What little things annoy you?



  • poorvifat

    Those size 0 jean wearing girls that says "god, I'm so fat" to their size 14 friends.
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    People walking in the bicycle lanes, or parking their car there. Would you walk in the car lane, or park on the sidewalk? No? Then what are you doing in the bike lane?! Get out, or don't whine about scrapes in the finish or rude bikers yelling at you. One of whom will be me, if you're not hopping up on that sidewalk right now!

    (Tourists are entertaining though. They look so terrified, and do great headless chicken impressions when I use the bell to let them know they are in the wrong lane.)
  • entwife
    entwife Posts: 134 Member
    The buzz of flourescent lights, PCs and fridges. SSSSSHHH!

    Machines that beep at me. yes Fridge i know you are open, I am standing right in front of you putting the groceries away grrr

    Hubby I love you but I just started brushing my teeth and we only have a single sink in our bathroom. Can't you just wait 2 minutes before you start brushing YOUR teeth??!!! I can't take the pressure!
  • jess0105
    jess0105 Posts: 34 Member
    Slow drivers in the fast lane and people that speed up when you are passing them!

    THIS! Most things that annoy me are driving related. Including being stuck somebody behind doing 40mph in a 60mph zone who then continues to do 40mph when it changes to a 30mph zone!!! Such good drivers, NOT!
  • jmmcs
    jmmcs Posts: 46 Member
    People walking in the bicycle lanes, or parking their car there. Would you walk in the car lane, or park on the sidewalk? No? Then what are you doing in the bike lane?! Get out, or don't whine about scrapes in the finish or rude bikers yelling at you. One of whom will be me, if you're not hopping up on that sidewalk right now!

    (Tourists are entertaining though. They look so terrified, and do great headless chicken impressions when I use the bell to let them know they are in the wrong lane.)

    It's worse when idiot drivers attempt to use the bicycle lane to pass you.

    I'm OCD so I have too many petty gripes to count. Some things on the list would be people that think that there is an "a" in the word definitely, cigarette smoke, when objects that I own are moved 1 cm from their original spot, etc...
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Misuse of they're, there, their. Also two, to, too and don't get me started on your/you're or possessive apostrophes. Gah!
  • peza2605
    pointed shoes. why? god knows.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Oh, and Keira Knightley.
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    People at work who have just come back from a smoke break and now need to talk to you.

    Could you have chatted to me before you had a cigarette ? Zombie breath . . . Nasty !
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    People who say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less" seriously, look at it, it doesn't actually make sense!!!!

    David Mitchell (English comedian) pretty much sums it up.

    Enjoy :bigsmile:

  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    <====== I have one of those, but mine has access to the room so he likes to jump on the bed & do it 2 inches from my face :grumble:
    My cat who thinks he's a rooster and stands outside the bedroom door meowing at 5 am, every day. grrr.
  • amy_fulk
    1) I'm a very organized & particular person. If someone is in my things I can always tell. Biggest pet peeve of all time!

    2) When not even your doctor wants to help you with your health. I may have a handful of auto-immune diseases, but ya'll have a very great career to help people like me! Stop sending me to the E.R. where no one knows anything and send me to a specialist! So darn frustrating.
  • kendunn579
    kendunn579 Posts: 391 Member
    The teenager who squats in my house...
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    dogs barking. cant stand it. cant stand my own dog barking.

    Ironically, I agree with clydethecat... but My dog's name is Clyde, not the cat. The cat's name is Vox lol. ;)
  • Wickedbookworm1977
    People who cannot spell, as well as obvious grammatical errors that these same people invariably make.
  • Wickedbookworm1977
    I loathe mouth noises: whistling, smacking, chomping, grinding teeth, licking, mouth breathing...

    Oh and any repetitive sound: tapping, clicking a pen, opening/shutting things.

    People who refuse to speak (Passing a coworker in the hall, I say "Good Morning" or "Have a good night" and they say nothing).

    Chronic Complainers. People have complaints, I get that...but every day? about every thing?
    And coughing, hacking people!!!!
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    when you're texting someone and they text you back immediately for hours and then you say something that puts you in a vulnerable position and they stop texting you.
  • Danger2OneSelf
    Danger2OneSelf Posts: 883 Member
    when someone does the King-Kong-squeeze with the toothpaste tube!! :explode:

    When I'm peeling hard boiled eggs and the shell's breaking off one miniscule piece at a time, or half the egg white comes off with it....makes me wanna throw the whole dam thing at someone
  • twilliams1006
    When someone blocks the entire aisle and Wal Mart and ignores you when you say 'Excuse Me'! :huh:
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    There's a lady at my gym who chews gum with her mouth wide open through her entire workout :( Cardio, strength circuit etc. I'd say something but I am pretty sure she'd turn me into a pretzel. I have been alternating my gym hours trying to find the niche where she is NOT there, but it hasn't worked well so far.

    Chew with your mouth shut folks :(