guy on the treadmill next to me (20s athletic) was running his butt off and I was on the elliptical next to him kicking some ....and all of a sudden his treadmill belt turned off......he went running/flying into the circuit board display in front of him and nearly summersalted over it. Looked like a wet dish rag hung out to dry. Of course you heard a loud "bang" and grunt. I was like "Holy crap"...and went to go help him but he was fine. I asked him what happened (I thought he outran the timer) and he said "it just turned off". Next day there was a sign posted (it was PRECOR by the way) that said "Treadmills may suddenly turn off without warning" Great.

    2. A woman who seems a bit ....different....swims at the olympic size pool. All the women (and trust me the men) notice when she warms up to swim because she makes all kinds of funny head movements - not tics exactly. What makes it embarressing is that she wears a suit with holes in it and pleasures herself while swimming.

    3. There is a gentleman from the far East who is older...much much older than the average person at the pool He water runs. Takes up a lane and just jogs. Problem is he stares at all the women in the pool under water........and even the very young ones. Then he takes a shower outside (there are plenty of indoor showers) and faces the wrong way so he can watch the girls get out of the pool He's been reported several times but they still let him in.

    4. There is a guy who comes to the pool At first I thought he was wearing a suit that was a bit different. He takes off his sweats outside (doesn't use the locker room) and then proceeds to warm up with jumping jacks for 20 minutes. WHen you look at his suit you swear it's underwear......and then you realize it is. He jumps in the pool, swims one half lap, and then sits against the wall for about 10 minutes, then swims another half lap. Gives me the creaps!

    5. Wardrobe malfunction - I was doing rows on the seated row pull weight machine when I realized that the family jewels were not only out of the safe, but were being reflected in the large convex mirror opposite the machine that truly makes objects appear larger and closer than they are...darn. If Only....

    Holy crap! #1 and #5 deserve and got giant belly laughs!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Incline press....Too much weight...started to tip one way and all I could think to yell was OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

    Lucky for me someone was there to help me not die. Another lucky thing...hubs bought us weights for at home!
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    Several: - and these were witnessed by several people I see at the gym. Made us all you'll get it.

    1. First - The poor guy on the treadmill next to me (20s athletic) was running his butt off and I was on the elliptical next to him kicking some ....and all of a sudden his treadmill belt turned off......he went running/flying into the circuit board display in front of him and nearly summersalted over it. Looked like a wet dish rag hung out to dry. Of course you heard a loud "bang" and grunt. I was like "Holy crap"...and went to go help him but he was fine. I asked him what happened (I thought he outran the timer) and he said "it just turned off". Next day there was a sign posted (it was PRECOR by the way) that said "Treadmills may suddenly turn off without warning" Great.

    2. A woman who seems a bit ....different....swims at the olympic size pool. All the women (and trust me the men) notice when she warms up to swim because she makes all kinds of funny head movements - not tics exactly. What makes it embarressing is that she wears a suit with holes in it and pleasures herself while swimming.

    3. There is a gentleman from the far East who is older...much much older than the average person at the pool He water runs. Takes up a lane and just jogs. Problem is he stares at all the women in the pool under water........and even the very young ones. Then he takes a shower outside (there are plenty of indoor showers) and faces the wrong way so he can watch the girls get out of the pool He's been reported several times but they still let him in.

    4. There is a guy who comes to the pool At first I thought he was wearing a suit that was a bit different. He takes off his sweats outside (doesn't use the locker room) and then proceeds to warm up with jumping jacks for 20 minutes. WHen you look at his suit you swear it's underwear......and then you realize it is. He jumps in the pool, swims one half lap, and then sits against the wall for about 10 minutes, then swims another half lap. Gives me the creaps!

    5. Wardrobe malfunction - I was doing rows on the seated row pull weight machine when I realized that the family jewels were not only out of the safe, but were being reflected in the large convex mirror opposite the machine that truly makes objects appear larger and closer than they are...darn. If Only....

    Holy crap! #1 and #5 deserve and got giant belly laughs!

