Name your most recent non-scale related victory



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I have a couple for today!

    I went to the gym and was told by some random guy that he assumed I was a newbie, because I had new workout clothes on. He said that after he saw me work out and run on the treadmill, he knew I wasn't and wanted to know how long I had been going there. Umm... today was the 5th time I've been there. :)

    I remember when I belonged to a gym years ago, I'd try to keep up with the person on the treadmill next to me by making my stride the same as theirs. Today, the person next to me was doing it. I could see her looking at my feet, increasing her speed, then repeating until she 'caught' up with me, all while holding on for dear life with her hands.
    Then I started running and she got off it. lol I wanted to say NOOOO don't stop, but honestly I don't really know why she got off it.

    I was in a hurry while getting ready to go to the gym today and I grabbed a tshirt out of the dryer and tossed it into my gym bag. When I was done showering, I grab the tshirt, that was inside out, put it on and realized it was my sons! Thank God it fit. Too bad it was an American Eagle tiny tshirt. Ugh. I got out of there as quick as I could before anyone could see me. Oh well, at least I fit into it and didn't have to wear my sweat soaked shirt I worked out in. lol

    ETA: I forgot about this one. I use a treadmill at home and was depressed because, on it, I could only jog at 3.5 to 4mph. I get to the gym and get on one of their $15,000.00 treadmills, and I'm jogging at 4.5 to 5mph and had to raise their incline to 2.2 in order for it to feel like my 'at home' workout. I was thrilled! Maybe someday I'll be able to say I'm a 'runner' and not just a jogger. :)
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Ran a mile in under 15 minutes
  • MsJayeKaye
    MsJayeKaye Posts: 155 Member
    My NSV happened totally by surprise this morning when my sister dropped off a pair of size 10 jeans she can no longer fit (too big for her, she's also on MFP) and I'm wearing them now! Whoo hoo! I haven't been this size in over 10 years!

    Just read through all of the posts and I wanted to add that all of these are great NSVs!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Having to make some more holes in my belt. It now wraps round one and a quarter times and is starting to look silly! Time for a new one..... Disappointing as the belt is "only" about 20 years old. :smile:
  • LydHoule
    This doesn't have to do with weight loss or my body but I passed a nusing exam I had today with a 94% but this put a spring in my step for the whole day!

    Way to go! My husband is a nurse, so I know how hard and stressful those exams are!
  • Davariluv
    Davariluv Posts: 32 Member
    It's the best when you look at pictures and are really happy with what you when I get compliments such as "your looking skinny". Good job!!
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    My size 16s I bought in November completely slide off me without unbuttoning or unzipping them... hah.
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member
    Nothing to do with weight loss, but it has been over a month since my last cigarette. Today is day 32! I really meant it when I decided to quit this time, and it's working! :smile:
  • essaryswife73
    essaryswife73 Posts: 81 Member
    I just bought a couple of outfits in the smallest size I've been in 4 years! And now I see hope to be in clothes smaller than I've worn since JR. HIGH!!!!
  • Rodderick89
    Rodderick89 Posts: 205 Member
    Ohh I'm LOVING these NSVs - mine is fitness related - I started 3 weeks ago being unable to even benchpress 5kg, now up to 25kg.. really pleased to be making progress :)
  • RobfromLakewood
    A few happened in succession:

    A stranger at Starbucks came up to my wife and I and complimented both our weight loss, but also our overall athletic look.

    Going one belt hole thinner on a belt I needed to buy in December when my other belts were too big.

    A co-worker today asking me if I was still losing weight, because I look thinner then just two weeks ago.

    All good things post three beers, a baker's dozen of wings and LOTS of chips and dip from SB Sunday
  • MelisaBegins
    MelisaBegins Posts: 161 Member
    One of my first goals was to get into a pair of jeans that are one size too small. A month ago I could wrestle them on but there was no way they would zip and button up. Yesterday they buttoned! There's some muffin top but they buttoned. Next month they'll glide on and be comfy. And I won't wear them until then because muffin top is ick.

    That is so awesome! One of my goals is jeans-related too. I want some cute new ones but will NOT buy them until I can do so without the muffin top too. :)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I love nsv's, whether they are mine or anyone else's. Thanks for posting, I'm so proud of all of you!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Several in the last couple of weeks-

    I flew to DC to visit family that I haven't seen in a year. When I sat in the seat on the airplane, I had to tighten the seatbelt!

    I am now smaller than my "skinny" brother!

    The size 10 clothes that I bought last month are getting too big, gonna have to go shopping again!
  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    Going to the cinema and not eating pop corn
  • blackgold86
    blackgold86 Posts: 171 Member
    Ohh I'm LOVING these NSVs - mine is fitness related - I started 3 weeks ago being unable to even benchpress 5kg, now up to 25kg.. really pleased to be making progress :)

    Thats fantastic!

    Such a great feeling when you get that confidence to increase weights!
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Watching TV and gagging just a bit every time a fast-food commercial came on. I used to live off of Carl's Jr & Jack In The Box.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    got under 10% BF!

    Good luck!
  • southern_star
    southern_star Posts: 89 Member
    I was able to wear my daughter's pants to work, two sizes smaller.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Got carded for a beer yesterday. I told the young lady I was old enough to be her mother. She says "oh, I don't think so, my mother turned 40 last month." NSV because I'm older than her mom.

    This really made me feel good because I've been feeling so old lately.