    I think they need to find a new gym! That's a whole lot of crazy for one building
  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member
    This happened about a month ago. I got off work, went to the gym. Changing out of my work clothes into my jogging pants I thought one of legs felt odd. No biggie it must be bundled up from being in my gym bag. Two minutes later running on the tread mill a pair of my underwear pop out of the bottom of the leg and shoot back onto the floor! ARGH! Of course it wasn’t one of my new stylish boxers, but nooooo it had to be one of my ultra-cozy, broken elastic, will never give up, 10yr old tighty-whities. I thought to myself are you fkn’ kidding me! I got off the tread mill while it was still running, quickly picked them up, squeezed them into the tightest, smallest ball to fit in my hand went into the locker room grabbed my stuff and left. I wasn’t sure if anyone saw what happened but I did skip the gym the next day. I’ll never dry gym pants with socks & underwear again.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Fell over doing lunges with heavy dumbbells. :laugh: :laugh:

    Tripped over my step in a step aerobics class - I didn't fall, I "saved" it with a lot of lurching and stumbling. :laugh:
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    I went to the locker room because I had to pee. When I got there, there were only a couple of squares of t.p. left. Since I am a germ-a-phobe, and didn't have enough paper to cover the seat, I decided to "hover". Well, apparently I didn't get my shorts down far enough and I peed on the back of my shorts. :blushing: It was the one day that I had changed before going to the gym, so my clothes were out in my car. I was not about to walk through the gym with pee pee shorts, so I stood under the hand dryer until they were dry, went out to the car, got my bag, showered, and went home. I have not attempted that maneuver since. I would rather hold it.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I was doing a fitness assessment - how many situps can I do in 1 minute....My friend was holding my feet and keeping track of time (of course there were 10 other people in the room), and I farted. I didn't break stride, just said, "Sorry". No problem.

    Two weeks later the same friend and I were lifting together and I ended up doing it AGAIN - right next to her. I was quite mortified....and she hasn't worked out with me since!
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    Oh, you know. The squat n' fart.
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    This happened about a month ago. I got off work, went to the gym. Changing out of my work clothes into my jogging pants I thought one of legs felt odd. No biggie it must be bundled up from being in my gym bag. Two minutes later running on the tread mill a pair of my underwear pop out of the bottom of the leg and shoot back onto the floor! ARGH! Of course it wasn’t one of my new stylish boxers, but nooooo it had to be one of my ultra-cozy, broken elastic, will never give up, 10yr old tighty-whities. I thought to myself are you fkn’ kidding me! I got off the tread mill while it was still running, quickly picked them up, squeezed them into the tightest, smallest ball to fit in my hand went into the locker room grabbed my stuff and left. I wasn’t sure if anyone saw what happened but I did skip the gym the next day. I’ll never dry gym pants with socks & underwear again.
    ^ This happened to me at the drycleaners. About 10 people waiting in line, I pull a pair of slacks out of the bag to put them on the counter, and a pair of panties went flying across the front of the store and landed at the feet of a little old guy. Mortifying.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Several: - and these were witnessed by several people I see at the gym. Made us all you'll get it.

    1. First - The poor guy on the treadmill next to me (20s athletic) was running his butt off and I was on the elliptical next to him kicking some ....and all of a sudden his treadmill belt turned off......he went running/flying into the circuit board display in front of him and nearly summersalted over it. Looked like a wet dish rag hung out to dry. Of course you heard a loud "bang" and grunt. I was like "Holy crap"...and went to go help him but he was fine. I asked him what happened (I thought he outran the timer) and he said "it just turned off". Next day there was a sign posted (it was PRECOR by the way) that said "Treadmills may suddenly turn off without warning" Great.

    LOL If I saw a sign like that, I'd be a little scared :noway:

    I didn't realize til a few weeks ago that the treadmills at my gym turn off after 60 minutes. There I was running along (thankfully kinda slowly, I think about 5.1 or so) and all of a sudden it turned off. I almost fell off and out loud said "dude, WTF?" The guy next to me laughed, apparently he hadn't expected me to swear at the machine and talk to it like it would answer me.